Press Release
Eritrea's Position Regarding the Recent Security Council Statement

The UN Security Council issued a statement yesterday, 23 June 1999, demanding, interalia, that "both parties immediately and unconditionally agree to a cease-fire." The Security Council statement further calls upon both parties "to cooperate fully and constructively with the high level delegation of the OAU to implement the framework agreement."

While the Government of Eritrea welcomes these recommendations, it cannot but emphasize the following points:

1. It is well known that Eritrea did not initiate the hostilities. Moreover, Eritrea has not only publicly committed itself not to shoot the first bullet but it has incessantly been calling for the renunciation of the use of force to resolve the border problem and for a comprehensive cessation of hostilities. Clearly, this measure, which constitutes the first paragraph of the Framework Agreement, is vital to pave the way for the full implementation of the multi-faceted provisions of the Agreement. The only reason that it remains blocked is due to Ethiopia's adamant rejection. Only recently, Ethiopia's Prime Minister has told his domestic audience in a lengthy interview on Ethiopian TV and Radio that the "impending offensive will neither be brought forward or delayed by a day. It will be launched at the most appropriate time. Time 'lost' is simply to ensure full preparations." The Security Council must therefore address the request to Ethiopia rather than blaming both parties without distinction.

2. Eritrea has repeatedly announced its readiness to implement the OAU Framework Agreement in good faith. Again, the obstacle remains Ethiopia which has been forwarding ever-changing preconditions. Eritrea objects to these preconditions and vehemently calls for the implementation of the Framework Agreement without any alternation to appease Ethiopia's unacceptable preconditions and new demands.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asmara, 24 June 1999