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[dehai-news] Mr.Twgahmo, Wegiha-do?

From: <awetnayu_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 13:59:19 -0600

The Dawning of Eritrean Politics
Amanuel Biedemariam
In an effort to be crowned Kings, and realize dreams of Eritrea based on greed, arrogance and servitude to beggars, The Flying Goats of Awate et al have been trying to dismantle, discredit, and shake-apart the inner fabric of Eritrea as we know it, methodically, using any means available. They have long served as foot soldiers to TPLF elements and Meles Zenawi. They are also part of a criminal entity, and accomplice to stolen list of martyrs names that they listed on their site untimely, ahead of the government, before the families were official notified.
The Flying Goats of Awate (FGoA) have long disregarded Eritrean sovereignty, patriotism and social infrastructure. In fact, they have never displayed the Eritrean flag ever. All one has to do is look at the website to see another flag in place of the Eritrean flag. For long, FGoA has used “to embolden” as a slogan, and hoped for the winds of change to blow their way. FGoA has long availed themselves to the State Department and all the anti-Eritrean groups in order to destabilize the people and the government of Eritrea by using any method and resource at their disposal. These lost souls that pretend to be supporters of Eritrean independence have long demonstrated that they loathed it in deed and rhetoric.
The Flying Goats of Awate operate as conduits, facilitators, motivators, navigators, leaders and provide for all the anti-Eritrean venom. They put many hats including that of strategists and visionaries for a cause designed to give opportunity for their Weyane bosses to march into Asmara with them leading on a white horse, astride ,with feathered crown (like Minelik) and, fake rifles to raise as they approach Asmara victorious. Pipe dream.
The people of Eritrea have long concluded to address FGoA and co as TPLF because they have acted more Weyane than Weyane itself. When the Late genocide-master Meles Zenawi was rumored incapacitated, the whole world wrote and spoke about it while FG’s and co mummed like a lost puppy missing its mother. To the contrary, they posted lies and rumors about the health and life of His Excellency President Isaias Afewerki as fact.
Why bother to talk about criminals that have taken part in killing Eritrean youth by aligning with Weyane soldiers; why talk about those that waged serious campaigns to dislodge Eritrean youth and feverishly campaign to demonize Eritrea? Why write about frauds that used lists of Eritrean names gathered for other purpose and presented it as petition against the Government of Eritrea. Why mention, those that attacked Eritrean individuals ruthlessly in an effort to discourage them from supporting the Government of Eritrea? Why give attention to liars that denied receiving funding from Weyane to be exposed later? Why talk about those that mocked and belittled the core value, creed of the Eritrean military institutions that are based on principles of pride, Eritrean patriotic zeal, service and willingness to die for your fellow and flag?
Why talk about those that berated SAWA to discourage support, participation and those that questioned its viability. This is after the war of 2000 that Warsay Y-Ka-alo saved Eritrea, cementing the importance of SAWA unquestionably. Why mention those that claimed to have attacked Eritrea on a terrorist mission through groups that they support. Why talk about those that mocked The Organization of Eritrean American for lobbying US congress and senate on behalf of Eritrea while sitting on the sideline.
I recently saw an article on their site that prophesized “The beginning of the end of Eritrean government” and, made me wonder; is this good old Mr. T-Wgahmo?
Twgahmo is an expression parents used to threaten kids at night to assure them that they will get theirs in the morning for not behaving. Whilst it is natural to wonder, even if there is no history of success associated to this lost souls to do anything of substance, after these many years it is fair to ask, Wegiha dia? Has the Dawning they prophesized arrived?
After writing countless articles to chastise every move, element, actions, program, institutions, military, education, youth programs, agricultural moves, infrastructure building programs, legal moves, diplomatic-dealings and anything one can add to the list, what have they accomplishments thus far?
They mocked Eritrea can’t feed herself as if Eritrea was handed on a silver platter. Now, Eritrea is greened almost entirely. The agricultural sector is seeding, sending deep roots on the way to food security and more.
On the other hand they are still proclaiming or wishing Eritrea’s doomsday. They are still talking the same; “It is EDA’s do or die time” or, some other group like EDA. They are still unable to unite their bandits. Instead, they are following Bereket Simon’s orders as he tells them who and what they are.
It is easy to liken this lost soul to the Puritans of the 16th and 17th century England. However, the impact and penetration of the puritans was far-reaching, historic and a legacy that stretched into the Americas to be compared to them. However, the premeditated inclination of achieving once wills at any cost is a history worth glancing at. The history is associated with betrayal, treason and dissertation of once nation like James II, who sailed away to oblivion after he failed with his cause to convert England into the pure form of Christianity he wanted to implement by aligning with France, Italy and Germany arch enemies of England at the time. That is exactly FGoA’s fate.
Clearly, the aim is not to give them a stage, a stage that the public denied him. Nevertheless, since "Twgahmo" was a rallying cry, it is time to revisit it to remind people that it is the same old story. To remind people thes are lost souls that A) have no cause and, B) that have failed to recruit followers that can accomplish anything meaningful.
It is to remind people that these lost souls have never had Eritrea’s interest at heart; that they are hired agents of TPLF willing to divide Eritrea along ethnic, religious and regional lines. The wellbeing and bread and butter issues of Eritreans are not their concern; demonizing Eritrea is their number one objective. They are agents of TPLF, an organization that is trying to create an independent State of Tigray at the expense of Ethiopians and Eritrea. They are Ethiopian agents lobbying for providing Ethiopian passport for every Eritrean that asks for it. In short they are Weyane that operate as Eritreans. They are agents of TPLF an organization that is trying to destabilize Eritrea to secure Greater Tigray.
It is to remind these deceitful lost souls that they are still crying the same lies from when they started to cry Twgahmo. During the war, nearly all Ethiopian sites were pro TPLF when it attacked Eritrea. Today, hardly any Ethiopian site echoes what Weyane has to say particularly against Eritrea. The FGoA’s are the number one sympathizers and voices of Weyane.
The reason they failed, the reason that their masters are on their deathbeds and dying; the reason Eritrea is able to extract its wealth while they bark is that Eritreans long-ago decided that they are dogs and nothing more. It is because Eritrea fought brilliant fight by recognizing that these are Weyane agents therefore, they treated them like Weyane. Eritreans recognized that they are the true enemies of Eritrea worse than Weyane, dead-set on seeing Eritrea bleed endlessly.
So,Wegiha dia? It will never. You will never see Eritrea anytime soon because Eritreans will not allow you. You have sailed away never to return and certain that your shelter today will not always be the shelter you could embrace forever, just like Sudan was. You are limited to be an agent of the enemies and when that is over you will be done for good, because you are mercenary agents incapable to do on your own. Weyane is on its deathbed and that means that you are too.
No matter where one resides, there are some universal values engendered by every society. Treason is always treason, a crime is always crime, pedophilia is pedophilia everywhere and those associated with crimes are considered accomplices and thus criminals. Above all, Martyrs are revered and considered sacred in every nation. Eritrea’s Martyrs are the backbone and foundation of the nation. Yet, for the Flying Goats of Awate, it was a political scorecard that they played with. They have crossed every red line imaginable to be redeemed. They are avowed blood enemies of Eritrea ready to bleed the nation indefinitely.
Hence, we must hold our unity and commitment to our Martyrs dear in order to ward off these evil agents of genocide for good. And we must fight to let them rust away wherever they may be!

Received on Wed Oct 24 2012 - 19:56:12 EDT
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