To hear an archive of the last three weeks broadcast, visit
This week's (9/22/2012) Voice of Eritrea Program includes:
- Commentary: The secret of success of the Eritrean people Part III
- A rebroadcast of an interview with Mr. Zemhret Yohannes by Radio
Mekete Dallas, Texas
- Weekly News from Asmara, Eritrea
- Important announcements, music and more…
ኣርእስቲ መደባትና፡
- ምስጢር ዓወት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘርእስቱ ሓተታ ሳልሳይ ክፋል
- ብሬድዮ መኸተ ዳላስ ዝተካየደ ቃለ መሕተት ምስ ሚኒስቴር ኣቶ ዘምሕረት ዮሃንስ
- ዜና ካብ ከተማ ኣስመራ ብ ወኪልና ገረመስቐል ገረዝጊሄር
- ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታን ሙዚቓን...
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Voice Of Eritrea (VOE) is a community radio that serves the interests of
the Eritrean community in Washington DC and its surrounding area. Voice of
Eritrea is solely owned by the community and as such the participation and
support of the community is paramount to the success of the radio
programming. If you would like to help with any aspects of the radio
programming, please feel free to contact us (
Received on Tue Sep 25 2012 - 20:15:58 EDT