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[dehai-news] Demonic David Rockefeller Fiends Dulles Kissinger Brzezinski -

From: <wolda002_at_umn.edu>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:03:00 -0500

Demonic David Rockefeller Fiends Dulles Kissinger Brzezinski -
Investor Wars Korea thru Syria

*By Jay Janson *

17 August, 2012
*Countercurrents.org *

*History of David Rockefeller led global arrangements of
financial-political control thru public information
management<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>culminating in
‘The International Community' (formerly, ‘The Free World',
earlier The Colonial Powers), arraying covert agencies and military of
US-NATO-UN, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, in war on Syria and Iran.
China and Russia's pathetic resistance after having acquiesced to the
destruction of Libya.*

For almost sixty years, during the presidencies of Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama,
three corrupt confidants of one evil mastermind have been the major long
term managers of a US massively
homicidal<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>foreign policy of
invasions, occupations, undeclared wars, bombings,
military threats and CIA led violent overthrows and assassinations
throughout the third world.

Only three appointed high government officials have run sixty years of war
on small vulnerable nations, that were previously plundered under military
occupation by colonial powers for centuries?

Three spooks, John Foster Dulles (aided by his equally corrupt brother
Allen, head of the CIA), Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, chosen by
David Rockefeller to oversee the deaths of tens of millions of men, women
and children, murdered in their own small beloved countries, as often as
not in their own towns, villages and homes - millions more dying in violent
aftermaths of US crimes against Congo, Guatemala, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia,
Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Indonesia, Libya
and many other places. (Congo alone accounts for from between six and
fifteen million dead since the US led Belgians and other Europeans in
destroying it as a nation.

In every single case of US mayhem (that if totaled up reaches many
multi-holocaust proportions), civil war, fomented by the US itself, has
been used as a pretext for unlawful barbaric criminal
intervention<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>by US Armed
Forces, most often prepared by a corporate business dutiful CIA
using its far flung network of banks, media, double agents and cooperating

Civil wars! Capitalist empires of Europe had been stimulating them under
the axiom "Divide and Conquer' since the first Portuguese armed merchant
ships set sail, funded by enterprising investors in the fifteenth century.

>From the earliest days of investor managed crimes of savage European forces
(and later those of the US) falling upon ancient civilizations and
cultures, there have been many famous devilishly clever lead investors
cleverly creating wars of assured
The most infamous in modern history were David's grandfather
John Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan.

Morgan, once accused on the floor of Congress of having amassed financial
control of America, enabled wars from Mexico to Manchuria. In Mexico,
during the Carranza presidency, his top CEO Thomas Lamont was jokingly
referred to as the real president of the country, and Lamont was rumored to
have written the Japanese press
release<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>on the invasion of
China. [
*Ambassador from Wall Street: The Story of Thomas W. Lamont, J.P. Morgan's
Chief Executive, Edward Lamont *]

Morgan and John D. Rockefeller made the mega profitable continuance of WW I
possible through the concentrated financial might and lending power of
their secretly planned and created giant Federal Reserve (neither Federal
nor Reserve, but a private bank of gangster investors).

The super colossal fortunes made before, during and after WW II were
prepared by John Rockefeller, often then referred to as the "richest man in
the world,' leading, along with Hitler's benefactor, Henry Ford and Irénée
DuPont, America's banks, corporations, and big business men like Joe
Kennedy and Prescott Bush, the crucial investing in a prostrate Germany of
low wage labor and collaborating in building Hitler's Nazi armed forces up
to world number one. (After the war, John Rockefeller's Standard Oil
Company was indicted and tried for "Trading with the Enemy" through it's
Latin American branches.)

Young David Rockefeller began his nefarious career in 1945 as a director on
the board of the privately organized (by colluding investors) Council of
Foreign Relations. Its members, all corporate backed with academic
appearing credentials, are regularly presented on our cartelized media talk
shows as experts on the world and US foreign policy, which of course they
as an inner mafia have a critical hand in manipulating.

