
Who Perpetrated the 2014 Ukraine ‘Maidan Coup’ that Started Ukraine’s War?

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Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Who Perpetrated the 2014 Ukraine ‘Maidan Coup’ that Started Ukraine’s War?

23 October 2024, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

On 22 October 2024, the BBC headlined “The ex-British army chief on why peace with Russia is not possible,” and at 5:00 in the podcast he said “We’ve been there [in Ukraine] since 2014, we’ve had a presence in Ukraine, we’ve been working with them, and trying to build up their capability,” and then he immediately skipped forward to 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine. He didn’t say from what precise date in 2014 was — was it before, or instead only after, the 20 February 2014 coup — that the UK’s Army was “working with them, and trying to build up their capability,” to use those weapons so as to bring down the democratically elected President of Ukraine, but he went on to say that The West unfortunately “frittered away” “that wonderful unipolar moment” [the UK/U.S Governments’ control over the entire world] into “serious competition with the great powers — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — this Axis [he was saying that this is the modern equivalent of WW2’s “Axis” or fascist-imperialist powers], and I think the world is as dangerous as I’ve known it, in some respects more dangerous than the Cold War, because The System, you know, The International Order, which kind-of kept us safe, that is a period of extraordinary peace and prosperity, has ended … and we’ve now got these great powers, this Axis of powers, trying to overturn The World Order, and I don’t think that peace with Russia is possible.” He is saying that unless and until The West will conquer Russia, there wil be war between The West and Russia. “Russia sees itself in existential conflict with The West. Putin’s aims are … take over Ukraine, dominate its near east, including parts of Eastern Europe, and dismantle the Euro-Atlantic security order that we enjoy. And so, this isn’t a crisis, this is a campaign … and it will go on for decades. … And this is why Ukraine is so important, because if you allow Russia to prevail in Ukraine, if you follow the path we’re on at the moment, which is leading inexorably to a Russian victory … then The International Order is unfrayed, so things like sovereignty, territorial integrity, don’t matter, war wins, you begin to see the dismantling of The European Order — these are institutions that have been tested by this conflict, and on a practical level, you end up with a bitter and angry Ukraine, a quarter of the world’s grain supplies being held by Russia, all of its [Ukraine’s] extraordinary military capability and technology — Ukraine is the most heavily armed country in Europe now — falling to Russia, … we should be really clear that the cost of failure is far greater than the price it would take in order to make sure that Ukraine prevails. … This is about OUR security, but by keeping Ukraine in the fight, you can get to a point where you achieve a mutually [blurred syllable] stalemate. … And we need to give Ukraine the ability to strike deep into Russia [bomb The Kremlin].” He wants World War Three, which the UK’s Prime Minister and Denmark’s Prime Minister likewise want.

This British ex-army chief failed to note that regardless of when in 2014 the British Army was assisting the newly-installed-in-2014 government of Ukraine, it had, in fact, been installed by Barack Obama’s U.S. Administration after his having started by no later than 2011 to plan it, and no later than 1 March 2013 to start executing it inside the U.S. Embassy in Kiev.

Also, this former UK Army chief had a logical self-contradiction when he alleged that “Russia sees itself in existential conflict with The West. Putin’s aims are … take over Ukraine, dominate its near east, including parts of Eastern Europe, and dismantle the Euro-Atlantic security order that we enjoy.” If “Russia sees itself in existential conflict with The West,” then it is acting not in order to “take over Ukraine, dominate its near east, including parts of Eastern Europe, and dismantle the Euro-Atlantic security order that we enjoy,” but, instead, in order to prevent a U.S. nuclear missile from becoming positioned in Ukraine — the only nation that’s within a mere 317 miles away from Russia’s central command in The Kremlin — which would be only a five-minute missile-flight-time away from blitz-annihilating Russia’s central command (beheading Russia). It’s either the one or else the other. Self-defense is NOT aggression — the aggression — which actually STARTED this war — was by the U.S. and UK Governments when they installed and then propped up and armed to the hilt their aggressive fascist rabidly anti-Russian racist regime in Kiev. This aggression was their 2014 coup against Ukraine in order to make it their springboard to invade Russia, NOT Russia’s final reply to it on 24 February 2022 (such as the aggressors pretend).

That UK imperialist is saying it’s worth going all the way to a World War Three (WW3) in order for the UK/U.S. global empire to continue expanding like a cancerous tumor killing the world. It’s an insult to the intelligence of his listeners at the BBC, but it is routine in U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-reporting. Although this proxy-war between Russia and the UK/U.S. empire is indeed “existential” for Russia, it is ONLY imperialistic and about further expansion of the empire by and for the UK/U.S. imperialists.

