The Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. and The Coalition of Eritrean-Canadian Communities and Organizations (CECCO):
Being fully aware of the tragic international human trafficking taking place with kidnappings and serious human tragedies particularly in the Sahara desert, the crossing of the Mediterranean Sea from Libya and the Sinai desert,
Denounces the kidnappings of residents from Refugee Camps in the Sudan and Ethiopia, and and is deeply dismayed by the terrifying and horrible experiences of human abuses in the Sinai Desert of Egypt by human traffickers who work in cooperation with some groups and entities in Europe and North America.
Since 2000 the Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. has assisted in the sponsorship of more than 1600 refugee claimants - 500 of which have already arrived in Canada.
In a strict observance of our Canadian and Eritrean Values of Care, Compassion and Hospitality, the Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. has been fully engaged in the pre and post arrival of all new Canadians of Eritrean Origin to Manitoba (See articles and references attached).
The Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc. and the Coalition of Eritrean Canadian Communities and Organizations (CECCO) , a Coalition of Eritrean-Canadian communities and organization across Canada call upon the Manitoba and Canadian governments to place all necessary efforts to stop the modern day slavery that is taking place in Sinai, Egypt and provide assistance to its victims.
Contact info: Lambros Kyriakakos 204 794-4981 Yohannes Mehari 204 880-2260
Received on Thu Dec 13 2012 - 22:37:10 EST