Beginning in 1939, the Council achieved great prominence within the
government and the State Department, when it established the strictly
confidential War and Peace Studies. The secrecy surrounding this group was
such that the Council members who were not involved in its deliberations
were completely unaware of the study group's existence. It was divided into
four functional topic groups: economic and financial, security and
armaments, territorial, and political. The security and armaments group was
headed by Allen Dulles who later became a pivotal figure in the CIA's
predecessor, the OSS, producing 682 memorandums for the State Department,
marked classified and circulated among the appropriate government
departments. [ *Wikipedia *] [

Readers won't regret a look at CFR's own (frightening?) web site: "About
CFR", which features huge photos of its three most public faces above CFR's
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan
membership organization, think tank, and publisher, an indispensable
resource in a complex world.

Current membership of more than 4,500 living in New York, Washington, DC,
across the country and abroad. Its Corporate Program serves an
international membership of about two hundred leading global corporations.

The David Rockefeller Studies
<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>Program--CFR's think
tank--is composed of more than seventy full-time and
adjunct fellows who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping
today's international agenda. ... including the Center for Geo-economic
Studies, the Center for Preventive Action, and the International
Institutions and Global Governance Program. Outreach initiatives target ...
educators, students; religious and congregational leaders, state and local
officials, and nonprofit, civic, and community leaders.

The Washington Program actively engages decision-makers in Congress, the
executive branch, and the diplomatic community. The bimonthly Foreign
Affairs is widely considered to be the most influential magazine for the
analysis and debate of foreign policy and economics. Independent Task
Forces work to reach consensus on how to deal with critical foreign policy
challenges." [ *About CFR *]
[ http://www.cfr.org/about/ ]

In 1945-46, Rockefeller also was in on the founding of the CIA for knowing
well Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles -- an in-law of the
family. It was in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his
operational center liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal
U.S. operation there. [ Wikipedia ]

In 1947, Rockefeller joined the board of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, (a sister think tank of the CFR), John Foster Dulles,
Chairman, and moved the Endowment's headquarters to a site with a Chase
Bank on the ground floor opposite the new United Nations headquarters

In 1953 Eisenhower was made to see fit to appoint David Rockefeller's
confidant and cold war hawk, John Foster Dulles, as Secretary of State to
manage the continuing invasion of a Korea that had been criminally divided,
but before the US invasion, already quickly reunified under the government
established in the more industrialized North that replaced the unpopular
and brutally lethal US installed dictatorial regime of Syngman Rhee in the
South. [ *Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Korea:(South) disclosures]
* <http://www.japanfocus.org/-Kim-Dong_choon/3313>http://www.japanfocus.org/-Kim-Dong_choon/3313

The Dulles brothers were guiding hands of US foreign policy long before
John Foster became Sec. of State. In 1918, racist Woodrow Wilson had
appointed Dulles legal counsel to the United States delegation to the
Versailles Peace Conference, where pleas from representatives of the
colonies for recognition to speak were disregarded and Wilson made US
recognition of Korea as Japanese Imperial territory official.

In the 30s John Foster had been an attorney and partner in the firm
Sullivan & Cromwell doing business with I.G. Farben (the chemical
manufacturer of "Zyklon-B' poison gas used in the Nazi death camps) and its
associated Nazi-era corporations. Sullivan and Cromwell thrived on its
cartels and collusion with the new Nazi regime. In 1933 and 1934, when the
Nazis' s barbarous course was already obvious, Dulles led off cables to his
German clients with the salutation, "Heil Hitler". In 1935, he scribbled a
screed for the Atlantic Monthly magazine dismissing Nazi state terrorism as
"changes we recognize to be inevitable."[ *The Moloch,[Karlheinz Deschner
and Overthrow, Stephen Kinzer *].

