
Reuters reports Trump is set to continue Biden’s policies on Ukraine.

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Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2024

Reuters reports Trump is set to continue Biden’s policies on Ukraine.

4 December 2024, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

On December 4th, Reuters headlined “Trump's plan for Ukraine comes into focus: Territorial concessions but NATO off the table”, and reported from named and unnamed sources, what the proposals have been by individuals who have publicly stated their own recommended policies regarding the war in Ukraine, and all of these individuals have been neoconservative, which is to say that they assume that the U.S. must continue to be the dominant force and ultimate decision-maker regarding Ukraine and its international relations (indeed, international relations everywhere) — continue to include Ukraine as being a part of the U.S. empire.

The ONLY one of that article’s named sources who has actually been appointed by Trump to be a part of his Administration regard Ukraine is Keith Kellogg, whom Trump has given this precise portfolio, of being the United States Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia. And, so, Kellogg’s 9,000-word atrociously written plan — which was superbly outlined, summarized, and linked-to on December 2nd at the merely 1,000-word crystal-clear and accurate “What’s Inside Keith Kellogg’s Ukraine Peace Plan?”, and so I won’t say anything more about it — does actually have some important confirmation by today’s Donald Trump, because Trump gave this portfolio to Kellogg. This plan is the main one that the Reuters article cites. Reuters accurately characterizes what it says, including that, “Trump's advisers would try forcing Moscow and Kyiv into negotiations with carrots and sticks, including halting military aid to Kyiv unless it agrees to talk but boosting assistance if Russian President Vladimir Putin refuses.

In other words, Trump’s plan is to threaten Russia — which is clearly heading toward victory in Ukraine — by “boosting assistance if Russian President Vladimir Putin refuses.”

Notice there that Reuters doesn’t want its readers to know that Russia is clearly heading toward victory in Ukraine, and that it ALSO doesn’t want them to know that that word “boosting” would be applied specifically to constitute boosting-to-UKRAINE, which means to CONTINUE the Biden Administration’s policy regarding this war: i.e., to intensify America’s war against Russia.

Another vaguery in that article is “NATO membership for Ukraine would be put on hold.” The actual statement in the Kellogg plan is that Trump should “put off NATO membership for Ukraine for an extended period in exchange for a comprehensive and verifiable peace deal with security guarantees [FOR UKRAINE -- so the U.S. Government would CONTINUE to control Ukraine].” Putin has repeatedly made unambiguously clear that one of his three NON-negotiable requirements in order to end this war is to make Ukrainian membership in Nato IMPOSSIBLE — not merely prohibited in the short term, but impossible ever. The Kellogg plan fails even to address ANY of Russia’s three bare-minimum requirements (those three non-negotiable requirements) in order to end its proxy-war against the U.S. empire’s war against Russia, that is being waged in the battlefields of Ukraine.

In other words: Trump’s policy toward Russia will be Biden’s policy toward Russia, and this is a policy that would lead inevitably to WW3, because the U.S. Government is — in its actions and not merely in its words — just as determined to conquer (control) Russia, as Russia is determined NOT to be controlled by ANY foreign power.

(And, so, too, we know why both the Reuters article’s headline, “Trump's plan for Ukraine comes into focus: Territorial concessions but NATO off the table”, and its report, are vaguely written, so as to avoid calling their readers’ attention to what the reality is that they are pretending to be informing them about. Readers who buy such ‘journalism’ are buying propaganda. Both America’s elected politicians and its ‘news’-media are designed to fool — not inform — the public. I provide links to my articles that provide the evidence for my allegations, because I seek ONLY intelligent readers, and because intelligent readers demand access to the evidence in order to be able to judge it for themselves.)

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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