
As Israel completes its extermination of the 2.3 million Gazans, latest poll finds overwhelming support for it by Israel’s religious Jews.

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Date: Wednesday, 15 May 2024

As Israel completes its extermination of the 2.3 million Gazans, latest poll finds overwhelming support for it by Israel’s religious Jews.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

On May 12th, Steven Sahiounie, whom I have never found to report falsely, headlined “Israel invades Rafah and the genocide will be completed with U.S. complicity”, and he reported that:

Dozens of Palestinians were killed across Gaza as Israeli warplanes and artillery attacked overnight, following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s order to seize the Rafah border crossing in Gaza.

Israeli warplanes dropped leaflets in eastern Rafah telling people to flee and move to what Israel called a humanitarian zone to the north, as the Israeli military bombarded the area.

Israel has told Gazans to move to a coastal section of Gaza for months. But the UN has said it is neither safe nor equipped to receive them.

Rafah, a city of around 170,000 before the war, has swollen to more than one million as Gazans driven from their homes in other parts of the enclave have taken shelter there. Conditions there are catastrophic, with inadequate shelter, sanitation, medical care, food and fuel. …

This week, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that his administration has “held up” at least one shipment of weapons to Israel, saying the U.S. wouldn’t transfer certain weapons to Israel if it proceeded with an assault on the city of Rafah’s densely populated areas.

Immediately stopping all transfers of arms and military support would be consistent with the U.S.’s international and domestic legal obligations.

Since November, Human Rights Watch has called for the suspension of arms transfers to Israel given the real risk that weapons would be used to commit grave abuses. Providing weapons that knowingly and significantly would contribute to unlawful attacks make those providing them complicit in war crimes.

Several of the U.S.’s Western allies have already revised their policies of supplying weapons to Israel. In March, Canada announced it would cease future arms exports to Israel, while Italy and Spain also stopped.

Israel’s plan for an all-out assault on Rafah has ignited one of the biggest rifts with America.

Biden ordered a report from the State Department and the Department of Defense concerning weapons to Israel.

The State Department report avoids a direct accusation, but raises the prospect that Israel may have violated humanitarian laws by failing to protect civilians in Gaza.

The U.S. provides Israel with $3.8 billion in annual military aid, and Congress last month approved an additional $14 billion in emergency funding.

Hillary Clinton ridicules university students

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton is a professor of international and public affairs at Colombia University, the former Secretary of State, Vice President, and presidential candidate, denounced her own students, as well as students across the U.S.

In a recent interview on MSNBC, she suggested that young Americans are largely ignorant. In a display of arrogant distain, she painted all the campus protesters as idiots.

“They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East, or, frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country,” Hillary Clinton said the MSNBC interview.

Clinton supports the genocide in Gaza, because she is a Zionist and denies the freedom of Palestine, even though freedom is a core American value. But, perhaps she has never studied what are the American core values? …

For five days, no fuel and virtually no humanitarian aid has entered the Gaza Strip. Soon, the lack of fuel will stop humanitarian operations. Food in the south will run out in the coming days. The last functioning bakery in the south is about to run out of fuel, while people are being forced to move again, lifesaving supplies that sustain and support them have been entirely cut off.

On Friday, UNICEF’s senior emergency coordinator in the Gaza Strip, Hamish Young, said from Rafah that in his 30 years working on large-scale humanitarian emergencies “I’ve never been involved in a situation as devastating, complex or erratic as this.” …

The Rafah crossing remains closed, and had been an important gate for injured and sick people to leave the enclave to receive medical treatment abroad. The Gazan Health Ministry has said that dozens of people with illnesses such as breast cancer and lymphoma have been unable to leave Gaza since Sunday.

After Israel’s incursion into Rafah this week, the Israeli military shut down the Kerem Shalom crossing and seized the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing, stopping the flow of desperately needed food, fuel and medical supplies. Since Sunday, no aid trucks have entered Gaza from either entry point. ...

The United States is now the only Government that continues to donate weapons to Israel’s Government. The extermination-program is being carried out by the troops, who come from Israel, and by the bombs, bullets, tanks, and planes, which come from America. Though U.S. President Biden has recently threatened to stop supplying this equipment, it still hasn’t happened; and a retired Israeli general said “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability. … Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” So: this is an Israeli-American genocide of Gazans, even though the genocide case, at least as-of now, is being pursued against only Israel. (Perhaps that’s because America’s Government is untouchable, the most powerful in the world — above any international law, never punishable by any.)

The latest poll of Israelis about the problem of Gaza was reported on May 13th by the Israel Democracy Institute, which found that “the majority on the Right (55%) prioritize a military operation in Rafah. However, even among voters for right-wing parties in the Jewish sample there is a significant difference between those who voted for Likud at the last elections — who are divided between preference for a military operation (48.5%) and for a deal for the release of the hostages (44%) — and voters for Haredi parties and (especially) Religious Zionism voters, the majority of whom give highest priority to a military operation in Rafah (Shas, 55%; United Torah Judaism, 61%; Religious Zionism, 83%).” Only 37% of Israeli Jews wanted that “military action,” but this 37% were represented by the majority of Israel’s Knesset or parliament; so, the other 63% of Israeli Jews don’t matter to the people who run Israel’s Government. And, of course, virtually all non-Jews in Israel can’t vote; so, they don’t count at all.

No polling is done in Israel on questions such as “Do you think that Israel will be able to continue its existence if its Government comes to be considered by majorities in almost all nations to have committed genocide in Gaza?” Perhaps no pollster wants questions such as that to be polled or reported-on. The only options that wer offered in the present polling-question were “What should be the highest priority in terms of Israel’s national interests — a military operation in Rafah or a deal for the release of the hostages? (%)” It’s the type of question a pollster asks when they don’t want to know the answers to questions that are clear, meaningful, and clearly interpretable, about the given topic. But, anyway, Israel’s Establishment apparently doesn’t want Israelis to be polled on such questions — because they aren’t: such polling questions are virtually forbidden there. 


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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