In 1945, Dulles participated in the San Francisco Conference and worked as
adviser to Arthur Vandenberg helping draft the preamble to the UN Charter
and other arrangements that would later facilitate Security Council support
for US undeclared wars, invasions, bombings and violent destabilizing
covert crimes in dozens of countries since 1945.

On June 17, 1950, Dulles, as a special representative of the secretary of
state, toured the 38th parallel, the US-created line between N. and S.
Korea (as did other members of Congress, some calling for the invasion of
the North) and addressed the South Korean National Assembly. Ten days
later, on the 27th, President Truman announced to the nation and the world
that America would intervene in the Korean conflict in order to prevent the
conquest of an independent nation by communism.

In 1950, John Foster Dulles published War or Peace, a critical analysis of
the American policy of containment, arguing that containment should be
replaced by a policy of "liberation". As Secretary of State, Dulles would
see to Seventh Fleet enforcement of the 'liberation' of Taiwan from China

His brother Allen Dulles, also an attorney of Sullivan and Cromwell, tasked
in 1946 to "draft proposals for the shape and organization of what was to
become the CIA," recruited an advisory group almost exclusively of Wall
Street investment bankers and lawyers. Two years later, Dulles was chairman
of a committee which reviewed the young agency's performance. Over the next
twenty years, all seven deputy directors of the agency were drawn from the
Wall Street financial aristocracy. In 1953 he became the CIA first civilian
director.[ *Rise of the National Security State The CIA's links to Wall
Street, Richard Helms *]

David Rockefeller also knew and associated with former CIA director Richard
Helms, as well as Archibald Roosevelt, Jr., a Chase Bank employee and
former CIA agent, whose cousin was the CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.,
involved in the Iran coup of 1953. Also, in 1953, he had befriended William
Bundy, a pivotal CIA analyst for nine years in the 1950s, who became the
Agency liaison to the National Security Council, and a subsequent lifelong
friend. Moreover, David was extensively briefed on covert intelligence
operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs, under the direction
of David's "friend and confidant", CIA Director Allen Dulles. [ *The Life
of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer 1908-1958, Cary Reich *]

In the 1960s, Rockefeller and other businessmen formed the Chase
International Advisory Committee, Rockefeller becoming chairman. After the
Chase's merger with J. P. Morgan, this committee was renamed the
International Council, and today contains prominent figures such as Henry
Kissinger, Riley P. Bechtel and George Schultz, the current chairman. Under
its stewardship Chase spread internationally and became a central pillar in
the world's financial system; Chase has a global network of correspondent
banks that has been estimated to number about 50,000, the largest of any
bank in the world. (A notable achievement was the setting up of the first
branch of an American bank at One Karl Marx Square, near the Kremlin, in
the then Soviet Union, in 1973. That year Rockefeller also traveled to
China, resulting in his bank becoming the National Bank of China's first
correspondent bank in the United States.) [D *avid Rockefeller, Memoirs *]

In the 1950s, the Dulles brothers had been seeing to the grisly business of
protecting investments in Korea, Guatemala, Congo and Cuba, while
continuing to back the colonial powers challenged by indigenous popular
wars for independence, against the French in Vietnam, Laos and Algeria,
Dutch in New Guinea, British in Malaysia, US in Philippines and Cuba, and
US allied colonial powers throughout Africa, all supported by the Soviet

Let us pause to consider how predatory
investments<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>forced upon
colonized nations (that between the wars had constituted nearly
the entirety of non-white Mankind) lead to a corporate governed US
propensity for arranging atrocities.

The United Fruit Company had plantations in Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic and most infamously
Guatemala. At the height of its powers The United Fruit Company owned a
staggering 42% of the entire country of Guatemala and paid not one cent in
tax on any of it. John Foster Dulles and the firm of Sullivan & Cromwell,
had been a share holder and legal council for the UFC for decades. Dulles,
became Secretary of State, and his co-share holding brother, Allen,
Director of the CIA.

