Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2025
America won in Syria and continues to win there; the massacres are now accelerating.
10 March 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)
Here is a video interview of U.S. Middle East scholar Joshua Landis describing Syria today, after the U.S. Government under Barack Obama succeeded in getting Syria’s al-Qaeda to ultimately win Syria, which effort continued under Donald Trump and then culminated under Joe Biden, so that this is the U.S. Government’s victory he’s describing (though not explicitly acknowledging — which would jeopardize his career, because America’s guilt in this is supposed to remain a secret):
“Syrian Militias MASSACRE, EXECUTE Hundreds After Bashar Al-Asaad's OUSTER: REPORT”
The Hill Rising (The Hill’s ‘progressive’ show), 10 March 2025
The headline-writer used that “Hundreds” though what Dr. Landis is obviously referring to is tens if not hundreds of thousands of executions occurring there now.
The Hill Rising had had a succession of main presenters who were progressives — Krystal Ball, Saagar Enjeti, Briahna Joy Gray, Ryan Grim, and Emily Jashinsky — until the management finally settled on the libertarian Robby Soave, in order to appeal to at least SOME of the super-rich to fund; and so he, Soave, is the presenter in this video, who obliviously to the reality that Landis is describing and that I and others have been reporting ever since at least 2012, interjects with the anodyne (attempting to portray this matter as just being sad and horrible, but nothing to do with the U.S. Government that had (as my llinks here will doocument) actually mainly CAUSED IT.
Here is the passage in which Soave responds to Landis’s opening statement:
deeply deeply horrifying — I, what you're
describing is just a kind of looting and
pillaging from the Medieval Era, a
conquering Army comes in and starts
massacring people and taking their
indiscriminately, Um, obviously the Assad
regime was guilty of all sorts of
atrocities, there is no defense of of Assad
whatsoever, but does this complicate um
you know American foreign policy and the
kind of I would say hopefulness or a
rosy picture that was painted by some
foreign policy experts about the fall of
Assad being a good thing for human
rights and and and such? Because he was
certainly a brutal dictator. But what
we've seen in so many other contexts in
the Middle East is that an ouster of a
brutal dictator does not necessarily
mean the proliferation of a a a liberal
humanitarian um ethos overtaking the
country. In fact, we've seen we've seen
the emboldening of terrorism or or
violence um or religious
totalitarianism is what can come in the
wake of the ouster of a dictator. So what
does this uh you know what does this
mean for our hopes for Syria from a, you
know, from a western democratic
He is oblivious to this being mainly a production by the U.S. Government — HIS Government, OUR Government — and he slathers into his deceit the standard-in-The-West, Assad-was-a-brutal-dictator, line from the U.S. and its allies, though those allegations, all of them that became investigated in depth, turned out to have been basicallly false-flag operations by Syria’s U.S.-backed al-Qaeda designed to APPEAR to have been by Assad to ‘document’ that, as U.S. Presidents said, “Assad has to go” — and were widely reported in the NYT, WP, Atlantic Monthly etc. as-if they definitely WERE by Assad’s Government. It was and is like “Saddam’s WMD” were in 2002-2004. In fact, in 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency warned Obama — the activator of the overthrow-Assad movement — that if he continued in this, “THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A DECLARED OR UNDECLARED SALAFIST PRINCIPALITY IN EASTERN SYRIA (HASAKA AND DER ZOR), AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE SUPPORTING POWERS TO THE OPPOSITION WANT, IN ORDER TO ISOLATE THE SYRIAN REGIME.” They knew Obama wanted it. Furthermore, Soave ignores that Assad, throughout his rule, was approved of by the Syrian people FAR MORE than any other person who was named in the polls that the U.S. regime regularly commissioned to be taken of Syrians (so as to find SOMEONE whom the U.S. regime could promote in Syria to replace him). Those SAME polls showed that by overwhelming margins, the Syrian people blamed the U.S. the most for al-Qaeda in Syria. Whereas Syrians knew it, Americans still DON’T. This is a “democracy” we have here?
Here is what I reported about those polls on 4 September 2018:
There is evidence that most Syrians want the jihadists to be slaughtered. The British polling firm Orb International’s 2014 Syrian poll asked “Q5. Who do you feel best represents the interests and aspirations of the Syrian people?” The top two most-favored choices were: “The Assad Government” 35%, and “Political Opposition” 21%. Both of those are secular, not sectarian. All of the armed groups who were trying to overthrow Assad wanted Sharia law, and they were supported by only 27% of Syrians, but they were supported and armed and trained by all of the US international coalition.
