World News

At least 1/500th of the U.S. population is homeless.

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Date: Wednesday, 01 January 2025

At least 1/500th of the U.S. population is homeless.

31 December 2024, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

That’s 20 homeless per 10,000 people. Currently, America has 22 per 10,000.

On December 27th, HUD (the Department of Housing and Urban Development) headlined obscurely (perhaps so as not to draw attention to it) “HUD Releases January 2024 Point-In-Time Count Report” and reported: “The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today released its 2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report: Part 1: Point-in-Time Estimates, an annual snapshot of the number of individuals in shelters, temporary housing, and unsheltered settings. The report found more than 770,000 [1 out of every 448] people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in [it was, as explained on page 15 of the detailed report, the average from among the final 10 days of] January 2024, an 18% increase from 2023.” It was the all-time high, but America’s population likewise was at an all-time high, and, for example, back in 2010 (when America’s population was 10% less than today’s), there were 649,917 homeless Americans on a typical night. So, on a per-capita basis, America’s performance on homelessness is horrible, and it’s not getting any better. If anything, it’s getting a bit worse, over the long term.

Just as a point of comparison, Russia had 64,077 homeless in 2010 but 11,285 homeless in 2021. The U.S., as I said, had 649,917 homeless in 2010. It had 582,462 homeless in 2022.

Russia had 144,237,000 population; U.S. had 333,288,000.

If America in 2010 had the same percentage homeless as Russia did in 2010, it would have had 144,660 homeless in 2010. If America in 2021 had the same percentage homeless as Russia did in 2021, then it would have had 26,666 homeless in 2021.

But the U.S. Government calls Russia an ‘autocracy’ and a ‘dictatorship’, and is trying to overthrow its Government, by declaring itself to be a “democracy.”

Wikipedia shows a “List of sovereign states by homeless population” giving the # of homeless per 10,000 population, and for the U.S. in 2023 it was 19.5; for Russia in 2023 it was 0.8; and here are prominent countries to mention frtom Wikipedia’s list:

for Belgium in 2021 it was 11.7; 

for Brazil in 2022 it was 6.5; 

for Cambodia in 2021 it was 1.8; 

for Canada in 2021 it was a horrid 62.5; 

for Chile in 2019 it was 7.0; 

for China in 2011 it was 19.2; 

for Czechia in 2019 it was 22.0; 

for Denmark in 2022 it was 9.8; 

for Finland in 2022 it was 7.9; 

for France in 2022 it was 48.7; 

for Germany in 2022 it was 31.4; 

for Guatemala in 2012 it was a monstrous 315; 

for Hungary in 2022 it was 7.2; 

for India in 2011 it was 12.6; 

for Iran in 2022 it was 14.8;

for Iraq in 2014 it was a monstrous 544; 

for Ireland in 2024 it is 16.0; 

for Israel in 2020 it was 4.0; 

for Italy in 2021 it was 8.4; 

for Japan in 2024 it is 0.2; 

for Kazakhstan in 2020 it was 0.6; 

for Kenya in 2019 it was 3.9; 

for Mexico in 2020 it was the world’s second-highest 1,111; 

for Netherlands in 2021 it was 18.0; 

for New Zealand in 2018 it was a monstrous 217; 

for Norway in 2020 it was 6.2; 

for Pakistan in 2023 it was a monstrous 331; 

for Philippines in 2018 it was a monstrous 424; 

for Poland in 2019 it was 8.0; 

for Portugal in 2021 it was 8.0; 

for Russia in 2023 it was 0.8;

for Singapore in 2021 it was 1.9; 

for Slovakia in 2020 it was 19.5; 

for Somalia in 2023 it was a super-monstrous 772; 

for South Africa in 2022 it was 9.0; 

for South Korea in 2022 it was 1.7; 

for Spain in 2022 it was 8.6; 

for Sweden in 2023 it was 25.9; 

for Switzerland in 2022 it was 2.5; 

for Syria in 2023 it was the world-record-high 2,302; 

for Thailand in 2023 it was 0.3; 

for Turkey in 2024 it was 8.2; 

for UK in 2023 it was a horrid 56.1; 

for U.S. in 2023 it was 19.5; 

for Zimbabwe in 2013 it was a super-monstrous 848.

