On Abyei, Khartoum Opposes "Siding with S. Sudan," Says No Visa
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
UNITED NATIONS, November 14, 2012 -- Sudan's diplomats entered the UN
Security Council Monday evening, the night before a resolution on Abyei had
been scheduled for adoption. They delivered a letter about the peacekeeping
mission in Abyei, UNISFA, which Inner City Press has obtained and is
publishing on its beta Google+ page, here
https://plus.google.com/u/0/100354344517386630362/posts/jVBfS16USng> .
Sudan has taken issue with the "zero draft" on UNISFA, opposing for
example a reference to "prejudice to nationality." Sudan says it does not
discriminate by nationality in issuing visas to UN personnel.
Inner City Press went to Tuesday's UN noon briefing and asked Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Martin Nesirky, does Sudan discriminate by
Nesirky said he will check - and then added that a UNISFA peacekeeper
"succumbed to his injuries" -- that is, was killed by -- a protect by the
Dinka in Abyei. It seems to some that DPKO should have announced this, even
before a question.
Back during the General Debate in September, Inner City Press asked chief
UN Peacekeeper Herve Ladsous "what is the UN's role in Abyei?"
Ladsous refused to offer any answer
http://www.innercitypress.com/ladsous1noabyei092712.html> , and has refused
to answer any Press questions since, including on protection of civilians,
and of peacekeepers.
Sudan's other objection concerns a reference to the recommendations for
the final status of Abyei offered by the AU Peace and Security Council and
the High Level Implementation Panel led by Thabo Mbeki.
Sudan says since the AUPSC has given six weeks for the parties to agree,
the proposed reference sides with South Sudan.
One senses the US behind this and the visa proposed language. Will they
agree to remove it? Watch this site.
Received on Wed Nov 14 2012 - 10:30:11 EST