Dehai News Ethiopia, ONLF sign historic peace deal

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Date: Monday, 22 October 2018

Addis Abeba, Oct. 22/2018 -Ethiopian government delegation led by Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu have signed a peace deal with the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) delegation led by Admiral Mohamed Omar Osman in the Eritrean capital, Asmara, yesterday October 21.

According to a statement from ONLF, “the two sides have reached a historical agreement regarding the political rights of the people from Somali Regional State and genuinely addressing the root causes of the conflict between ONLF and the Ethiopian government.”

The peace deal, the discussion of which was also attended by Ahmed Shide, Finance Minister and Chairman of the Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP), Mustafa Muhumed Omer, deputy president of the Somali regional state, Redwan Hussein, Ethiopia’s ambassador to Eritrea, as well as senior officials from ONLF, including secretary general Abdirahman Mahdi and foreign secretary Ahmed Yassin, also saw the establishment of “a joint committee to further discuss substantive issues pertaining to the root causes of the conflict in the [Somali] region through continuous engagement inside the country,” according to a one page statement released following the discussions.

Yesterday’s peace deal follows initial modalities of peace talks that began on September 18 in Asmara during which both “parties have reached a common understanding on the issues discussed and way forward. They agreed to work together peacefully to protect the interests of the people of the Somali Region and collaborate on national issues including the future of Horn of Africa integration.”

In addition to establishing a joint committee, both parties have agreed to “end hostilities toward each other” and for ONLF to “pursue its political objectives through peaceful means, with the assurance that the FDRE will respect and uphold the provisions of its constitution,” the statement added.

The ONLF is one of the oldest separatist rebel groups established in 1984.  The group has been on Ethiopia’s terror list until recently when the Ethiopian parliament removed its name off of the list.

On August 12/2018, ONLF declared a unilateral ceasefire and some of its members have returned to Ethiopia. However, this is the first formal peace talk between ONLF and the Ethiopian government. AS


PM Abiy Ahmed to appoint state ministers today

Addis Abeba, Oct. 22/2018 – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is expected to appoint new state ministers at various ministerial offices this afternoon, sources tell Addis Standard.

Among notable appointees will be Eyob Tekalign Tolina, minister in charge of the National Planning Commission (NPC), now renamed Planning and Development Commission (PDC).

Addis Standard confirmed that Eyob will be a state minister at the ministry of finance, where he will be “closely working” with the new minister, Ahmed Shide. Eyob was appointed to lead NPC, an autonomous federal institution responsible for planning government development projects, on July 06/2018. He replaced Yinager Dessie, who was moved to lead the National Bank of Ethiopia.

During last week’s cabinet reshuffle, NPC was renamed PDC with a new minister, Fitsum Assefa , as one of the ten women ministers. A mother of three, Fitsum is studying in Giessen, Germany but she told DW Amharic that she will return to Ethiopia to assume her her role.

Zeynu Jemal

Confirmed as of now is also the appointment Zeynu Jemal as a state minister at the newly formed ministry of peace. Zeynu is the federal police commission commissioner general. he was the Deputy Director of the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs before being appointed as commissioner general on June 06/2018 after then commissioner general Yared Zerihun resigned citing health issues. The federal police commission will have a third commissioner general in just ix months since PM Abiy Ahmed came to power.

Ambassador Misganu Arga

The third appointee confirmed by Addis Standard is Ambassador Misganu Arga, former Ethiopian Ambassador to the state of Qatar. Misganu will be a state minister at the ministry of Trade and Industry where Fetlework Gebregziabher was appointed as the minister last week. Ambassador Misganu was appointed as State Minister for Labor and Social Affairs in May this year.

Dr. Abdiwasa Abdilah Bade

A new comer to a government position is Dr. Abdiwasa Abdilah Bade, a well respected academician at the Addis Abeba University (AAU). The Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations recently came to prominence among Ethiopians following his scathing criticism of former Somali region president Abdi Mohammed Omer, A.k.a Abdi Iley. Unless last minute changes are made, Addis Standard confirmed that Dr. Abdiwasa will become a state minister at Ministry of Science and Higher education, where he will be joining Dr. Hirut Woldemariam. AS

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