SONG BY SAMSON GETAHUN (Jamobolee, Samino Asmarino) LONDON, UK - Sep 28, 2012
We are reluctant to call Sandman Negus (Sador Fessehaye); the late Sandman yet. Deep inside, we understand his work and dedication shines. It is comforting to know that he has spread his wings and beliefs all over the Eritreans youth.
Tragedy has struck our own home in LA. Sandman Negus; our brother/friend is taken away from us untimely. We are all saddened and perhaps feel somehow numb or disoriented. Sandman Negus was a big part of our lives. We all loved him, and we came to know the true person behind Sandman Negus; a true Eritrean patriot. However, Sandman is taken away from us untimely!
We are sure everyone grew to like Sandman for who he was as a person, but mostly we learned a great deal of Eritrean Nationalism and love for Eritrea from his actions and presence.
RIP Sandman Hawna! You have taught us, made us laugh and inspired us. And, the energy that you initiated will last forever. Sandman used to call the Eritrean Artist energy - DA MOVEMENT! We miss him already.
SONG BY SAMSON GETAHUN (Jamobolee, Samino Asmarino) LONDON, UK - Sep 28, 2012
Our Condolenses,
Friends of Sandman Negus
Eritrean-Diaspora Artists
Received on Sun Sep 30 2012 - 20:16:02 EDT