Dehai News

(Shabait) Statement

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Friday, 16 March 2018






Ref: OM/043/18

Mr.  Ahmed Shaheed
Special Rapporteur
Freedom of Religion or Belief

Dear Mr. Shaheed

I refer to a rather curious communication (Ref. AL ERI 2/2017) that was sent to me jointly by your good selves on 17 January last month.

Let me first dwell briefly on the incident.

On the early afternoon of 31 October 2017 around 100 youth (students from the Al Diaa Private School and others in the neighborhood) marched from Akheria, a neighborhood in the northern periphery of Asmara to the al-Khulafa' ar-Rashidun Mosque in the center of the city.  After the prayers, the unruly group, who were chanting sectarian and inflammatory slogans all the way, proceeded to Liberation Avenue and the Ministry of Education.  At this stage, they began to throw stones and to attack the Police.  In the circumstances, the Police fired warning shots into the air and dispersed the crowd before they could incur damage to lives and property.

The Police subsequently detained, for questioning, several people involved in illicit acts of vandalism as well as principal culprits behind the whole episode. These are indeed normative measures that the police in any country would take to ensure public safety by, in part, dispersing and apprehending people who have willingly engaged themselves in offences including the public disturbance of an otherwise peaceful city. 

It must be underlined that this particular  incident  had nothing  to do with  freedom of expression  or freedom  of faith.   Eritrea  is a secular  State where  the freedom  of religion  is fully and solemnly  enshrined  in its laws.  Furthermore,  it has a fine and exemplary tradition  of religious tolerance  and co-existence  nurtured  over centuries.

In  this   perspective,    Proclamation    73/1995,   issued   to   "Clarify   and   Regulate Religions   and  Religious   Institutions",   enshrines  the  principle   of  secularism   by limiting government  activities to the political administration  of the country and religions/religious   institutions  to religious  matters;  without  one  crossing  into the mandate  of the other.

Eritrea's  education  policy reflects,   in part, this law by limiting religious  institutions to providing  religious  education  with the freedom  to implement  their  curricula  in accordance  with the dictates of the respective  faiths -  and all non-religious  schools, whether  private  or public, to providing  education  in secular  fashion  as required  by the guidelines  of the Ministry  of Education.

Accordingly,   all the faiths enjoy unrestricted  rights to run and administer  religious schools   in  their   respective    religious   institutions   and   premises.      They   have unfettered  rights  to  establish   and  operate  purely  religious   schools  at  all  levels; including   at  the  tertiary   level.  Along  the  same  line,  religious   teachings   and/or exclusivist  religious  attires  are not permitted  in secular  schools.  Discriminatory   or segregationist   practices   of  refusing  access  and  enrollment   to  individuals   on the basis of their gender,  religion  or background  are also prohibited  in secular schools.

Al Diaa  is a private  school  that falls within  the administrative  jurisdiction   of the Ministry   of  Education.     It  is not an Islamic  School, as  your letter insinuates, affiliated in administrative and policy respects to the Muslim Faith in the country. (Indeed, it was first established in 1969 as "Berhan Elementary School" open to all inhabitants of  the  Akheria  community without discrimination  on  the  basis  of religion or ethnicity).

In subsequent years,  and especially after independence, Al Diaa School began to gradually introduce practices that were in breach of the country's secular education policy.   Among other things: access to the school was restricted to followers of the Islamic faith only; it introduced segregation of classes on the basis of gender; it stopped teaching on Fridays; and it breached national school guidelines on dress code and school uniforms; and it hired foreign nationals without valid permits and approval of the Ministry of Education regarding their qualifications.

The Ministry  of Education  held a series of meetings,  over several months,  with all relevant  stakeholders  of the School, including the Parents Committee,  to rectify the overall  situation.     When  consensus   was  broadly  reached,   the  School  principal rejected the agreement  and advocated  for confrontational  approaches.   The incident happened  against this backdrop  of events.

It must be borne in mind that the transgression  of Eritrea's  secular education  policy and  the   inflammatory    words   and   deeds   of  the   School   principal,   and  others implicated  in the act, were wayward  practices that merited  appropriate  action.  The popular   sentiment   was  perhaps   better  captured   in  the  words   of  Sheikh   Salim Ibrahim  Al-Muktar,   the Managing  Director  of Eritrea's   Mufti  Office,  who  stated during  the  public  celebrations   of  Mewlid   Al-Nabi   on  30  November   2017  that "Islam  and Christianity  have  co-existed  in harmony  in Eritrea  since ancient  times. As such, externally  induced religious  extremism  has no space in our country''.

For reasons that defy explanation,  external media reaction  to this singular  incident was mind  boggling.    A sinister  story that  originated  from  a subversive  Ethiopia• based  armed  group,  the so-called  Eritrean  Red  Sea Afar  Organization   (RASDO), alleging  "the killing  of 28 civilians  and wounding  of 100 others",  went viral with prestigious    media    outlets    gullibly    recycling    the    story    without    minimum verification.    Weeks  later,  some media outlets,  including  the ZDF  TV Channel  in Germany,  retracted  the story even  if they have not apologized  to Eritrea  for their defamatory  news coverage.

Let me revert now to your letter.  I am extremely  intrigued  by the action you have taken.   Eritrea's   laws and policy  of education  can only be lauded as it is meant to ensure   equality   and  harmony   in  a  multi-cultural   and   multi-religious    society. Indeed,  we  can  invoke  stringent  measures  -  including   the  banning,  as may  be required  by  the  Islamic  faith,  of  veils  in public  places  and  beaches  as  well  as constraining  regulations  on minarets  enacted  by major Western  countries  -  which, to  our  knowledge,   have  not  elicited  joint  communications   from  the  bodies  you represent.    Finally,  let me  also draw  your  attention  to recent  acts  of the  Special Rapporteur  that are clearly incompatible  with her mandate.   Eritrea's  mission to the UNHRC  has duly lodged  a complaint  on (copy attached).   I hope you will not be inadvertently  associated  with, or unwittingly  defend, her unacceptable excesses.


Friday, 16 March 2018

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