Over 390 students graduate in degree and diploma from CHS
http://www.shabait.com/images/stories/pics/beyene-health.jpgAsmara, 30 June
2012 - A total of 396 students graduated in degree and diploma from the
College of Health Science (CHS) in Radiology, Dentistry, Nursing,
Anesthesia, Pharmacy, Laboratory Technology, Public Health and others. The
number of degree and diploma holders is 115 and 281 respectively.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Ms. Amna Nurhusein, Minister of Health,
pointed out that the Government has made considerable investment to
strengthen human capital in the health sector, and that the number of
medical personnel has been growing in all domains.
Indicating that the goal of the College is to nurture competent and
ethically reliable medical professionals, Mr. Zerabruk Tesfamariam, the
Acting Dean of CHS, stated that remarkable endeavors have been made with a
view to meeting the demand for medical personnel. He further indicated that
the College has a total of 1,612 students pursuing studies in 15
A representative of the graduating batch commended the academic opportunity
accorded them at government expense, and said that they would serve the
people with dedication and supplement the knowledge they have acquired with
A total of 951 students are said to have graduated from the CHS since 1999,
18 of whom are holders of Masters Degree.
569 students graduate in certificate from Asmara Teachers Education
Asmara, 30 June 2012 - Asmara Teachers Education Institute graduated 569
students in certificate, 131 of whom are females.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Mr. Alem Gebrekal, director of the
Institute, indicated that the Institute is exerting endeavors to meet
growing demand for teachers in line with the country's expanding educational
facilities. Stating that the capacity of the Institute's library has become
a considerable resource for students, he called on the graduating batch to
play an exemplary role in their career.
Mr. Petros Hailemariam, director general of human resources development in
the Ministry of Education, called on them to work hard for the realization
of the cherished goal as regards education.
The representative of the graduating batch on his part asserted that they
would serve the country with dedication.
Reports indicated that 58 out of the graduates pursued studies in the Arabic
104 students graduate in certificate from Mai-Habar Technical School
http://www.shabait.com/images/stories/pics/0-1-mai-habar.jpgMai-Habar, 29
June 2012 - A total of 104 students graduated in certificate on June 28 from
Mai-Habar Technical School in Auto-mechanics, Construction, Drafting,
Electronics, Electricity, Metal Work, Plumbing and Surveying.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony in Mai-Habar, Mr. Tesfai Sium, director
general of technical and professional education department in the Ministry
of Education, noted that the Government has been making substantial
investment with a view to reinforcing the national economy on the basis of
technology-equipped youths.
Indicating that the graduating class attended a two-year program which
involved theoretical and practical aspects, Mr. Wehab Mohammed Ali, director
of the school, called on them to translate into deeds their pledge to back
up national development programs.
Degol Andom, representative of the graduating batch, commended the academic
opportunity accorded them at government expense, and said that they would
serve the people with dedication.
Reports indicate that a total of 2,127 students have graduated in diploma
and certificate from Mai-Habar Technical School since 1994.
Over 100 students graduate in certificate from Hagaz Agricultural and
Technical School
Hagaz, 28 June 2012 - A total of 101 students graduated in certificate on
June 26 from Hagaz Agricultural and Technical School in Animal Science,
Agro-mechanics, Plant Science, as well as Soil and Water Conservation.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Brother Aron Eyob, director of the
school, called on the graduating batch to make due contribution towards
ensuring food security.
Indicating that the role of well-equipped professional youths is a
prerequisite to the nation-building process, Mr. Tesfai Sium, director
general of technical and professional education department in the Education
Ministry, stressed that the Government has made substantial investment in
this regard. He also voiced appreciation for the quality service being
rendered by the school, and called on the graduates to supplement the
knowledge they have acquired through experience in their respective careers.
The representative of the graduating batch said that they would work hard to
translate into deeds their pledge to back up national endeavors of realizing
sustainable food security.
Reports indicate that a total of 700 students have graduated so far from
Hagaz Agricultural and Technical School, and that the latest commencement is
the 12th round.
126 students graduate in diploma from Wina Technical School
Nakfa, 27 June 2012 - A total of 126 students graduated in diploma on June
24 from Wina Technical School, Nacfa, in the fields of electricity, wood and
metals works, as well as Auto mechanics and engineering.
Speaking during the graduation ceremony, Mr. Kaleab Zeru, director of the
school, underlined that the students demonstrated good academic performance,
and called on them to translate into deeds their pledge to serve their
Mr. Tesfai Sium, director general of technical and professional education
department in the Education Ministry, explained that the role of knowledge
and professionalism is a determining factor in ensuring economic
emuncipation and social justice, and that the youths afforded such
educational opportunity are expected to make significant contribution to the
national development programs. He further called on them to supplement the
knowledge they
have acquired through experience in their respective careers.
Wina Technical School which opened in 1985 in Arag during the armed struggle
for independence was reestablished in 1997 in Nacfa town with greater
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Received on Sun Jul 01 2012 - 11:49:26 EDT