We Say No to Unjust Sanctions Based on Lies
We Call for an Immediate Lifting of Unjust Sanctions
We Still Call for Constructive Engagement
When he ran for office, President Obama campaigned for engagement, reconciliation and partnership with the rest of the world. Today, he says his foreign policy goals are guided by those same principles. So, why is his administration, led by his UN team, orchestrated a sanctions measure against Eritrea on charges repeatedly proven to be groundless? Why are they so intent on scapegoating this young nation for the disasters they have caused in Somalia? Is this really about Somalia? Is this another broken promise?
Let us all voice our opinions by
Calling/Faxing/Writing NOW
The White House:
President Barak Obama Telephone: 2024561111 FAX: 2024562461 EMAIL: |
The US Mission to the UN
Ambassador Susan Rice Telephone – 2124154062 Fax: 2124154053 EMAIL: |
The Sate Department
Secretary Hillary Clinton Telephone – 2026475291 |
Call/Email/Fax the United Nations Security Council members
Note: Countries on 16-20 are no more members of the security council.
Their term ended on 12/31/09. But they were part of the vote on 12/23/09.
UN Security Council Members
UN SC member Address e-mail Telephone / Fax
1 France
(Permanent member) Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
245 East 47th Street 44th floor
New York, N.Y. 10017
1 (212) 702 4900
/ 1 (212) 421 6889
(Permanent member) Press and Public Diplomacy Section
United States Mission to the United Nations
140 East 45th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017
/Issues/Contact2.html 212-415-4062 / 212-415-4053
3 UK
(Permanent member) UK Mission to the UN
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017
1(212)7459200 / 1(212)745 9316
4 China
(Permanent member)
Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN
350 East 35th Street, Manhattan, New York, NY 10016, USA chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn
5 Russia
(Permanent member)
Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN
136 East 67 Street, New York, N.Y. 10065
Phone: (212) 861-4900; 861-4901; 861-4902, Fax: (212) 628-0252
6 Nigeria
(New member – until end of 2011) Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations
828 Second Ave
New York
United States
(212) 953-9130 / (212) 697-1970
7 Lebanon
(New member – until end of 2011)
The Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations in New York
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 531-533, New York, NY 10017
(212) 355-5460 /(212) 838-2819
8 Brazil
(New member – until end of 2011) Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations
747 Third Avenue, 9th Floor, New York
N.Y. delbrasonu@delbbrasonu.org
1(212)3722600 / 1(212) 37157116
9 Gabon
(New member – until end of 2011) The Permanent Mission of Gabon to the United Nations
18 East 41st Street, 9th Fl., N.Y. 10017
(212) 686-9720 / (212) 689-5769
10 Bosnia and Herzegovina
(New member – until end of 2011) 420 Lexington Avenue, Suites 607 & 608, New York, NY 10170; (212) 751 90 15 / (212) 751 90 19
11 Japan
(until end of 2010) Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 japan.mission@un-japan.org
12 Mexico
(until end of 2010) Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations
Department of Information
Two United Nations Plaza 28th floor , New York, NY 10017 mexico@un.int
(212) 752.0220/ (212) 688.8862
13 Turkey
(until end of 2010)
The Turkish Mission to the UN 821 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 turkey@un.int
(1-212) 949 0150
14 Austria
(until end of 2010)
Austrian Mission to the United Nations
600 Third Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10016
+1(917) 54 28 400 / +1(212) 94 91 840
15 Uganda
(until end of 2010)
336 East 45 Street
New York, NY 10017
+1(212)949-0110 / +1(212)687-4517
Burkina Faso
(Replaced – no longer a member)
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 326
48th Street and 1st Avenue; New York, NY 10017
(212) 308-4720/4721 / (212) 308-4690
17 Costa Rica
(Replaced – no longer a member) Mission of Costa Rica
211 East 43rd Street
Room 903
New York, NY 10017 misioncostaricaun@yahoo.com
1-212-986-6373/ 74
Fax: 1-212-986-6842
18 Croatia
(Replaced – no longer a member)
820 Second Avenue, 19th Fl.
New York, N.Y. 10017
U. S. A. cromiss.un@mvpei.hr
1-212-986 1585 / 1-212-986-2011
19 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
(Replaced – no longer a member)
The Permanent Mission of
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
to the United Nations
309-315 East 48th Street
New York, NY, 10017, USA libya_mis_us@foreign.gov.ly
+1-212-752-5775 / + 1-212-593-4787
20 Viet Nam
(Replaced – no longer a member) Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Veit Nam, 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 435. New York, NY 10017. USA
Tel: 212 – 644 – 0594 / 0831
Fax: 212 – 644 – 5732