P.O. BOX 1105 Station Main WINNIPEG MB R3C 2X4
TEL- 7944981 EMAIL: lkyriak_at_shaw.ca
For Immediate Press release:
From Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. and Coalition of Canadian Communities and Organizations (CECCO)
The Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. for the last 12 years has being tirelessly working to sponsor and Welcome to Manitoba hundreds of new Canadians of Eritrean origin.
Our organization:
A) Realizing that the no war, no peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia, particularly Ethiopia's continued rejection of the final and binding peace agreement including non-implementation the demarcation of the common border according to the decision of the neutral and independent Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission at The Hague is creating a lot of misery on the population of the Horn of Africa,
B)Abhorring the big business of illegal immigration and human trafficking including the unorthodox exodus of Eritrean youth lured by politically motivated efforts carried by Ethiopia and its enablers in order to weaken the newly independent country of Eritrea
C) Condemning the lawlessness and abuse of human rights that prevails in Northern Africa
D) Being fully aware of the tragic International human trafficking taking place with kidnappings and serious human tragedies particularly in the Sahara desert, the crossing of the Mediterranean Sea from Libya and the Sinai desert.
E) Denouncing the kidnappings of residents from refugee Camps in the Sudan and Ethiopia.
F) Understanding the terrifying and horrible human experiences of human abuses in the Sinai desert of Egypt by human traffickers who work in cooperation with some groups and entities in Europe and North America.
Since 2000 has assisted the sponsorship of more than 1600 refugee claimants by our organization out of which 500 have arrived in Manitoba and Canada.
In a strict observance of our Canadian and Eritrean Values of care, compassion and hospitality our organization has been fully engaged in the pre and post arrival of all new Canadians of Eritrean Origin (See articles and references below below).
The Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. and the Coalition of the Eritrean Canadian Communities and organizations (CECCO) , a Coalition of 11 Canadian Eritrean communities and organization across Canada call upon the Manitoba and Canadian government to place all necessary efforts to stop the modern day slavery that is taking place in Sinai Egypt and provide assist its victims.
Contact info Lambros Kyriakakos 204 7944981 Yohannes Mehari 204 8802260
For Immediate Release: CECCO calls on Canadian authorities to address human smuggling.
The Coalition of Eritrean Canadian Communities and Organizations (CECCO) calls upon Canadian authorities to address the serious human smuggling problems facing African migrants in general and Eritreans in particular.
The shocking accounts of torture, rape and kidnappings in the Sinai are a serious cause for concern and require immediate action.
CECCO will be engaged in bringing light to this issue and is prepared to work with Canadian authorities on this matter.
About the Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc.
Description of organization
The Eritrean community was established over 25 years ago when a few refugees settled in Winnipeg. Many people from the East African country of Eritrea came to Canada during the pre-independence years of intense turmoil and conflict. The first Eritreans came in the 70’s and established themselves as a formal community organization in 1983 in Winnipeg. Over the years many more Eritreans have made Winnipeg their home. Many came to Canada having spent time in refugee camps and or a third country before their arrival. There are approximately 1,600 Eritreans who now call Winnipeg home
The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. is an incorporated organization that represents the Eritrean community. It is part of an umbrella organization, the African Communities of Manitoba Inc. (ACOMI). The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg in 2013 will be celebrating 30 years since its establishment in Manitoba.
The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. is governed by a board of directors and a set of bylaws (see attached www.eritreancommunity.ca
The mandate of the organization includes promoting Eritrean culture in Manitoba, strengthening the Eritrean community, fostering cooperation between community members and community organizations, providing resettlement assistance, advocating for immigrant youth and women, addressing racism issues, assisting with disaster relief when needed and fostering good relations between Canada and Eritrea.
Major activities of the community
1. Operating the Cultural Resource Center 346 Hargrave St.
2. Eritrean languages and cultural Awareness School
3. Documentation of Eritrean-Canadian Cultural celebrations, events and history of the Community
4. Strengthening Families yearly activities.
5. Eritrean Arts and Music promotion.
6. Primary health and Occupational Health session on yearly basis
7. Cultural promotion (Traditional music - dances and training.)
8. Contemporary Eritrean music - dances and training
9. Cultural performances by the Eritrean-Canadian Youth Group In Manitoba -Folklorama
10. Cultural performance of Eritrean-Canadian Women’s Group in Manitoba
11. Foods and cooking classes
12. Traditional coffee ceremony performances at community level
13. Annual celebration Liberation/Independence Day
14. Welcoming session and orientations to newcomers
15. With Art photography project for single headed families( Art therapy)
16. Sports and Soccer team activities
17. Yearly Memorial Day Commemoration at Assiniboine Park.
18. Movie Projections
19. Various social events
Major community support programs and advocacy.
1. Preservation of language and traditions
2. Promoting Eritrean Arts, music and Culture in Manitoba and Canada
3. Fostering good relations between Canada and Eritrea
4. Sponsoring refugees from war-torn areas
5. Welcoming newcomers - providing support and assistance with resettlement
6. Providing assistance for special refugee cases
7. Advocating regarding immigrant women and youth issues,
8. Strengthening families and addressing intergenerational issues.
9. Arts projects in collaboration with Winnipeg Arts Council Photography projects
10. Youth arts projects for emerging Eritrean-Canadian Artists, video classes in collaboration with Manitoba Arts council, and Canada Arts council.
Major partners
1. Department of Labour and Immigration
2. Welcome Place
3. University of Manitoba
4. Occupational Health Center
5. Ethno-cultural Support Program
6. Manitoba Interfaith Council
7. Eritrean-Canadian Communities across Canada
8. Winnipeg Arts Council
9. Manitoba Arts Council
10. Canada Arts Council
11. SERC Sexuality Education Resource Center-Strengthening families
12. Mount Carmel Clinic Community Projects.
13. Video Pool Center-Media Arts Center
14. New Immigrant Center
15. Various service providers to newcomers and refugee agencies.
16. New journey Housing
17. IRCOM House.
18. Global College
19. Needs Center
20. L.E.E.P/ United Way
21. Success Skills center
The mandate of the organization includes promoting Eritrean culture in Manitoba, strengthening the Eritrean community, fostering cooperation between community members and community organizations, sponsoring refugees, providing resettlement assistance, advocating for immigrant youth and women, addressing racism issues, and assisting with disaster relief when needed and fostering good relations between Canada and Eritrea.
Received on Mon Dec 10 2012 - 14:30:00 EST