A Special Retreat
Hellen T.
July 31, 2002

I think this was my fourth retreat and after this one I think I will enjoy and cherish them even more. Throughout the year, Dehaiers share, argue and learn from one another. Sometimes we are not so kind and sometimes we get disgusted but still we stay and continue to share views, we remember how good it could get and hope that things will improve. Once a year we put faces to those views and exchanges and share a weekend of comraderie and reminiscing of past postings, ex and new Dehaiers, marriages, kids etc.

This retreat was extra special for many reasons. On Dehai, we no longer share our opinions as freely as we used to. I think part of the reason is that posts tend to be hijacked to other sites, intentions are twisted, and what was supposed to be "constructive criticism" finds itself as opposition propaganda. Don't think for a moment though that discussions have ceased.....they haven't but they just aren't on Dehai as much as they used to be. Instead private e-mails and chance encounters at the community center or get together at homes are where discussions abound, for me. The Dehai Retreat of 2002 was one such venue to vent and bring up burning issues with the implicit assurance that your views would not be exploited. It was refreshing to hear issues raised and different views expressed - it felt like the Dehai of the good-ol-days! :-)

Somehow Dehai Retreats always feel like a big family reunion of folks you only get to see once in a blue moon. I was at the retreat in 2000 and Mulu Weldekiros was there too. I never met her although she appears in pictures I took. I'm not the social type and I'm sorry that I don't make an effort to chit-chat more. I wish I met Mulu - she symbolizes the ideal Eritrean in these difficult times. More than anything what saddens me is what we didn't do because we were so distracted by all the acrimony, accusations and confusion. I know I was distracted these last couple of years. It's so nice to know that Eritrea had a Mulu who kept focused and determined to help her people in spite of everything. I stood there and listened to those who knew her and were inspired by her and I was truly amazed that one person could accomplish so much and touch so many lives doing so. Dehai lost a member, Eritrea lost a patriotic lady and those who knew her lost a sister and a good friend. A touching ceremony, where a tree was planted in her name and her friends talked about her life, made me realize that maybe we should focus more on people than events at these retreats.

There were wonderful presentations and perspectives shared from a World Bank executive to a young entrepreneur, G-Man, an Ambassador, a film maker, a repatriated diasporan and Dehai big names, Ephrem and Ghidewon. After a brief talk by Ambassador Girma, folks were huddling around him continuing the conversations and asking questions. Me, I peeked here and there trying to get an earful and walked away so proud of what I had heard. Here were young professionals asking how they could help, what they could do for their country, what types of opportunities were there for investment, etc. Eritrea, I thought, they are right, "Adei gele 'loki"!! Elias' talk about Sawa made me pledge that it was a must-see on my next trip home. Sawa is a microcosm of a future Eritrea;- well built, well planned, self-sufficient, opportunity for all, green, and lastly, great-tasting water! The genius behind Sawa is less about the military and more about skills-building, education and the coming together of youth from all ethnic and religious backgrounds in service of their country. A way to cement the natural bonds between people of multi-ethnic and multi-religious backgrounds and help ward off ignorance and suspicion about each other.

All in all, It was an informative and fully-packed weekend with plenty of time for boating and short-naps (I luv to sleep), joke-telling and dancing.

Next year, can we start on Thursday? :-) Also, can we have more interactive sessions so we can get to know each other better? Lastly, I'm trying to memorize jokes so I'll build up enough nerve to tell at least ONE at the bonfire next year!!!

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Last updated: August 08, 2002.