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[dehai-news] The Telegraph - Russia wants John Kerry, not Susan Rice as US Secretary of State

From: Eritrean Ngermany <eritrean.ngermany_at_googlemail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 01:26:28 +0100

 Russia wants John Kerry, not Susan Rice as US Secretary of State *The
Telegraph* http://natna.wordpress.com/natna-news-page/ Russia would like to
see US Senator John Kerry replace Hillary Clinton once the US Secretary of
State steps down at the start of President Barack Obama's second term, a
news report said on Thursday.


Sen. John Kerry Photo: AP

10:56AM GMT 08 Nov 2012

US officials said on Wednesday that Mrs Clinton intended to keep her
promise to leave the White House administration after the presidential
ballot, despite her boss having firmly secured a new four years in office.

Speculation has been rife that Washington's top foreign policy assignment
may go to either the Senate Foreign Affairs committee chairman Kerry or
Washington's UN ambassador Susan Rice.

An unnamed source in the Russian foreign ministry told the Kommersant
business daily that Moscow would "much prefer" to see Mr Kerry take the

The source said Ms Rice was viewed as "too ambitious and aggressive" in
Russian diplomatic circles. The UN ambassador had fought fiercely with
Moscow over its refusal to back firmer action in the Syria crisis in the
past year.

"It would be more difficult for Moscow to work with Washington" if Ms Rice
became Secretary of State, the unnamed Russian official said

(image/jpeg attachment: john-kerry_2392391b.jpg)

Received on Fri Nov 09 2012 - 23:33:46 EST
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