It looks as if the Age of Meles may be coming to an end. Who knows what the future holds for Weyane's rule. Regardless, any previously unsuspecting person who may not have been certain of Eritrea's involvement in Somalia can now see SEMG's report for what it really is -- a political hatchet job designed to take away Eritrea's political and fiscal independence and force it to line-up with the rest of the highly-indebted, independent-in-name-only, dysfunctional African nations that are only there to be dictated to. The fact that Eritrea believes in on-your-own-feet independence unlike Weyane's on-your-knees servitude is a major anathema to Weyane's masters. Weyane's masters hate that Eritrea chooses to live within its own means and prefers to use its own labor, resources and ingenuity to develop. They hate that it chooses to not mortgage its future and compromise its sovereignty by taking ruinous loans from The World Bank. They hate that it refuses to be
exploited and jealously guards its natural resources for the benefit of future generations. They hate that they have no leverage over Eritrea since it doesn't accept foreign aid and doesn't live on handouts like Weyane does. But above all, they know that Eritrea is too strong for Ethiopia to handle alone!!! They are trying to weaken Eritrea with these illegal sanctions so that dysfunctional Ethiopia can have its way. What a rotten international system indeed. They hate Eritrea's superior powers of organization, discipline and orderliness and want to see chaos in Eritrea because it suits them. But it could soon be Weyane's Ethiopia with its servile attitude that is engulfed in chaos!
Received on Fri Aug 03 2012 - 22:38:50 EDT