The Dulles brothers had Ike and the press label the popular elected
government of Jacobo Arbenz, "communist". The leaders of Guatemala appealed
to the UN, the Organization of American States, other countries
individually, the world press, even the US. Nothing helped.

In the midst of the American preparation to overthrow the government of
Guatemala, Foreign Minister, Guillermo Toriello, lamented that the US was
categorizing "as 'communism' every manifestation of nationalism or economic
independence, any desire for social progress, any intellectual curiosity,
and any interest in progressive liberal reforms."

In Henry Kissinger, Rockefeller found a political operative with an
international and domestic perspective similar to his. In 1954, Kissinger
became director of a Council on Foreign Relations study group on nuclear
weapons, of which David was a member. A relationship developed. Kissinger
was invited to sit on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers
Fund. (Wonder how many others are struck by the (weird guilty looking?)
smiles of the current board members on the fund's web site?)

CNN's monstrous war truth blocker, CEO Walter Isaacson, in his biography of
Kissinger has Rockefeller consulting with Kissinger (not the other way
around) "on Chase Bank's interests in Chile and the threat of the election
of Salvador Allende in 1970, and being fully supported of his
[Kissinger's]"opening of China" initiative in 1971 as it afforded banking
opportunities for the Chase Bank."

Kissinger's involvement in Indochina started long before his appointment
(one assumes on a nod from election financing Rockefeller) as National
Security Adviser by Nixon. In 1952, while still a grad student at Harvard,
Kissinger served as a consultant to the Director of the Psychological
Strategy Board. The board was created in response to the growth of Office
of Policy Coordination covert activities during the Korean War,
psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern
psychological operations (PSYOP) - a form of indirect aggression in place
of or facilitating military aggression

In 1961, Henry Kissinger spent a day or two each week in Washington working
as a White House consultant, that had put him at the center of the struggle
to shape Kennedy's thinking on Berlin. Kissinger condemned Khrushchev's
"free city" idea, under which West Germany would fall under UN control, and
advised against a US commitment to eventual German unification through free
elections. [ The Kissinger -- Kennedy connection, Frederick Kempe 6/2/2011,
Reuters ]

While still at Harvard, as consultant on foreign policy to both White House
and State Department, Kissinger toured Vietnam in twice in 1965, and twice
1966. [White House Years, Henry A. Kissinger] Kissinger, like Walter
Cronkite, was allowed point out the war's unwinnability, never the war's'
crimes against humanity, which they both supported as necessary
anti-communism. During the Kennedy years, though Sec. of State Dean Rusk
was in the news, Kissinger was the heavy.

(Rusk had cut his imperialist teeth working in the State Dept. Office of UN
Affairs in 1945, suggesting splitting Korea into spheres of U.S. and of
Soviet influence at the 38th parallel. As Assistant Secretary of State for
Far Eastern Affairs in 1950, he played an influential part in the decision
to invade and reverse North Korea's easy quick victory. Rusk was another of
David's confidants, being a Rockefeller Foundation trustee from 1950, and
president in 1962. Rusk believed in the use of military action to combat
Communism. He remained noncommittal during the Executive Council meetings
leading up to the Bay of Pigs invasion, never opposing it outright. His
vigorous public defense of US actions in the Vietnam War made him a
frequent target of anti-war protests.) [ *"The Tragedy of Dean Rusk"
Foreign Policy, No. 8, (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace *]

In 1965, the year of the brutal US invasion and occupation of the Dominican
Republic, Rockefeller and other businessmen formed the Council of the
Americas to stimulate economic integration in the Americas and was
subsequently founder and chairman as well of The Americas Society, and The
Forum of the Americas.

