
Gizaw never learns

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Date: Friday, 25 December 2020

Dear dehaiers!
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
A sequel to the Tekle berhe's Rebuttal...............................!
Poste by Mr Russom Bahirnegash
Wednesday  23 December 2020.
I appreciate the reaction of Mr Haile against the Ethiopan Gizaw.
But does Mr Haile expect Ethiopians who never feel sorrow over their
1961-2000 decimated people would feel that they are scratchig the
painful wounds of the Eritrean population?
Why should we be obliged to reconcile with them rather than being
on the watch for their resuming invasion?
They know that our Eritrea has never been a part or an integral part
of their Ethiopia,but their belief that their DREAM MAY COME TRUE
through 100 million population is the cancer that will never be treated
by the two or three milleniums to come.
If they were able to acquire a country or land that never belongs to them ,were
they not more than 100 million population during the 1961-2000 struggle
for our Independence and Sovereignity?
Gizaw, who still lives on hand outs should think about how to feed his
population striping off chauvinism.

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