Following the Berlin conference of 1884-1885, European powers divided up
Africa among themselves and throughout the continent, the process of nation
formation began within the colonial boundaries. In the Horn of Africa,
France occupied French Somaliland now known as Djibouti; Britain took over
British Somaliland, now part of the Republic of Somalia, and Italy took
possession of Eritrea as well as Italian Somaliland which is now part of
the Republic of Somalia; Ethiopia, however, did not fall under the colonial
yoke, partly because of the resistance of the north and partly due to the
agreement of competing colonial powers on future goals.
Italian colonialism in Eritrea
The Italian colonialists had special aims in Eritrea. Their objectives were
not confined to exploiting Eritrea’s natural and human resources but
extended to occupying a large territory in the Horn of Africa-including
Ethiopia. Towards this end, they gave primacy to turning Somalia and
especially strategically-located Eritrea into spring boards for their
invasion of Ethiopia. They invested large amounts of capital in Eritrea and
speeded up the dismantling of the traditional economic, social and cultural
structures as well as the process of nation-building.
The Italians built ports, roads, railways, and rope ways. They opened
airports and introduced sea, land and air transportation. They installed
telephone and telegraph networks, established power stations, consumer
goods factories and large scale industries. They set up repair and
maintenance facilities. They began prospecting for minerals, opened up
mines and expanded salt-mining and fishing. They set up large plantations
as well as service industries. In short, they introduced a new, advanced,
but exploitative, economic system and created new social forces.
The Italians inducted thousands of Eritrean peasants and herdsmen into
their colonial army. To meet their administrative needs, they launched a
limited educational program confined to teaching the Italian language, the
four arithmetic operations and hygiene and began spreading their cultural
influence. They made the traditional clan and tribal administration comply
with colonial laws. Furthermore, they divided Eritrea into districts and
sub-districts, appointed loyal Eritreans to administer them and brought
these under the colonial office. They also specified the areas Eritreans
could inhabit and freely move in and enacted racially discriminatory laws.
In this manner, Italian colonialism unified Eritrea geographically and set
in motion economic; social and cultural changes which in turn fostered
common national feeling among Eritreans. Although Italian colonialism
proscribed political and trade union rights, this did not prevent-the
Eritrean people from mounting strong opposition to Italian policies of
exploitation, oppression, racial discrimination and forcible conscription.
Many Eritreans fled to Ethiopia. It was then that Nacura became a notorious
Written by Yishak Yared
Received on Fri Nov 23 2012 - 10:01:21 EST