That’s 45 countries. 22 were below 10. Those were the well-performing Governments, on providing housing, basic protection for their residents. The others were the poor-performing countries, on this most important of the necessary functions that a nation should be providing for its citizens. Some of the poor-performing countries would have had valid excuses for their poor perfomances on this, such as the worst-performing, Syria, which was destroyed by the U.S and Israeli Governments and their allies, which were determined to overthrow its Government. Palestinians aren’t included on the Wikipedia list; and, of course, Israel is providing the soldiers and America is providing the weapons and ammunition, to exterminate all of the Gazans, and to steal virtually all the land from the West Bank Palestinians, while the entire world (including the so-called International Criminal Court) looks on and allows America and Israel to do that.

On December 31st, Gallup headlined a press-release “12 Threats to American Democracy in 2025” and linked to that day’s edition of their “Front Page.” It reported a “Record-Low Percentage of Americans Satisfied With the Way Democracy Is Working in the U.S.” — down from 60% until 1990, to 28% today. It reported “United States Lags Behind OECD for Confidence in Courts” — whereas the OECD median has been around 54% since 2009, America’s has declined from 61% then to 35% now. It reported that “Confidence in U.S. Judicial System Declines More Than Any Other Institution” — from 61% in 2009, down to 35% now. (However, for the entire U.S. Government, the decline was from 50%, down to 26% now, which was even steeper than merely for the Courts.) Then it provided the current job-ratings that the American people gave to each one of 10 divisions of the U.S. Government, and every one of them were abysmal. Then it reported the “State of Americans’ Trust in the Mass Media” — which declined from 72% in 1976, down to 31% today. And then it showed that almost every President since Truman received higher approval-ratings when he came into office than he did when he left office. So: ever since 1945, we’ve actually been living under a dictatorship, and only the names of the leaders have changed, but the policies have remained basically the same and never what the leader had been promising while running for that office. The 12th item is also interesting: “U.S. Employees’ Perceptions of Their Organization [employer] Caring About Their Wellbeing” — it was around 25% until 2019, then catapulted up to 49% in 2020, plunged down to 21% in 2022, and is now at 24%. So: whereas Americans have long thought that their employers didn’t much care about them, Americans’ disillusion about their Government has been steadily increasing ever since at least 2009 and basically since the 1970s. That’s a long time to be living under a dictatorship, and the American people are increasingly recognizing that we do. So: when Gallup headlined “12 Threats to American Democracy in 2025” the only REAL ‘threat’ (which is to to America’s Deep State, which actually rules us — not threat to the American people ouselves) is that Americans are increasingly coming to recognize that this is no democracy, and that the nation where regime-change is needed the most is right here at home, America’s Government. (And THEN, after such regime-change here, our Government wouldn’t be perpetrating regime-changes abroad like it has so routinely been doing ever since 1947.) That’s because this Government is a threat to virtually all Americans except the approximately a thousand who control it. Not ONLY does it fail on housing, but, as I documented on December 23rd, under the headline “America is a declining country.”, this Government is failing us by providing the shortest life-expectancy of any upper-income country.

On December 29th, I headlined and documented “America the Brutal”, and Gallup’s polls seem to be showing that Americans are coming to recognize that it is so (i.e., brutal). In fact, the U.S. Government’s job-approval ratings have already gone so low so that it’s hard to imagine a future for this Government other than either a Second American Revolution or else a World War Three in which a startlingly high percentage of Americans will be reluctant to support the U.S. Government against its alleged ‘enemies’. That’s how low America’s billionaires (who control it) have driven it.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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