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[dehai-news] Observation required " The people Behind the article are connected deeply with the Woyane regime" understand the political motive against the Eritrean people.

From: samuel Igbu <ypfdjbc_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:21:48 -0400

Here is the story which was posted in the Winnipeg so call free press.


There is no doubt that the people who are behind this article are connected
deeply with the Woyane Regime.

A CBC radio interview version of the above article is posted in

the Woyane web site. http://www.aigaforum.com/

One of the individual behind this article is a know contributor of anti-
Eritrea article to the Woyane website. If you google Ghirmay Yeibio in
aigaforum, you will find a number of articles
he wrote about Eritrea which clearly show where he stands with respect to
Eritrean independence and sovereignty. He posted the following articles in
aigaforum this past June.


With respect to believe everyone is entitled to their views but it is
important for Eritreans to know and understand the political interest
groups behind such insulting articles against the people of Eritrea and our
legitimate aspiration for an independent and truly democratic homeland..
*YPFDJ British Columbia Chapter*
 YPFDJ Goal and Purpose

   - Our goal is to build a strong, conscious and patriotic youth movement.

 Our purpose is:

   - To raise the awareness and level of organisation of Eritrean youth to
   serve our nation
   - To reassert the identity, patriotism and unity of Eritrean youth
   - To promote the participation of Eritrean Youth in the national
   reconstruction of Eritrea as well as guarding the sovereignty of Eritrea
   - To enhance the position and influence of Eritrean Youth in their
   respective countries of residence.
Received on Tue Aug 21 2012 - 00:42:51 EDT
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