Video: Wedi SheiK, Temesghen Yared, Saleh - 2012 Nakfa EID Al Fitr Concert
August 20, 2012 /
Video: Bisirat Aregai (2 Songs) - 2012 Eritrea EID Al Fitr Concert
Video: Merhawi Wedi HaleKa - 2012 Eritrea EID Al Fitr Concert
Video: Wari Youth Band - 2012 Eritrea EID Al Fitr Concert
Id Al-Fetr Al-Mubarak colorfully celebrates
Asmara, 19 August 2012- Id Al-Fetr Al-Mubarak colorfully celebrated
nationwide today, 19 of August.
In Asmara in which the faithful from different Mosques gathered at the Bahti
Meskerem Square to celebrate the occasion chanting "God is Great" performed
prayer led by Sheik Alamin Osman Alamin, Mufti of Eritrea.
In a speech he delivered during the occasion, Sheik Alamin Osman expressing
that the meaning of fasting is honoring God and developing self restraint
hailed the Eritrean people in general and Moslems in particular and wished
peace and prosperity to the people of Eritrea.
Mr. Mohammed Seid, Chair person of Asmara office of Islamic Awkaf, and Mr.
Adam Said expressing satisfaction for Id Al-Fetr Al-Mubarak is being
celebrated at a time of good rain and peace and serenity prevailing in the
country reminded that people extend hands to the needy citizens.
In the ceremony conducted in the Central region hall in which ministers,
administrators, members of the diplomatic corps elderlies and other invited
guests attended, songs depicting the history of Islam in Eritrea and
documentary film describing the reception they received in Eritrea were
Likewise, popular celebration on the occasion of Id Al-Fetir was conducted
in Nakfa town in cooperation with the Ministry of Information. In the
celebration in which religious leaders, students from the school of Social
Science, members of EDF and inhabitants of Nakfa town attended, Mr. Idris
Ali Shiker, Administrator of Nakfa town, explained that the people of
Eritrea have the culture of celebrating Holydays together and that such a
culture has been nurtured through the sacrifice paid by the Eritrean people.
During the occasion Nisri cultural troupe staged different songs and added
color to ceremony.
During the occasion Nisri cultural troupe staged different songs and added
color to ceremony.
Received on Tue Aug 21 2012 - 00:37:17 EDT