Dear President Obama: I must admit that I didn't support your candidacy this time around. Like many Eritrean-Americans, I was conflicted. I wholeheartedly support your domestic policy priorities. I do, however, believe that your foreign policy toward the Horn of Africa in general, and Eritrea in particular, has been misguided. I am fully aware that the policy errors didn't start with your administration. Unfortunately, your administration led by your hand-picked UN Representative, Susan Rice, has bought Weyane's bag of lies wholesale. You're probably saying who the heck is Weyane? Weyane is the minority regime in Ethiopia that suffers from inferiority complex and is hell-bent on destabilizing the Horn. Unfortunately, Weyane has received cover from your administration as well as your predecessor's for its military adventures in neighboring Somalia and Eritrea. You see, Mr. President, it is not Eritrea that is the source of instability in the Horn of
Africa. This might surprise you but it is actually Weyane's Ethiopia. That said, now that you have been re-elected for another four years, I have one suggestion for your second term. Remember back in 2008 when you were a fresh face and promised to reset America's relations with the rest of the world? This might be a good time to remind yourself of that promise and do things a little differently in your second term. For starter, you need to direct your next UN Representative to lift the illegal and unjust sanctions on Eritrea. The rationale for passing sanctions on Eritrea has been found to be baseless and without merit. Mr. Matthew Bryden, SEMG's Coordinator, admitted as much last summer. By his own admission, there is no evidence to support any of the allegations that were used to pass sanctions on Eritrea. It was all based on Weyane's lies and fabrications. As your Vice President Joe Biden likes to say, it was all a bunch of "Malarkey." The late
Congressman Donald Payne, one of your heroes, used to say, "US-Eritrean relations can and should improve." He was right indeed! There is much that both the US and Eritrea can gain from an improved relationship. There is much that can be gained by treating Eritrea as a partner. Eritrea is a little peculiar in that it doesn't like to be dictated to. It is truly independent in mind and spirit. That is the only thing you have to keep in mind. But if you approach Eritrea in good faith and treat it as a partner, the sky is the limit when it comes to cooperation in all spheres. I am sure it is not lost on you that Eritrea occupies one of the longest coastlines on the Red Sea and is a force for good when it comes to keeping the peace in the neighborhood. Eritrea's substantial mining and maritime riches also present a tremendous opportunity for American businesses, provided that they do it right. American businesses are missing out right now as Canadian,
Australian and Middle Eastern companies are getting ready to make a boatload of money. So Mr. President, use your re-election as an opportunity to open a new chapter in US-Eritrean relations. Both countries will be better off as a result. And should you decide to visit Africa in your second term, feel free to stop by Eritrea. You will be pleasantly surprised. Our beaches are not as nice as Hawaii's where you grew up but they are more pristine and our coral reefs are way better and healthier. You and the first lady will enjoy yourselves. Mr. President, you can be the President of the future all Africans seek, including the people of the Horn, if you are as bold, fresh and far-sighted in your action as you are in your words.
Received on Mon Nov 12 2012 - 20:55:45 EST