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[dehai-news] An Eritrean scholar gets two international recognitions

From: Embaye Ferrow <embaie.ferrow_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 18:05:30 -0500

An Eritrean scholar gets two international recognitions on his work
in Remote Sensing.
Prof. Dr. Embaie Ferrow

On Monday, 29 October 2012, during the biennial African Association
of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) conference in Eljadida,
Morocco, Prof. Tsehaie Woldai was honored with two awards: the AARSE-
AFRICA highest Achievement Award for his work as founder, immediate
past President and for turning the association into a political force
shaping Africa's Space programs.

AARSE, sine Prof. Tsehaie founded it in 1992, is a composition of
over 1800 members, including 32 national associations and societies,
5 space agencies in Africa and over 200 international organizations
from Asia, Australia and the America involved in satellite remote
sensing and space activities. It is by far the largest association
of its kind in Africa. Its conference attracts an average of 650
participants and over 60 exhibitors and more than 20 sponsors (gold,
platinum and silver).

The second award, given on the same day, was the ESRI 'Making a
Difference in Africa' award. The ESRI award is given once a year to
distinguished personalities from various continents during its user
conference in San Diego, USA. The conference attracts over 15,000
participants from all over the world. This is the 26nd award in a row
so far received.

A Brief Resume of Dr. T. (Tsehaie) Woldai

Dr. Tsehaie Woldai holds an MSc degree from the International
Institute for Geo&#8208;Information Science and Earth Observation
(ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands (1976) and a PhD degree of the Open

Tsehaie Woldai worked with the Geological Survey and the Water
Resources Authority of Ethiopia including: Gulf Oil Company in
Ethiopia, Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Higher
Scientific Research (ZWO) before he joined permanently ITC as an
Assistant Professor in 1982. In 1997, he was appointed to the
position of Associate Professor and beginning 2008 he holds the
position of Portfolio Manager for Marketing and Project Services
within the Department of Earth Systems Analysis at ITC.

Dr. Tsehaie Woldai is a Fellow of the Geological Society of Africa
(GSAF); Founder and the current President of the African Association
of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE), an Association with
more than more than 1200 members in 29 African countries and around
100 institutional members representing 31 countries outside the
continent. He is also AARSE leading Official delegate to "Group on
Earth Observation (GEO)"; Advisory Member for GEO task
US&#8208;09&#8208;01a on Disasters Societal Benefit Areas; Commission
VI Secretary of the International Society of Photogrammetry & Remote
Sensing (ISPRS); Evaluator of the European Union FP7 Framework
Research on "Environment"; Associate Editor for African Affairs, IEEE
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter; Editorial Board
Member, International Journal of Digital Earth; Coordinator of the
University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa (UNEDRA) and
Guest Editor, Supplement Issue on "Remote Sensing For Africa",
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and
Geoinformation, Vol.1, 2010.
Received on Wed Dec 19 2012 - 21:25:37 EST
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