World News

Listening to the waking world while we dream? Yes, it's possible

Posted by: The Conversation

Date: Friday, 16 February 2024

It’s hard to study people when they’re dreaming. While scientists can tell quite accurately when somebody is asleep using electrodes to sense their brain activity, there are no neural markers for dreams. That means you just have to ask someone about their dreams when they wake up, and they can be unreliable. But now researchers in France have discovered some dreamers have windows of connectivity with the waking world while they’re asleep. In our latest episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, Başak Türker explains how she and her colleagues set out to talk to people in their dreams – and received answers back.

Israel and Egypt used to be old enemies – fighting five wars over three decades. They put an end to this by signing a landmark peace agreement in 1979, the first between the Jewish state and an Arab nation. Peace has brought the two nations immeasurable security and economic benefits. But it’s not always been easy going. And now, as the treaty turns 45, there are concerns that the Gaza war could cause a rise in tensions. Ofir Winter explains why the treaty has stood the test of time, and looks set to continue.

Gemma Ware

Editor and Co-Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast

As we dream, we can listen in on the waking world – podcast

Gemma Ware, The Conversation

Dream researcher Başak Türker explains how she was able to communicate with people while they were dreaming. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.

Israel-Egypt peace treaty has stood the test of time over 45 years: expert explains its significance

Ofir Winter, Tel Aviv University

Undermining the delicate relations between Israel and Egypt could potentially grant Hamas a strategic political achievement.

Rhinos can’t sweat, making them vulnerable to overheating: global warming could wipe them out in southern Africa

Timothy Randhir, UMass Amherst

In the worst-case scenario currently being mapped, Earth’s temperature could increase by 4.3°C before 2100. Southern African rhinos will have no possibility of surviving this unless parks act now.


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