
(Borkena) Ethiopian and Eritrean friendship event at the Ethiopian Embassy in Riyadh

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Monday, 06 August 2018

Ethiopian and Eritrean friendship event at the Ethiopian Embassy in Riyadh

August 6,2018

Ethiopians and Eritreans organized a friendship event at the Ethiopian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to celebrate what Ethiopia and Eritrea have achieved in terms of restoring peace to between the two countries after two decades of a state of war situation.

Leaders of the two countries have agreed not only to end the state of war but also to transform the relation to a mutual cooperation and support politically,economically, socially,culturally and otherwise. The Airlines of the two countries have already started flying to Asmara and Addis Ababa.

People to people relation is already started. Ethiopians travelling to Eritrea and Eritreans travelling to Ethiopia. Families separated after the conflict over two decades ago are uniting. Likewise, Ethiopians and Eritreans in North America, Europe and the Middle East are celebrating the peace agreement between the two countries and seem to be hoping the best is yet to come.

“Those who say Ethiopia and Eritrea are two have failed to understand the situation. We are one,” said president at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa last month.


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