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[dehai-news] PressTV's documentary-Eritrea A Nation in Isolation! WATCH AND SHARE!

From: Fenan Russom <fenan.russom_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:00:41 -0500

Media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the
innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. Over the last couple of
years Eritrea has received a flood of negative Media designed to damage its
credibility and its Efforts to becoming one of the only African countries
sustaining and maintaining Self reliance. I’ve always wonder why the media
was so negative towards Eritrea? Why are they so adamant about not
recognizing our Strength our achievements? Eritrea is such a great nation
with so many amazing success stories but they refuse to acknowledge them,

The answer to that we may never know, however it’s really refreshing to see
Media outlet like PressTV initiatives to uncover the truth and question
what doesn’t make sense instead of following blindly!


This Documentary probe into the achievements of the isolated country of
Eritrea in spite of the sanction impose against it by the US.

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                                                   ~ Mahatma Gandhi~
"Be the change you want to see in the world.”
                                                   ~ Mahatma Gandhi~
Received on Thu Oct 25 2012 - 20:30:36 EDT
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