An example of how the Ford Foundation (named after the earliest American
financial backer of Adolf Hitler) often works in tandem with the other
largest US foundation (with equally despicable roots), is the Ford
Foundation financing an Orchestra Sinfonica de Puerto Rico tour of that
bludgeoned neighbor nation and other countries in Central America to
serenade away Latin hurt feelings, once US troops were withdrawn from the

Six months later, Martin Luther King Jr., frightened the ruling investment
community and shocked the whole so-called "Free World,' condemning his own
country as the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world" describing all
US wars as atrocities "meant to maintain unjust predatory investments" in
the already colonially impoverished nations on three continents. [see King
Condemned US Wars <http://kingcondemneduswars.blogspot.com/>][

Five days after President Johnson, who had felt it politically necessary to
order the slaughter of millions in the name of anti-communism, announced he
felt forced not to run for re-election, Martin Luther King was silenced by
a bullet to his head. The Wall Street investor owned US sources of
information would bury King's condemnations with his body and wars
maintaining and enabling investments have continued on into Syria and Iran.

Kissinger, as Sec. of State and National Security Adviser of a Nixon
elected on the promise of achieving "peace, began to implement
"Vietnamization' that would supposedly permit a gradually withdrawal of US
troops for an expanding combat role of the South Vietnamese Army - a
blatantly phony utterly preposterous policy reminiscent of the US
purportedly expecting Koreans who hated the US installed ruthless dictator
Sygnman Rhee to fight for American invaders of their country to help kill
their northern brethren, all on top of knowing the US recognized Korea as
Japanese Imperial Territory for 40 years. Similarly, Vietnamese would be
expected to fight well in the army created by their cruel French
colonialists masters along side equally racist American invaders against
their own Vietnamese hero Ho Chi Minh.

How is it such fairy tale impossibilities go on being swallowed as credible
policies of presumed intelligent US government officials regarding Cuba,
Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Libya and now Syria?

Kissinger orchestrated the most massive bombing in world history, dropping
3,984,563 million tons on an area inhabited by some 50 million people,
twice the 2 million tons dropped on Europe and the Pacific in World War II.
He dropped 1.6 million tons on South Vietnam, as many as Lyndon Johnson at
the height of US involvement; quadrupled the bombing of Laos, from 454,200
to 1,628,900 million tons; initiated widespread secret bombing of
previously peaceful Cambodia, including B52 carpet bombing of undefended
villages, for a total of 600,000-1 million tons; and vastly expanded the
bombing of civilian targets in North Vietnam. [Wikipedia] President
Eisenhower noted that had the Geneva Accord elections been held in 1954,
"possibly 80 percent of the population would have voted for Communist Ho
Chi Minh" - in an election which he himself had blocked.

Along with North Vietnamese Le Duc Tho, Kissinger was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize, which Tho rejected and Kissinger accepted.

When the military coup in Argentina was already launching deadly reprisals
and "disappearances" against political opponents, Kissinger assured its
leader that Washington was an ally.

In 1976, Kissinger cancelled a letter that was to be sent to Chile warning
them against carrying out any political assassinations. Orlando Letelier
was then assassinated in Washington, D.C. with a car bomb on September 21,
the day the letter was to have been sent..[ Cable Ties Kissinger to Chile
Scandal". Associated Press ]

Kissinger has evaded legal summons by investigators in France, Spain, Chile
and Argentina and requests in 2001 by Chilean High Court judge Juan Guzmán,
and Argentine judge Rodolfo Canicoba, in regard to his involvement in
secret multinational assassinations of Operation Condor. In May, 2001,
police handed Kissinger a warrant at the Ritz Hotel, Paris. Kissinger left
for Italy the next day, however the summons still stands.

On Kissinger's watch the United States government supported Pakistan in the
atrocious and hopeless war with its with its independence seeking Bengali
East, (now Bangladesh), and had Ford order a stupid disastrous and inhumane
vengeful air attack on Cambodia. Kissinger and President Ford met with
Suharto of Indonesia, giving US approval for the Indonesian invasion of
East Timor that resulted in the massacre of 200,000 Timorese.

