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(Tubantia) The Public Prosecution Service (OM) demands 25 years in prison against an Eritrean man for killing wife and child in Haren

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Monday, 28 May 2018

Exterior of the court in Groningen
Exterior of the court in Groningen © ANP

25 years in prison against Eritrean man who killed his girlfriend and daughter

The Public Prosecutor (OM) has demanded a prison sentence of 25 years against a 20-year-old man from Glimmen for killing his girlfriend  Nebyat Msgen  (23) and killing her daughter  Bemnet  (6) in October 2017.

Domestic editing 28-05-18, 16:29 Last update: 16:57 

BKB confessed today in the court in Groningen that he has killed both. The bodies were found in the house of the woman in Haren. The man met the woman in the asylum seekers' center in Oude Pekela. Like the victims, the man is from Eritrea. They had a temporary residence status. 

According to the man, his girlfriend wanted to stop their relationship. She would go back to her ex, the father of the daughter. They were quarreling about this on 13 October. He tried to strangle his girlfriend with the cord of a telephone charger, explained the man in court. He finally cut her throat. Then he strangled the girl.

The man called his deed gruesome and a spur of the moment. He would have tried to commit suicide afterwards. The man contacted the police on the morning of October 14th. He was found in the house in the presence of a girl of one and a half years. He had this child with the wife.


According to the ministry, B. would not have had the intention to kill her daughter and sees her as manslaughter, reports the Dagblad van het Noorden. The prosecution found it shocking that the man lay down on the couch after his act and did not care about the child any more. Emergency services have tried to resuscitate her.

The Public Prosecutor believes that BKB has killed Nebyat. According to experts, he is fully accountable. That is why the Public Prosecution Service did not demand a TBS measure.

25 years in prison against man who killed his girlfriend and daughter


OM demands 25 years in prison against an Eritrean man for killing wife and child in Haren 

Published: May 28, 2018 16:14
Last update: May 28, 2018 16:59

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) has demanded a cell of 25 years against a man for the murder of a 23-year-old woman and her six-year-old daughter. This happened last year in a house in the Groningen town of Haren. 
Justice continues the 20-year-old suspect from Glimmen for murder and manslaughter. 

The man confessed Monday in the court in Groningen that he has killed both. The bodies were found in the house of the woman in Haren. The man met the woman in the asylum seekers' center in Oude Pekela. Like the victims, the man is from Eritrea. They had a temporary residence status.

According to the man, his girlfriend wanted to stop their relationship. She would go back to her ex, the father of the daughter. They got into a fight about that. He tried to strangle his girlfriend with the cord of a telephone charger, explained the man in court. He finally cut her throat. Then he strangled the girl.

The man called his deed gruesome and a spur of the moment. He would have tried to commit suicide afterwards. The man contacted the police on the morning of October 14th. He was found in the house in the presence of a girl of one and a half years. He had this child with the wife.

Murder and manslaughter
The PPS stated that the man was planning to kill his girlfriend and that there is murder. The girl would be manslaughter. The prosecution found it shocking that the man lay down on the couch after his act and did not care about the child any more. Emergency services have tried to resuscitate her.

According to experts, he is fully accountable. That is why the Public Prosecution Service did not demand a TBS measure.

(Software translation)

OM demands 25 years in prison for family drama Haren (update)

The Public Prosecutor's Office is demanding a 25-year prison sentence against a man from Glimmen for killing a 23-year-old woman and her six-year-old daughter. He is suspected of murder and manslaughter.

The officer finds murder of the woman, because the 20-year-old man from Glimmen acted deliberately. He strangled her in the shower room with a telephone cord and cut her neck with a knife.

Daughter woke up

This happened on the evening of October 13 in the house at the Jufferpad in Haren, where the woman lived with her children. The husband and wife got into a fight that night because the woman wanted to end the relationship. She wanted to build a new life without him. The woman had to die that way.

The six-year-old girl awoke later in the night and saw her mother in the bathroom. She saw her dead mother and started screaming. Then the man has stifled her with a piece of clothing. When she was quiet, he laid her on the bed and covered her.

The Public Prosecutor prosecuted the man for manslaughter on the girl, because the man killed her on an impulse. There was no preconceived plan.

'She is dead, dead, dead'

The man did not know that the girl was dead, he said Monday during the trial. The officer detested the fact that the man did not care about the child.

The suspect said he wanted to commit suicide in the meantime. He fell asleep on the couch. He sounded the next morning.

The man then called with the assistance. He reported that something bad had happened to his wife. "She is dead, dead, dead," he would have said. The man could not remember what had happened that evening, he told the judges.


Experts consider the man fully accountable. No TBS has been advised. Only a long prison sentence is appropriate here, according to the Public Prosecution Service. The lawyer of the man pleaded twice for manslaughter. As a result, the prison sentence would have to be lower.

The judge will rule in two weeks.

Read also:

Victim family drama Haren wanted to go back to her ex
Man (20) in court for killing woman and child

Victim family drama Haren wanted to go back to her ex

The 23-year-old woman from Haren who was killed in October last year by her ex-husband from Glimmen, wanted to return to the father of her eldest daughter. Anger about that intention drove the suspect to his action.

This became clear on Monday during the lawsuit against the man from Glimmen. The woman and the 20-year-old man both came from Eritrea and got to know each other in the azc in Oude Pekela. Together they got a daughter. The woman already had a 6-year-old daughter from another man.


In front of the police, the 20-year-old suspect stated earlier that he begged her not to go back to her ex. During the trial he said that he only heard of her plans on the day of the drama.


Incidentally, during the trial, it was also said that the woman was also walking around with other plans besides her plan for family reunification. She was in contact with other men, including a man in the United States. She was considering emigrating to America for him.


On 14 October last year the woman was strangled in her house at the Jufferpad in Haren and stabbed in her neck. Her 6-year-old daughter was suffocated with a cloth. The 20-year-old man from Glimmen has known that he has killed both. The joint 1-year-old daughter remained unharmed.


The interview of the man during the trial is also difficult. According to the man's lawyer, he does not understand many questions, despite the presence of an interpreter.

The public prosecutor assumes murder of the woman and manslaughter of the girl. 

The requirement follows in the course of the afternoon.

(Software translation)

Victim family drama Haren wanted to go back to her ex

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