
Let`s together speak out more loudly: “Woyane must refrain from tampering with our children`s future”

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Date: Sunday, 17 June 2018

By Hamid Drar
The bold decision adopted by Ethiopian new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, in which he announced the full acceptance of its government to the Eri-Ethiopia border dispute international ruling and its readiness to apply it on the ground. The announcement has emboldened Eritreans and Ethiopians with a wave of rejoicing. As a result, many hoped that the two countries would be free of tension and that everyone would be relieved.
As optimism mounted, the TPLF leadership “Woyane” broke its silence, three days ago, 13th of June, 2018 to upset the atmosphere by openly rejecting the decision of the central Ethiopian government. I would like in this article to lift the lid on the negative role played by “Woyane” ,during the last quarter of century in fragmenting the Eritrean opposition by distracting them from doing their national obligations. That exactly what happened on the day of announcing Meles Zenawi`s Plan of the Five Points in 2004.
It is true that there are strong cultural, historical and economic bonds that tie Eritrea with all its neighbors, especially Ethiopia, for known reasons. It is also true that the two countries have remained in a state of no-war-no- peace for nearly two decades. No matter who caused the two-and-a-half-year-old bloody border war, the two 2 countries signed a peace agreement in Algiers in 2000, when the malevolent war ended. .....................................
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