Under the direction of Henry Kissinger US National Security Council Study
Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S.
Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200) was completed in 1974 and adopted
as official U.S. policy by President Ford in 1975. Originally classified,
it was later declassified and obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.
It contains some typically insidious inhumanity one might expect from a
Rockefeller associate as merely good business.

The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growth in the least
developed countries is a concern to U.S. national security, because it
would tend to risk civil unrest and political instability in countries that
had a high potential for economic development. The policy gives "paramount
importance" to measures to control rapid population growth which the US
deems inimical to the sociopolitical and economic growth of these countries
and to the national interests of the United States, since the "U.S. economy
will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad", and
these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the
United States.

Thirteen countries are named as particularly problematic with respect to
U.S. security interests: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand,
the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and
Brazil. The report raises the question of whether the U.S. should consider
preferential allocation of surplus food supplies to states that are deemed
constructive in population control measures.

"Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates
can increase the prospects for political, economic, and social stability,
population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic
interests of the United States. . . . The real problems of mineral supplies
lie in the politico-economic issues of access, terms for exploration and
exploitation, and division of the benefits with host countries.

Young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely
to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence
than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded
to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the
"establishment,' "imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other-often
foreign-influences blamed for their troubles. We must take care that our
activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialized
country policy directed against the LDCs... avoid the appearance of

Kissinger's quip about the Iraq/Iran war (a horrific Reagan-Runsfeld
supported US proxy Saddam Hussein eight year long invasion of Iraq in which
a million would die) was "It's a shame they can't both lose."

Rockefeller had Carter, whose election he funded, appoint Brzezinski, who
had just put together Rockefeller's world shaping Trilateral Commission,
Presidential Adviser. Zbigniew Brzezinski's greatest treachery, and he
brags about it, was having Carter order CIA to fund, arm and train
fundamentalist terror against a women-liberating popular socialist
government in Kabul in order to scare the Soviets into coming to its ally's
aid militarily, and then, inviting and funding jihadists from everywhere to
come into Afghanistan to begin what would be thirty two years of mayhem and
destruction for this poor nation - and later producing the 9/11 attack and
all the subsequent US atrocities in the name of 9/11 elsewhere that are
still ongoing and promised to continue. [Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris,
15-21 January 1998 http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BRZ110A.html]

Trilateral Commission was truthfylly described by conservative Sen. Barry
Goldwater as encroaching on national sovereignty "a skillful, coordinated
effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power:
political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical...[in] the creation
of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the
nation-states involved."
Rockefeller first introduced the idea of the Trilateral
Commission<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>at an annual
meeting of the Bilderberg group in 1972. (The Bilderberg group
is similar to the Trilateral Commission in that it is funded and heavily
influenced by the Rockefeller empire, and composed of international
financiers, industrialists, media magnates, union bosses, academics and
political figures - "...a vehicle for multinational consolidation of
commercial and banking interests,"he political governments of the
nation-states involved."[With No Apologies] [TRILATERAL COMMISSSION,

Shortly after Nicaragua's murderous dictator Somoza fled to Miami, National
Security Adviser Brzezinski declared that "we have to demonstrate that we
are still the decisive force in determining the political outcomes in
Central America." As the Sandinista forces entered the capital, the Carter
administration began setting the stage for a counter revolution. A U.S.
plane disguised with Red Cross markings evacuated the remnants of the
National Guard to Miami. The old Guardia was then built into the counter
revolutionary force known as the 'Contras' by the CIA and Argentine
trainers. [Christopher Dickey (1985). With the Contras: a reporter in the
wilds of Nicaragua. Simon and Schuster ]

Carter's public image suffered from the failed Special Forces invasion
attempt to free the US embassy
<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>hostages in Iran, but
apparently the reputation of his adviser did not. In
1985, under the Reagan administration, Brzezinski served as a member of the
President's Chemical Warfare Commission. From 1987 to 1988, he worked on
the U.S. National Security Council--Defense Department Commission on
Integrated Long-Term Strategy. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

