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[dehai-news] [AUDIO] VoA Interview On The Tragedy of Sandman Negus

From: Araia G. Ephrem <agephrem_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 06:25:43 -0700 (PDT)

AUDIO INTERVIEW: http://mestyat.com/sound/VoA_Sandam_RIP.mp3

On September 27th, our Eritrean brother Sandman Negus [Sador Fesshaye] was tragically killed in his neighborhood area. His funeral service is scheduled for Saturday October 6, 2012 _at_10:00AM in Los Angles.

Many people knew him as Sandman Negus, but for the people close to him, he was Sador Fesshaye; the kid whose ball of energy could not be contained. He was social who conversed with anyone and befriended everyone. He loved people and people loved him. Sador was more than an entertainer, he was a modern day Eritrean Patriot who fought to bring Eritrean pride to the surface. Sandman had no reluctance saying; "I am from Eritrea", and he will rest forever wearing the symbol he carried across his chest that represented an Eritrean map. Sandman lead by example, and he died doing what he did best; representing Eritrea.

AUDIO INTERVIEW: http://mestyat.com/sound/VoA_Sandam_RIP.mp3

Rest In Peace,
Friends of Sandman Negus
Eritrean Diaspora-Artists
Received on Fri Oct 05 2012 - 15:13:38 EDT
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