TPLF's Violations Are Not Replicated in Eritrea

The TPLF regime continues to issue inflammatory statements about the state of Ethiopian citizens in Eritrea who, it alleges, are "randomly beat on the street and in their homes." The regime further contents that "hundreds of Ethiopians have been detained in prisons and the whereabouts of most of them are unknown."

The TPLF's claims, however, are not borne out by the facts in Eritrea. Indeed, the timing of these accusations is geared to detract attention from the peace process and intensified international calls for the immediate implementation of the Framework Agreement.=20

As far as the accusations are concerned:
* The ICRC has, in the past year, investigated and dismissed identical claims made by the Ethiopian government regarding their nationals in Eritrea. The ICRC continues to enjoy full, unlimited access to investigate 'new' accusations of unlawful detention.
* This is in stark contrast to the plight of Eritreans in Ethiopia who have been subject to the very policies Ethiopia wants the world to believe exist in Eritrea. But, while in Eritrea Ethiopian nationals continue to live and work protected by the June 26, 1998, parliamentary act which honors their rights, in Ethiopia Eritrean civilians have and continue to endure arbitrary arrest and detention in brutal camps where many have lost their lives. While Ethiopian nationals in Eritrea have been given the option to return to Ethiopia voluntarily in a program supervised by the ICRC, Eritreans in Ethiopia have been deported by force and en masse--to the tune of 56,000--after having property and all means of livelihood confiscated.
* Ethiopia can not, in earnest, claim that their nationals are prevented from entering the Ethiopian Embassy in Asmara. Access to that embassy has never been restricted or denied. Neither has anyone attempting to visit the Ethiopian Embassy in Asmara been "intimidated and harassed." This, again, is in stark contrast to the actions the TPLF has taken against Eritrea's diplomatic mission in Addis Abeba. TPLF soldiers stood guard outside the premise and placed a twenty four hour surveillance on the ambassador who himself was eventually deported. The TPLF has since broken into the embassy residence in direct contravention of the Vienna Convention.

The TPLF regime seeks to give credence to its accusations by producing bogus 'lists' to undermine the legitimate appeals the Eritrean government has undertaken on behalf of missing Eritreans in Ethiopia. The regime in Addis Abeba also seeks to convince the world that Eritreans have become vindictive following "humiliating defeats." Is it not Ethiopia, as verified by international media, which has sustained massive loss of life on both the Badme and Tsorona fronts?

Ethiopians in Eritrea, as everyone knows, have and will continue to enjoy their rights including the right to stay and work, or indeed the right to leave. The TPLF regime cannot continue to suggest that the policies they execute against Eritreans are being replicated in Eritrea.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asmara, 30 April 1999