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How the U.S. Government Became Plain Evil in 1980 & How News-media Hide (Not Report) the Most Important Issues

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Date: Wednesday, 23 October 2024

2 articles:

How the U.S. Government Became Plain Evil in 1980


How News-media Hide (Not Report) the Most Important Issues

How the U.S. Government Became Plain Evil in 1980

22 October 2024, by Eric Zuesse

I shall define “plain evil” here to mean that a Government is committed to producing a World War Three (WW3) that it will ‘win’ so that afterwards it will have destroyed its opponents and then stand alone in control over all nations, the world’s first all-encompassing global power, the first universal empire: the first-ever “hegemon,” that is dictating to all other nations. Any such power-prioritizing-above-all nation has to be unconcerned about the fact that has been ever-increasingly recognized in the relevant scientific literature since the first study on it was published in 2007 — and especially the definitive one on it in 2022 — the fact that any such WW3 would produce a “nuclear winter” and terminate agriculture so that within just the first two years afterwards, at least 5 billion people, or over half of the planet’s human population, will already have died from it. Any Government that would consider this outcome to be a “success” is thus being called here “plain evil.” It’s a terrifically high bar to meet, but (as will be shown here) the U.S. Government meets it. The question here will therefore be: when did this occur, when did the U.S. Government first have this plain-evil top objective?

The fact that the U.S. Government currently is plain evil was first published at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, by the leading U.S. expert on nuclear war, MIT’s  Theodore Postol, on 1 March 2017, writing about a major technological breakthrough in the U.S. Government’s mass-killing-ability, called the “super-fuse”:

This increase in capability is astonishing — boosting the overall killing power of existing US ballistic missile forces by a factor of roughly three — and it creates exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.

Then, on 29 August 2024 (when he became so alarmed at its being installed, that he explained how this “super-fuse” works), he wrote:

The United States has strenuously emphasized the development of nuclear weapons technologies that could make sense only if their intended purpose is for fighting and winning nuclear wars. The super-fuze is exactly that kind of technology.

That’s it, right there.

The way that the super-fuse works — or would work if it does — is by simultaneously blitz-annihilating Russia’s and China’s retaliatory forces. The U.S. Government would then demand their unconditional surrender. At that point, the dream that Harry Truman (inspired by General Dwight Eisenhower and Prime Minister Winston Churchill) formulated for the U.S. back on 25 July 1945, would be finally realized.

America’s nuclear-war strategy is to win a nuclear war, not merely to deter one. This has been especially the case since 2006. But it did not start in 2006 to become that way. A 1981 Ph.D thesis, by William C. Martel, at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, one of America’s leading universities, was titled “A nuclear war-fighting strategy for the United States” and said that such “war involves first-strike attacks against ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers” but not against cities, because “It is the threat of counterforce destruction that deters war. However paradoxical it seems, deterrence is related to a war-winning capability. … Victory depends on counterforce destruction. [Such] war involves first-strike attacks against ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers.” He discussed and dismissed the then-dominant view in the U.S. (and still today accepted by Russia), known as “Mutually Assured Destruction” or “M.A.D.” or “MAD,” in which nuclear weapons exist only in order to deter (not to win) a nuclear war (that the destruction would be unacceptably high on each side), as being no longer valid for America, and he assumed that the Soviet Union was instead planning to win not deter a nuclear war. Martel was assuming that the Soviet Union were lying to say they believed in MAD. On those assumptions, he argued explicitly for the U.S. to win a nuclear war, WW III. He said that this was now, or soon would be, possible, because though:

the nascent U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals could not attack military targets because they were not accurate enough; until the late 1960s, most warheads would land within a mile or so of the target. This is not detrimental if the target is a large, sprawling city that would be destroyed by even a near miss. A missile silo, however, to be destroyed must be hit directly. MAD, therefore, sees potential mass civilian destruction as inevitable and desirable because a nation will not attack if it knows that its own people will be destroyed. … MAD was and remains inviolable [in the U.S.] because of its many sided appeal to politicians and defense bureaucrats. It seemingly offers peace at an affordable price. And the price need never be paid. Even the most "successful" initial attack must, if the theory holds, lead to the attacker's certain end. ...

Opponents of MAD [such as he] seek to reverse the axiom that nuclear war is unthinkable, unwinnable, and unsurvivable. They [he] believe that immediate survival and eventual recovery are possible. If an adversary such as the Soviet Union accepts nuclear war as thinkable, winnable, and survivable and plans accordingly, it is more likely to defeat an opponent, such as the United States, who accepts MAD.

He was attributing to the Soviet Union the win-WW-III objective that he was advocating for the U.S. to adopt. His even deeper underlying assumption was that a war, including a nuclear war, is a contest in evilness between two sides, and that America must therefore be even more evil than he was assuming that the Soviet Union already was: that this would inevitably be a contest in hate and in psychopathy — a contest in destructiveness, and nothing more than that  — and that the U.S. simply must win it. He didn’t provide any reason why the U.S. must win that type of contest. But, if it’s a win-lose game instead of any sort of even merely possible, and merely partially, win-win game, then one wouldn’t need to: everything then is win-lose — there is no win-win in one’s view. 

