
The Extreme Extent of America’s International Aggressiveness

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Date: Wednesday, 05 February 2025

The Extreme Extent of America’s International Aggressiveness

4 February 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

In the only two multinational polls that have been done of questions about which nation the peoples in the various nations thought posed the greatest threat to peace in the world, the United States has come out in both polls as being called that by more people in more nations than any other country is, and far more than are the two nations that Americans have been brainwashed to think to be their nation’s main enemies: Russia and China. Following here will be some instances from recent news-reports 

On February 3rd, John Kiriakou, the CIA whistleblower whom the Obama Administration sent to prison for two years for his ‘crime’ (while the criminals he had revealed went unpunished), was interviewed by RT Live TV and said, in a segment titled “They Told in Washington They Wanted Afghan Heroin to Grow and go to Russia” (for which I’ve not found any URL to link to):

“I did investigate the cultivation of heroin poppies in Afghanistan for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I actually flew to Afghanistan, helicoptered into the poppy fields, and interviewed a poppy farmer. I asked him why he didn’t grow crops that had two growing seasons, instead of poppies — something like tomatoes or onions or pomegranates — and he expressed great frustration and he said, ‘in 2001 the Americans told me that I could grow heroin poppy if I told them where the Arabs were hiding.’ And when I said ‘What Americans told you that you could grow heroin poppy, I was pulled back into the jeep and the bottom line, is that — when I got back to Washington and reported this, was that — we WANTED Afghanistan to grow heroin poppies, because that heroin went to Russia and to Iran, and we WANTED them to be addicted to heroin. It was very plain and very blunt, and I was told not to publish the report, which I didn’t. …

“The reason that Russia and China, especially China, are so successful in other countries around the world is because they spend so much of their money on aid, they build roads, they build hospitals, they build airports, and ports; and the United States spends its money on weapons, and weapons-systems, and I spoke to an African diplomat once when I was still with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and he said, ‘yeah, the difference between you Americans and the Russians is you promise us democracy, which really is weapons, and the Russians promise us food, and that’s the difference.’”

Also on February 3rd, https://www.2Way.TV posted Elon Musk explaining why he considered USAID — which along with the NED (‘National Endowment for Democracy’) and with its offshoots the International Republican Institute and the International Democratic Institute, is one of the U.S. regime’s main foreign regime-change instigators —  unsalvageably bad:

“What we have here is, is not an apple with a worm in it, but we have actually just a ball of worms. If you’ve got an apple that’s got a worm in it, maybe you can take the worm out. But, if you’ve actually got just a ball of worms, it’s it’s hopeless. And USAID is a ball of worms. There is no apple. And when there is no apple, you’ve got to just basically get rid of the whole thing.”



“We have Americans that are living in their cars, standing in line at food banks, delaying medical care, and struggling to pay their bills; dont get me started about our veterans. This country has NO business sending aid to a foreign country until every American has food to eat everyday and a warm, safe place to sleep at night. If I can't afford to buy a gallon of milk for my kid, I damn sure can`t pay for it for someone in a foreign country.”

(On 24 July 2020, Musk’s Twitter site received a tweet from an “Armani” saying, “You know what wasnt in the best interest of people? the U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.” Later that day, Musk replied: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” So, it’s not clear just what Musk is now objecting to about USAID.

On February 2nd, the brilliant geostrategic analyst Brian Berletic headlined “US Tariffs Pave Way for War on China, Not Negotiations with China”, and he said that Trump’s anti-China ppolicy is basically the same as Biden’s was, that only the tacticians change but the strategy — to conquer China — remains the same.

Back on January 11th, Berletic had headlined an article “Chinese Military Might vs Washington’s Asymmetrical Tools of Empire”, and wrote:

An example of such US policies laid out in detail is the 2013 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace piece titled, “Stranglehold: The Context, Conduct and Consequences of an American Naval Blockade of China.” It lays out a policy of not only blockading Chinese maritime shipping by convincing or coercing its neighbors to isolate it, it discusses using military force to strike at what is now referred to as Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure.

At one point, it claims:

…the United States would mix political-military coercion with economic incentives to bully and cajole China’s neighbors into imposing embargoes on China. In some cases, the United States might be able to do so with relative ease. Countries like India and Vietnam have a checkered military history with China, and they both fear China’s rise as a regional hegemon. In other cases, the United States might be willing to use military force to interdict lines of supply into China. For instance, if Burma refused to cooperate, the United States might strike the Sino-Burmese oil and natural gas pipeline or even extend the blockade to Burmese ports.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is perhaps the biggest neoconservative (U.S. imperialist, and thus war-mongering) think tank. Its Orwellian name and consequently high academic prestige testify only to how easily the global public can be fooled, but it’s merely a fraud (as that example from it make clear to anyone with even half a brain). However, the National Endowment for Democracy gives it a run for the money as an example of Orwellian naming.

One thing that the U.S. after WW2 really does excell at, and towers over all of the other nations regarding, is deceitfulness.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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