A year later, Orb polled again, and found (“Table 3”) that 47% of Syrians in 2015 said that Assad had a “positive effect” on the country; 43% said Iran did; 37% said “Arab Gulf Countries” (the US Government’s allied nations against Syria) did; 36% said “Free Syrian Army” (America’s proxies or boots-on-the-ground fighters in Syria) did; 35% said “Nusra Front” (Al Qaeda in Syria, which trained and led the Free Syrian Army) did; 26% said the “Syrian Opposition Coalition” (America’s other proxy fighters to overthrow Assad) did; and 21% said “Islamic State” (ISIS or ISIL, or simply “IS”) did. 76% said IS had a “negative effect” on Syria. IS was hated by Syrians, but apparently not as much as US was hated by them: When Syrians were asked “to explain the presence of ISIL in Iraq/Syria” 82% answered (Table 26) that the explanation “is US.” Syrians might not have agreed on whom they supported, but they agreed overwhelmingly that America was their nation’s enemy. And it is. Syrians don’t want to be ruled by stooges selected for them by the Sauds. But that’s whom the US coalition lined up to rule them. Except that Russia decided not to accept it. And now Pompeo is warning Russia (which is legally in Syria at the request of the Government, while the US itself is only an invading power there) to give up and let Syria be conquered by America’s proxies.
Furthermore, the 2015 Orb poll (Table 4) also found that Idlib was the region of Syria which had the lowest percentage of its inhabitants (only 4% — versus 47% in the nation-at-large) supporting Assad. Table 6 there shows that 35% of Idlib’s residents supported ISIS. Table 7 shows that 70% of Idlib’s residents supported Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria). So: when Assad made the decision to relocate surrendered jihadists to Idlib, he knew that he was sending them to the Governorate that’s far more supportive of the jihadist cause than any other area of Syria is. Only a tiny portion of Idlib’s residents oppose jihadists. And, now, suddenly, to America’s Mike Pompeo, all of the people in Idlib are somehow (as he suggests, but is sly enough not to state outright) refugees.
Orb’s 2018 poll of Syrians reported that, “Only 26% think that the influence of the International Coalition has been positive, and 69% think their influence has been somewhat or strongly negative. A further 57% think The West has played a negative role.” Orb, the pollster — since it’s allied with the US instead of with Syria — also blamed Assad, instead of blaming Trump, for the worsening situation their latest poll found in Syria. Orb’s 2018 report says: “Whether or not an Assad victory is good for the future of the country is wide open — Although 39% agree that the country is heading in the right direction, this is a large drop since 2017 when 57% agreed with this statement.” Between 2017 and now, most Syrians, just like most Americans, became disillusioned that Trump really was going to let Syria win the war that the US Government has been waging against Syria ever since 1949 and which exploded into the open once Obama came into the White House. During the past year, it has become increasingly clear that Trump is continuing and even escalating this war; so, of course, Syrians, who know that the US is their enemy, don’t think “that the country is heading in the right direction.” Like Americans, the people in Syria had believed Trump’s lies about what his intentions regarding Syria were. They know better now.
The United States has a free press and no censorship by the Government and by the few individuals who control the Government. Do you believe it?
America has always run NATO, and made Hitler’s former Chief of Staff NATO’s Chief of Staff. Did you know that? It’s not ONLY the Syria matter. (In fact, the U.S. Government FIRST tried “regime-change in Syria” back in 1949.)
The deceit by the U.S. regime is nonstop. As Dr. Landis goes on to note, Trump — who in his first term was big on regime-changing Assad — is now condemning al-Qaeda in Syria for its massacres. (A large part of Trump’s electorate are devout Christians, and the Christian Broadcasting Network headlined on March 10th “The Truth About Christians Killed in Syria”. Assad had been protecting those Syrians and all ethnicities, but the U.S. Government and its allies won. That Christian propaganda network blames Assad and not ONLY al-Qaeda — and not the U.S. Government, at all. It makes no sense at all.) America won in Iraq, it won in Libya, it won in Palestine, and it won in Syria. America is a ‘democracy’ and it spreads ‘democracy’ around the world.
America, more than any other nation, needs to be regime-changed — by the American people. And that isn’t Republican-versus-Democratic Parties; it’s instead America’s people terminating the empire of America’s billionaires — ending the U.S. empire. It has nothing to do with either Party; both Parties share in this dictatorship by the billionaires. It’s not a dictatorship by Democrats, nor one by Republicans — it is a dictatorship by America’s billionaires. And it is destroying the world — not ONLY the U.S.
PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.