Press Release
Ethiopian Jets Bomb Civilian Areas

Ethiopian fighter planes today bombed the town of Adi Kaieh, the
environs of Mendefera and the village of Forto (western Eritrea). The
successive bombings occurred from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m.

Eight children were wounded--some of them critically--in the bombings
that hit a school in Adi Kaieh where a nearby church was also partially
demolished. There were no casualties in the other two air raids.

The high altitude bombings were indiscriminate.

The TPLF regime has carried out the air raids on these civilian targets
only two days after the UN Security Council renewed its calls for an
immediate cessation of hostilities and the implementation of the OAU
Framework Agreement which remains blocked by the TPLF.

The town of Adi Quala, the environs of Zalambesa, Deda Lalai, Hazemo,
Shabiqo, Kinafna and Molki were targets of previous bombings by
Ethiopian Antonov and MiG aircraft and helicopter gunships since
February 6 this year when the TPLF regime violated the moratorium on
air strikes. Twenty seven civilians were killed and 42 others wounded
in those bombings.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asmara, 15 April 1999