There is a lot of talk nowadays about “the Deep State,” and what that REALLY is is the billionaires who own and control the international corporations — and donate the bulk of the money to the campaigns of their chosen political candidates so as to control the Governments — in this, which is now the ONLY empire. Everything serves them: the corporations (both profit and nonprofit), the media, the prestigious universities, everything that shapes the culture and the mindset throughout the realm (“The West”) do. And they hire and fire their millions of agents. To be an imperialist is to be in favor of the Deep State. It is to want to continue and to expand the master-slave state.

The origin of the Deep State goes all the way back to the UK’s Cecil Rhodes in 1877, who in the first draft of his will described his life’s plan in the most explicit way as being to establish upon his death (which was in 1902) a secret society which would retake for the English Empire the United States and use it as the front end battering-ram of the UK/U.S. force that would then take over the entire world. Finally, on 25 July 1945, the naive and manipulable U.S. President Harry Truman (who intensely disliked his immediate predecessor FDR but pretended not to) made the decision to move forward with this mega-empire — on the basis of the advices from both his personal hero General Dwight Eisenhower and Rhodes’s protégé Winston Churchill — to create the world’s first-ever universal empire. It became known as the “military-industrial complex” (actually America’s armaments-manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin) when Eisenhower, who during his two terms of office completed its foundation but then just three days before leaving the White House on 17 January 1960 warned Americans against it so that the blame for it would go to his successors instead of to himself and Truman (and Churchill). Thus was started the Cold War ‘against communism’ but ACTUALLY to take over the entire world — as became clear when communism collapsed but the U.S. regime nonetheless secretly continued its war against Russia itself, even though the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact imitation of America’s NATO military alliance, all collapsed together in 1991. Its continuance after that point PROVED its evilness.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was just the opposite of Truman. He spent most of his time during August 1941 (even before Pearl Harbor) up till his death on 12 April 1945, inventing, planning, and bringing into existence — and he even named it — the United Nations, which he was going to shape so as to end and replace ALL existing empires (produce a world in which an empire and its colonies would be legally impossible). He knew that both of the World Wars were produced by contesting empires, and so the only way to PREVENT there being a WW3 would be to create an all-inclusive global democratic federation of independent nations so that this world government would produce, adjudicate and enforce, international laws, and would have the exclusive control over all of the world’s armanents trade and international armaments puchases. (And no nation would have the right to provide any input into the domestic affairs of any other, and no nation would have the right to provide any input into the foreign affairs of any nation except one that borders it. For example: America’s having the control — as it does — over the foreign affairs of Ukraine, which borders Russia, would be illegal, because it would be treated as constituting aggression against Russia.)  All U.S. Presidents ever since Truman (except JFK) have been the exact opposite of that — they are Trumanites, mega-imperialists, such as when during the ABC interview of the neoconservative (like all U.S. imperialists are) U.S. President Joe Biden, on 5 July 2024, said, “I’m running the world. Not — and that’s not hy — sounds like hyperbole; but, we are the essential nation of the world” (meaning that all others are non-essential). That’s the master-slave mentality, and FDR despised it, and was determined to end it. He had detailed plans to end and replace it.

As Frank Costigliola pointed out in his superb 2012 ROOSEVELT’S LOST ALLIANCES (p. 217), “Roosevelt hoped to stifle such hostility [toward Russia], at least until after his reelection. In May [1944], he told [U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Averell] Harriman “that he didn’t care whether the countries bordering Russia became communized,” as Harriman recorded for the record his conversation with FDR. In other words: the U.N. and its international laws WOULD NOT CONCERN INTERNAL MATTERS. That is crucial to understand about FDR’s basic plan for the U.N. By stark contrast, Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945 by (along with Churchill) basically ordering Stalin to grant the U.S. and UK Governments veto-power over not only the foreign relations of the countries that the U.S.S.R. had conquered from Hitler, but even over those nations’ domestic relations and laws. This, of course, shocked and outraged Stalin, and he said no. That’s what started the Cold War.

Secretly, Churchill was planning that since FDR was now dead, the UK’s Government might get Truman to go so far as to join the UK in an immediate WW3 against Russia. The operation was called “Operation Unthinkable”, though they thought a lot about it. The National Archives of the British Government even has online the 22 May 1945 “Report from the British Military leaders to Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the chances of ‘Operation Unthinkable’ -a surprise attack on the USSR”, in which point #5 was “The date for the opening of hostilities is 1st July, 1945.” The plan’s “Object” was “The overall or political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and British Empire.” This is pure Rhodesism.

On October 22nd I headlined “How the U.S. Government Became Plain Evil in 1980” and documented how, starting in 1980, the U.S. Government abandoned the meta-strategy that both the Soviet Union and the U.S. held, called “Mutually Assured Destruction, in which nuclear weapons are ONLY to avoid there ever being a WW3, and secretly switched to America’s present meta-stragegy, which has been called “Nuclear Primacy,” in which the goal is to win a nuclear war against Russia.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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