President Reagan's Kissinger
Commission<http://www.countercurrents.org/print.html#>Report 1/1184
reads, "situation in El Salvador continued to suggest the
possibility of a direct US intervention. A sudden collapse of the
government army ... is possible. With respect to Nicaragua, economic,
military and political pressure will be maintained with the goal of forcing
the Nicaraguan government to abandon some of the basic goals of the
revolution. Those who have taken up arms are the Somocista
counterrevolutionaries trained and financed by the US government ...
"direct military intervention could become politically viable if Reagan is

In 1988, Brzezinski was co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory
Task Force, when Kissinger, speaking to the Maryland Chamber of Commerce at
the Omni Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore stated, "An allied victory in
Kuwait will provide a great opportunity to bring peace and stability to the
Middle East. This is something America can be proud of."

Brzezinski was prominently critical of the Clinton administration's
hesitation to intervene against the Serb forces in the Bosnian war,
strongly advocated NATO expansion and coming out in support of the 1999
NATO bombing of Serbia. Kissinger also supported Clinton continuing NATO
bombings of Serbia.

When asked by President Bush Junior's speechwriter why he had supported the
Iraq war, Kissinger responded: "Because Afghanistan was not enough. The
radical Islamists want to humiliate us, and we need to humiliate them. The
presiding image of the "war on terror" - the burning towers collapsing on
the television screen - had to be supplanted by another, the image of
American tanks rumbling proudly through a vanquished Arab capital."
[ http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IF02Ak04.html]

During Middle East wars and sanctions of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama
administrations, one Rockefeller spokesman, Brzezinski, is cautioning
against wild use of preemptive war, while Kissinger is promoting military
options to project power, just as Rockefeller's corporations are usually
simultaneously financially backing both Dems and GOP, perfunctorily arguing
policies of corporate governance and what shall be done with Cuba,
Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua disaffection.

Three enforcers of the American way of Wall Street rule overseeing the
human debris of US illigal military interventions South East Asia, South
America, Middle East and Africa! Yes, there have been others involved.
Secretaries of State, like New York Stock Exchange Number Two Madeline
Albright (of "half a million Iraqi children worth the price" fame), four
star Gen. Alexander Haig, former Sec. of the Treasury, George Shultz, and
the well enconsed in highest circles James Baker, but not without our
noticing a senior presence and influence of Kissinger or Bzrezinski, or
both. No presidential advisor comes close to the power weilded by
Bzrezinski, though Brent Scowcroft, deserves mention. He is co-chair Aspen
Strategy Group. composed of current and former politicians, civil servants,
academics, journalists and business leaders who discuss issues of key
importance in the realms of foreign policy, strategy and international
security, also in the creation and development of the Aspen Atlantic Group,
composed of former foreign ministers from North former foreign ministers
from North America and Europe, as well as the "U.S.-India Strategic
Dialogue" Scowcroft held positions in the Organization of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, Headquarters of the United States Air Force, and the Office of
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.
Deputy Assistant for National Security Council Matters. In March 1970 he
joined the Joint Chiefs of Staff as Special Assistant to the Director of
the Joint Staff.
Prior to joining the Bush administration, Scowcroft was Vice Chairman of
Kissinger Associates, Inc. He has had a long association with Henry
Kissinger, having served as his assistant when Kissinger was the National
Security Adviser under Nixon, from 1968. Imagine how much more greater the
scope of his mentor Kissinger.

With CIA heavily armed organized thugs, CNN deceit and psyop, and
UN-US-NATO destroying prosperous Libya (ranked by the same UN as 53rd
highest living standard in the world), and murdering a Third World hero,
Obama advisers Kissinger and Brzezinski are seeing well to Gen. Wesley
Clark exposed Pentagon plan to take down seven nations from Afghanistan to
Syria. [Wesley Clark's learned of Pentagon memo: "We're going to take down
seven countries. We're going to start with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, then
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, we're going to come back and get Iran."]

