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Flooding in Dubai: evidence points to the real deal, not artificial rain

Posted by: The Conversation

Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2024

When Dubai got a year’s worth of rain in a single day last week, causing severe flooding, many early reports suggested humanmade “cloud seeding” was to blame. One of the world’s most artificial places, flooded by a rainstorm of its own creation?

The rain and the flooding was all too real. But the cloud seeding connection was not. Though Dubai has indeed dabbled in artificial rainmaking, it can’t do anything on this scale. That’s according to Richard Washington. He explains how rainmaking works and writes about his time flying a cloud-seeding Learjet through thunderclouds. He says a “perfect storm” converged over Dubai – and it was far too big to be artificial.

When cannabis legalisation began to sweep across the U.S. 10 years ago, few could have predicted the myriad forms that “weed” would take – and the unintended consequences that the wide availability of products could have on adolescents. Today’s cannabis products barely resemble the dried form of the cannabis plant that many adults associate with the drug.

These new cannabis products often possess concentrations of THC ranging from 40% to 80% or higher – compared with the average of 4% in the 1990s, explains Ty Schepis who studies the effects of substance use on adolescents and young adults. Higher levels of THC present serious risks for mental health conditions including psychosis, schizophrenia and cannabis use disorder.

Will de Freitas

Environment + Energy Editor

Don’t blame Dubai’s freak rain on cloud seeding – the storm was far too big to be human-made

Richard Washington, University of Oxford

Some parts of the Gulf experienced 18 months of rain in a single day.

Cannabis legalization has led to a boom in potent forms of the drug that present new hazards for adolescents

Ty Schepis, Texas State University

THC concentrations in newly available products far exceed those of traditional smoked weed, which can have dangerous unintended consequences in adolescents.

Know thyself − all too well: Why Taylor Swift’s songs are philosophy

Jessica Flanigan, University of Richmond

Introspection, argument, exploring paradoxes: These are hallmarks of great artists, not just philosophers.

The Beautiful Game: a film about the Homelessness World Cup that’s a testament to how football can change lives

Grant Jarvie, The University of Edinburgh

The Homelessness World Cup is a real tournament that has helped hundreds of people all around the world.


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