
Petition · STOP ! Harassing the Eritrean people and officials in The Netherlands. - ክሳብ ዕለት 20.11.2020 ተቓውሞናንከነስምዕ ሃገራዊ ጻውዒት ነቕርብ

Posted by: National Council of Eritreans in Germany

Date: Friday, 13 November 2020

ክሳብ ዕለት 20.11.2020 ተቓውሞና ንከነስምዕ ሃገራዊ ጻውዒት ነቕርብ ::

STOP ! Harassing the Eritrean people and officials in The Netherlands.

We, the undersigned Eritreans, and Germans of Eritrean origin, demand your government to stop harassing our people and official representatives in the Netherlands. We would like to make it unambiguously clear to the Dutch government that we and other Eritreans donated on our will, voluntarily out of moral obligation and in a sense of urgency. The exemplary solidarity of diaspora Eritreans needs only to be commended and not by any means punished. To assume otherwise is an insult to our intelligence and testifies to the ignorance to our history. We also like to take this opportunity to express our satisfaction with the performance of our government and the achievement of the people in controlling the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID19) and minimizing its impact on the most vulnerable. Hence we demand a formal apology for these wrong doings and rectify the unfounded allegations and redress the wrong decisions you took.

In this context we urge that your government reviews its hostile policy towards Eritrea and engage in a constructive dialog with the government of Eritrea.

We await your reply with great interest and urgency.

National Council of Eritreans in Germany

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