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The permanent representative of Eritrea spoke about the pressure during the voting on Sevpotok

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Wednesday, 26 July 2023

The permanent representative of Eritrea spoke about the pressure during the voting on Sevpotok

Diplomat: non-permanent members of the Security Council were frightened when voting on the resolution on "Sevpotok" 

11:53 26.07.2023 (updated: 14:24 07/26/2023)

UN Security Council meeting - RIA Novosti, 1920, 07/26/2023
Meeting of the UN Security Council. Archive photo

UN, July 26 - RIA Novosti, Alan Bulkaty. The non-permanent members of the UN Security Council during the voting on the Russian draft resolution on the investigation of sabotage at the Nord Stream were intimidated by more powerful powers, therefore they abstained, said Sophia Tesfamariam, Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the UN.
Earlier, Eritrea became a co-sponsor of the Russian draft resolution calling on the UN Secretary General to create an international commission to investigate the circumstances of the undermining of the Nord Stream. The UN Security Council was unable to adopt this resolution because of the position of Western states. Russia, China and Brazil voted for the resolution. The remaining members of the Security Council, including the United States, abstained.

"I think they (the abstaining countries - ed.) are afraid. In all the news:" Seymour Hersh , exposing lies. "Sometimes you want the Security Council to show responsibility, fulfill its moral and legal obligations, but this does not happen. Because issues are politicized there" - said Tesfamariam in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Powers with veto power, she said, "are capable of frightening others, act on a quid pro quo - 'I'll do this to you, and in return you'll do that to me'."
"Therefore, there are calls for reform of the Security Council - it does not do what it should, according to the mandate and in accordance with the UN Charter," she said.
The permanent representative indicated that she was not surprised by the outcome of the vote.
"It all depends on who is on the Security Council. I can't say that everyone (members of the Security Council - ed.) come to the Security Council every morning ready to work and adhere to the rules. Everyone goes there to make deals," the diplomat said. .
Answering the question about what exactly the small countries were afraid of during the voting, the permanent representative said: "That aid will be cut off, that they will stop giving money from the IMF, that they will stop giving aid from the World Bank, that there will be bad publications in the press."
"There are many tools to threaten the country. And very few tools to encourage people to do the right thing. Even if someone wants to do the right thing, some of these countries lean towards the bad - because they are encouraged to do so," she concluded. she.
Explosions occurred on September 26, 2022, on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe - Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. Germany, Denmark and Sweden did not rule out targeted sabotage. The operator of Nord Stream, Nord Stream AG, reported that the destruction of gas pipelines was unprecedented and it was impossible to estimate the timing of repairs. The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia initiated a case on an act of international terrorism.
On October 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin reported that Gazprom was allowed to inspect the site of the explosion, and the head of the company, Alexei Miller, reported to him about the inspection. Putin also said that the explosion on the Nord Stream gas pipeline is an obvious terrorist attack. Meanwhile, representatives of the Russian side have repeatedly pointed out that Denmark, Sweden and the Federal Republic of Germany do not allow Russia to participate in their investigations and refuse access to information.
American journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh published his investigation on February 8, in which, citing a source, he stated that explosive devices under Russian gas pipelines were planted in June 2022 under the cover of Baltops exercises by US Navy divers with the support of Norwegian specialists. According to Hersh, the decision to launch the operation was made by US President Joe Biden after nine months of discussions with administration officials involved in national security issues. Later, the Pentagon told RIA Novosti that the United States had nothing to do with undermining Russian gas pipelines.

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