Interaction is a fundamental need for our survival. Be it at family level,
community or
International level this assertion is irrefutable. If this is so, then what
we call globalization is not
Really a new phenomenon in a sense that the need for interaction is
inherent to human nature.
Indeed even interaction in terms of trade, ideas and culture has a long
history that predates the
Nation-states. If Latin was spoken in different parts of the world
thousands of years ago, if gold
Was taken from Africa to Europe and Asia, or if scientific ideas and
breakthrough was shared among
Different scientist of different countries, then it means the major
components of what we now call
Globalization had a long history. Interaction and interdependence has
always been necessity. The difference is in the speed and
institutionalization of the form in which such components are now
Being exchanged. Information is disseminated all over the world in a matter
of seconds, trade has
never been easier and faster, yet travel and cultural interaction has
become a common practice.
It is this trend that we are calling globalization.
Over the years our life and its various aspect has proliferated in
unprecedented rapidity. Thus
sustaining this has demand an ever increasing interaction amongst
individuals and nations. It can also be taken that the reason for the
proliferation of the aspects of our life is the opportunities and
threats the very same process of globalization has caused. By the same
assertion it is very hard to dismiss globalization as totally good or bad.
Just like anything else it has advantages and opportunities it creates and
disadvantages and threats it poses. That is why engaging in it requires an
understanding of these facts. However, whether one like it or not everyone
is engaged in it as it is a force no one can escape. This issue is so
important that there has been a lot of discourse over it and many things
has been said concerning it. The economic consequence of the phenomenon, or
the political debate it seems to have created, and the social dilemma it
has brought about is at the top list of topics that are
Debated upon. However, nothing seems to bring a lot of controversy like the
issue of culture when we address the impact of globalization on people and
especially youngsters. Changes in areas of politics and economy can fairly
be accommodated with relative ease when we talk about a particular society.
But when it is the issue of culture that is on stake it is bound to provoke
and generate more heat. That’s why the issue of globalization and culture
has remained highly contentious
matter. Each culture has its own personality. Culture is a continuous
process of change but in spite of the change, culture continues giving a
community a sense of identity, dignity, continuity, security and
binds society together. The fact that we are all human does not mean that
we are all the same and
ignoring this can be fatal. The effect globalization has had on culture is
immense and diverse. It has affected people’s cultural behaviors in
different ways. People have had to change their living ways.
Many seem to agree that globalization cannot go back. And the most
important element of the
Information and culture industry is growing at an incredibly quick speed.
Nowadays, at the center of
The debate on globalization lies the assumption that globalization leads to
the homogeneity and identity of nations and cultures that are increasingly
ruined. And the various protests in various countries indicate that the
identity of the issue of globalization and culture must be taken much more
Therefore, protection of local identity is necessary during the interaction
that globalization entails. The general feeling is that, while countries
that have control of the global economy do not share the same concerns as
those of less fortunate countries, the destruction of local cultures in
developing countries will continue. Therefore it is up to us to combat the
threat while at the same time benefiting from the unprecedented opportunity
globalization has forwarded. People and especially the youth, as the first
benefactor and victim of globalization, should be conscious on the dealing
of the matter. One of the most outspoken critiques of globalization is the
fear that such a process would undermine the national cultures and
individual identities. The mass consumption of standardized goods brought
by international in the cultural sectors and others can be regarded as
something negative. A person famously explained this by saying “The loud
echoing advertisement rhythms of the famous Coca-Cola drinks can be heard
across boundaries in towns, cities and townships and even in remote rural
areas of Africa where drinking water is a problem to get.” This was to
signify that some of the traits of globalization don’t fit the socio-
economic and cultural realities of every country. The dark side of
globalization is the gradual elimination of any local interest, the rule or
tradition. This, therefore should be where our careful focus be, and
interest in preserving our identity should be give due attention in dealing
with it. It is indeed a gigantic struggle, an effort in which organization
and coordination are essential.
By: Daniel Semere
*YPFDJ British Columbia Chapter*
YPFDJ Goal and Purpose
- Our goal is to build a strong, conscious and patriotic youth movement.
Our purpose is:
- To raise the awareness and level of organisation of Eritrean youth to
serve our nation
- To reassert the identity, patriotism and unity of Eritrean youth
- To promote the participation of Eritrean Youth in the national
reconstruction of Eritrea as well as guarding the sovereignty of Eritrea
- To enhance the position and influence of Eritrean Youth in their
respective countries of residence.
Received on Fri Jul 13 2012 - 10:10:04 EDT