Rockefeller sits at the core of a US led network of the most powerful and
influential businessmen and their beholden finance ministers running the
world through secret meetings of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral
Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Aspen Strategy Group abetted by a
panoply of uncountable hundreds of institutions like Freedom House and
Heritage Foundation, nationwide and internationally with a support net of
CIA entities interwoven maximizing its control of all mass media and public
education. In 1992, he was selected as a leading member of the
Russian-American Bankers Forum, an advisory group set up by the head of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to advise Russia on the modernization of
its banking system, with the full endorsement of President Boris Yeltsin.

Two years following Kissinger efforts at the World Economic Forum's 'India
Economic Summit', Obama arrived to photo-opt India's purchase of $6 billion
in weapons of mass destruction. The same investor run "community of
nations', formerly the "Free World' and earlier "The Colonial Powers,' that
continues to mas-massacre in the Third World is maniacally planning a
profitable great war with China and Russia.

Drone bombing assassinations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen,
Libya and elsewhere, even of Americans without trial or charges (some of
whom might have considered themselves luckier than those secretly abducted
and tortured) are made to appear for the gullible plebs all around the
world watching commercial media as presidential decisions. In reality, who
or what millions are marked to die is entirely up to wealth backed freaks
in the amorphous cabal headed by sickos like those in the high
international conspiracy of private investors like David Rockefeller, who
only need to pick up the phone, for they are that "financial element"
controlling all three branches of the government it has "owned since the
days of Andrew Jackson," as FDR once confided to Cordell Hull. [ letter to
Col. House,1933 ]

There was at one time a photo on the internet of a smiling David
Rockefeller posing with an arm around the shoulders of a young Senator
Obama that truly said more than a thousand words.

At the Nuremberg trails of the Nazis, none of the war criminals who made
tons of money investing in massive homicide were indicted. German investors
in genocide could not have been investigated without exposing their
American connections, partnerships, cooperation and shared earnings and

If Mankind survives it will have to prosecute* US crimes against humanity
at its fundamental cause level: chieftain investors like David Rockefeller.

For if every president from Truman through Obama, and their generals, had
been hung after trials under the Nuremberg Principles, the leaders, of the
centuries ruling, insanely-amoral, unethically, unfairly and shamefully
wealthy, bankster class, satanically impelled to create and continue
imperialist wars for unjust predatory exploitative and death causing
investments, would merely have found obedient replacements - and just as
marketable by the mass media they own and control, as those who were hung.

* Charge, indict, try, convict, sentence, imprison, hospitalize and educate
until no longer a danger to themselves and others.

[see Prosecute US Wars Now Campaign's web site for country-by-country
histories of US crimes.]

Appreciation to Wikipedia, beyond that credited, for facilitating finding
the locations of much of the documentation provided.

*Jay Janson *is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician
and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media
published in China, Italy, UK, India and the US; now resides in NYC; First
effort was a series of article on deadly cultural pollution endangering
seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media
published in Hong Kong's Window Magazine 1993. During his last years,
Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Global Research;
Information Clearing House; Counter Currents, Kerala, India; Minority
Perspective, UK; Dissident Voice, OpEdNews; HistoryNews Network; Vermont
Citizen News and others have published his articles, 260 of which are
available at: http://www.opednews.com/author/author1723.html Weekly column,
South China Morning Post, 1986-87 ; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; articles China
Daily, 1989. Is coordinator and founder of the King Condemned US Wars
International Awareness Campaign
King Condemned US Wars )
http://kingcondemneduswars.blogspot.com/and originator of Prosecute US
Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign]
with a country by country history of US crimes. Studied history at CCNY,
Columbia U., U. Puerto Rico, Dolmetscher Institut München, Germany;
Received on Fri Aug 17 2012 - 17:07:56 EDT
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