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Russia Is ‘Slaughtering the Ukrainians’ at Kursk, Reports Scott Ritter

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Date: Friday, 16 August 2024

Russia Is ‘Slaughtering the Ukrainians’ at Kursk, Reports Scott Ritter

Eric Zuesse (blogs at 


Danny Haiphong with Scott Ritter, on 14 August 2024

Ritter has, for many years, been personally in contact with the individual whom Putin has sent in to eliminate Ukraine’s invaders of Kursk in Russia, and Ritter states (at 35:00) that this individual (“Apty”) tells him that “The Russian Ministry of Defense has lied to itself so many times that they believe their lies.” Ritter says “He’s the only Russian official saying that. He can get away with it because he’s on the front line dealing with the consequences of these lies. What happened in Kursk is an incompetence of the Russian Ministry of Defense that left unguarded a critical area on the border. You can’t put 18-year-old conscripts assigned to be border guards and expect them to stand up against what turned out to be the 18 best units of the Ukrainian armed forces, the best equipped units, the best trained units, the best prepared units, who came in operating with American intelligence, using total spectrum warfare, advanced communications systems, using artificial intelligence based on real-time intelligence, to predict Russian movements, to anticipate gaps and then to exploit these gaps. There was no one behind these [Russian] guys. They [the Ukrainians] came through, and off they went [like Hamas did on October 7th, into Israel]. And it was Apty’s job to clean this mess up. And he’s done it. He’s doing it. Slaughtering, slaughtering, the Ukrainians. And he’s killed thousands of them, He’s destroying all of their equipment, And it’s over. All that’s left now is to kill those that are starting to dig in. Don’t believe anything you see on Western TV. Don’t believe any of the garbage that comes out of Ukrainian twitter. But right now, I could pick up this phone, and call Apty. But would I then be digging my own grave [after the FBI just raided his home], to call Apty right now to get an interview, to talk about what’s going on? You know, there’s a hesitancy here. I’m going to tell you that hopefully next week, this hesitancy will go away, because I have put in a request formally. So no one can say it’s personal, [you’re working] for the Russians. You know, journalists have their sources. ... I don’t want to get him in trouble, he’s a very responsible individual, but I do have his contact information, and he is making press appearance; and, under normal circumstances, I would have picked this damn thing up and I would be able to tell you tonight [what the situation is].


Ritter goes on to dump on CNN, Fox News, NYT, WP, The Atlantic, and all the rest of America’s major ‘news’ media, which report ONLY what the U.S. Government won’t punish being reported. He points out that the Ukrainian force that went into Russia “was hand built by NATO.” Only the troops aren’t from NATO — all the rest is. Ritter repeatedly asserts “NATO invaded Russia.” “We are so close to a direct conflict with Russia now; right now, it is a proxy conflict, but we are so close to a direct conflict.”

Both of the major-Party U.S. Presidential candidates are fully committed to defeating Russia, but even if they were to succeed in the non-nuclear conflict, Russians would immediately launch a nuclear invasion against the U.S. and any cooperating countries, so that whatever nuclear weapons they still have and can launch and still operate, will then be launched in return; and this exchange would BE the WW3 that everyone who has any sanity knows would be mutually suicidal, regardless of which side will have released the bigger megatonnage against which specific targets.

For Russia, this is unquestionably an existential war. For the U.S. empire, it is being treated as-if it were, but it’s actually not (no country that’s not already a part of the U.S. empire has ever posed any threat to U.S. national security; all of this is about ONLY whether that empire will be allowed to grow any further), and what is instead at stake is whether or not the U.S. empire will continue to grow without any limit so as to include also Russia, and China. What’s at stake for “The West” — today’s Nazi empire — is its own continuing ability to increase without limit. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and whatever other countries are not YET colonies of the U.S., are on each others’ side in this war, hoping that both Russia and China — the two main targets of the U.S. regime for ultimate conquest — will both emerge from the conflict as the sovereign and independent (that is, in international relations) FREE nations, that all of them still are, and are determined to REMAIN. They want to live with us in peace, but the American empire DOES NOT, and (so far) REFUSES TO.

The only REAL question is: Will the U.S. empire go all the way, even beyond all of the red lines that it has already crossed, and INITIATE the nuclear portion of WW3? If there is to be a world-destroying WW3, it will be initiated by the U.S. and its colonies, because this is the way that ANY cancer naturally is: it keeps on growing until the organism itself dies. The U.S. empire has thus far been behaving like a terminal cancer.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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