CONVENTION Between Italy and Ethiopia for the Settlement of the Frontier Between the Italian Colony of Eritrea and the Provinces of the Ethiopian Empire, Signed at Addis Ababa, 16th May, 1908

His Majesty Victor Emanuel, in his own name and in the name of his successors, by means of his Representative in Adis Ababa, Cavaliere Giuseppe Colli di Felizzano, Captain of cavalry, and His Majesty Menelik II, King of Kings of Abyssinia, in his own name and that of his successors, desiring to regulate definitely the frontier between the Italian Colony of Eritrea and the provinces of the Ethiopian Empire, have determined to sign the following Convention:-

Done in duplicate and in identic terms in the two languages, Italian and Amharic. One copy remains in the hands of the Italian Government, and the other in the hands of the Ethiopian Government.

Given in the city of Adis Ababa, the 16th day of the month of May, 1908.


(Seal of Menelik).