World News

Franco's invisible legacy | Déjà vu in Sudan?

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Tuesday, 16 April 2019


Editor's note

Anyone publishing a book in Spain during the Franco dictatorship of 1939-75 had to accept censorship as an ugly fact of life. Material that was sexual, liberal, anti-Catholic or foul-mouthed was almost always expunged. This should have ended with the Spanish constitution of 1978, yet many censored texts of world classics and Spanish literary landmarks survive in reprints and even retranslations – not only in Spain but throughout the hispanic world. With the Francoist right again on the ascendant, Jordi Cornellà-Detrell argues that this legacy must be addressed.

Political developments in Sudan continue at a dizzying speed. Five days after Omar al-Bashir was forced to step down, the country’s future still hangs in the balance. What’s become clear is that the transition from military to civilian rule won’t be smooth. Willow Berridge explains why it’s crucial that all parties – including the country’s rebels – be involved in negotiations and that professionals and political forces stay united to avoid mistakes of the past.

Scientists working in a remote region of the Pyrenees mountains recently discovered microplastic particles that should not have been there. Sharon George and Carolyn Roberts look at how worried we should be about this airborne pollution. And Vincent Naude and Arjun Amar explain how they pieced together a clearer picture of what Africa’s threatened Martial eagles eat.

Steven Vass

Scotland Editor

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