Second Conference on Investment in Asmara Eritrea(Asmara - December 17 - 18, 2012)Dear Sir/Madam,The Embassy Media presents its compliments to all nationals
residing in UK andIrelandand has thehonourto inform you in particular that theGovernment of Eritrea has extended an invitation for your on in the above mentioned important conference.
For more information please contact the Embassy of the State of Eritrea to UK & Ireland in London UK.
96 White Lion Street, Islington
London, N1 9PFPhone;- 0044-207-7130096Email;- PaAmba_at_ERIEMBAUK.COM
Best regards,Yared TesfayEmbassy Media - EMWGPhone;- 0044-207-7130620
Received on Wed Nov 07 2012 - 20:45:09 EST