
China's complicated COVID-19 game | Anti-Asian racism flares

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Friday, 03 April 2020


Editor's note

Two months ago, countries were donating masks to China to aid in its battle against coronavirus. Now, China is sending masks around the world as new countries become overwhelmed. But this "mask diplomacy" is more than just much-welcomed soft diplomacy. As Haiqing Yu and Michael Keane explain, China is playing a complicated game to prove itself as the new global superpower. These masks are a "white face" (friendly face) abroad, while the country shows a "red face" (hostile face) at home.

One of the darkest elements of the coronavirus outbreak has been the anti-Asian sentiment that's accompanied it. Since the virus emerged from China at the end of 2019, North America in particular has seen a spike of racist terms, memes and news articles targeting Asian communities. Sadly, writes Paula Larsson, this sort of prejudice linked to fears of disease is not new.

Jane Howard

Deputy Section Editor: Arts + Culture

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