Advocates of the view that nuclear weapons exist only in order to prevent any need to use them were consequently presented, by him, implicitly, as being now either fools or traitors. He said that MAD simply “ignores the intensely ideological nature of modern international relations. In a world dominated by two such ideological foes as the United States and Soviet Union,” winning is the only moral option. In other words: his neoconservative view took seriously ONLY win-lose games, no win-win ones. He was assuming that this was a war between communism versus capitalism, and not a war by the United States rulers in order to win control over the entire planet (as has actually been the case ever since President Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945). Then, after the end of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact military alliance in 1991 and America’s refusal to end its NATO anti-Soviet military alliance but instead to expand that alliance right up to Russia’s border and to take up again Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa aim to conquer Russia, something extremely heinous became blatantly apparent about prior U.S. allegations that America’s rulers weren’t, in fact, insanely imperialistic (the ‘anti-communist’ excuse for the Cold War had now clearly been shown to have been just that: an excuse), but no U.S.-and-allied newsmedia called attention to this by-now-(after-1991)-amply-proven fact of the lying U.S. regime’s heinous character; and, so, this nation is, by now, definitely a dictatorship that has effectively controlled all of its newsmedia, too, in order to hide from the public what it was actually trying to achieve — the global dictatorship that America’s rulers have, in fact, been aiming to achieve. Other than in a few small-audience far-outside-the-mainstream newsmedia (such as this one), nobody at all was calling attention to the fact that (and why) NATO is intensely evil and must be abolished immediately. Neoconservatism — advocacy for an all-encompassing U.S. global empire — has virtually 100% control in The West. Western publics have been so surrounded by neoconservative media, they cannot think outside that box, of hatred against ’the enemy’ that America’s billionaires have targeted to ‘regime-change’, whatever that might happen to be at the given moment — but ESPECIALLY now concerning both Russia and China (though capitalism now predominates in both of those U.S.-targeted countries). The evil is, and has always been, imperialism (never really capitalism or communism), but no one in Western media is allowed to call attention to this brute fact, that imperialism is always the enemy, which fact explains international relations today.

That 1981 Ph.D thesis from Martel continued:

A Counterforce Strategy

A counterforce strategy consists of direct attacks against the opponents nuclear forces. This means an attack, for the United States, against the entire range of Soviet nuclear forces: ICBMs in their silos, SLBMs in port and at sea, strategic bombers at their fields and in flight, and the command, control and communication (C ) network. The rationale for counterforce is that an enemy cannot fight a nuclear war if its forces are destroyed or crippled.

How does counterforce differ from MAD? For MAD the destruction of counterforce targets is secondary to the destruction of civilian targets. …

A War-Fighting Strategy

In contrast to MAD, with a war-fighting strategy nuclear war is an enterprise that can be fought and won for a well-defined political purpose, but not for retaliation or revenge alone.

In other words, he alleged: MAD is evil, and that the only decent way to think about nuclear weapons is the same way that non-nuclear weapons are thought about: VICTORY!!! That’s “not for revenge or retaliation alone.” He implied, but didn’t say, that MAD is. He said that, unlike the goal (victory) of America’s winning a nuclear war, MAD is NOT “for a well-defined political purpose” — it is ONLY “for revenge or retaliation.”

The professors who approved that thesis were Edward Feit, Guenter Lewy, Stephen Pelz, and Glen Gordon. None of them had background in the field, but even if they had, the quality of thinking in this thesis was blatantly poor, and thus there can be no excuse for it to be allowed to pass in any Ph.D. program, though it's typical in the social ’sciences’ — not just in America, but worldwide. That’s the condition of the social ‘sciences’ up till our time.

After Martel’s 1981 Ph.D thesis, the concept of “nuclear winter” following after an all-out U.S.-Russia war only started being scientifically studied and analyzed; and, ever since 2007, all of the peer-reviewed studies on this subject have concluded that the results would be way beyond what Martel was simply assuming in his 1981 thesis, which entirely ignored that question (other than his mere — and unstated — assumption that the only results from the war would be the local ones in the specific areas where the explosions would be occurring). All of the peer-reviewed scientific analyses since 2007 (none of which are in the social-science fields, and so the professional standards are those of the physical sciences, which are much higher) have concurred that historically unprecedented and mass starvation would occur worldwide, but especially in the northern hemisphere, and that, for many years, there would be little-to-no food-production anywhere in the world; and, the most recent such study (in 2022) concluded that 360 million people would die directly from the explosions, and over 5 billion, more than half of the world’s population, would die from starvation during just the first two years. So, that’s the latest scientific estimate of what the effects could ultimately turn out to be from Obama’s 2014 coup in Ukraine that started the war there, as being at least the initial battleground, in what is now clearly the war that is being waged between the Governments of U.S. and Russia; it’s not between Ukraine v. Russia, but between U.S. v. Russia; it is that “proxy war.”

On 2 March 2022, the neoconservative Loren Thompson, chief of the Lexington Institute, headlined at Chief Executive magazine, “An Expert On Nuclear Strategy Explores The Current Russia Risks”, in which he (a political ‘scientist’) was interviewed on the question of “You’ve spent most of your career, especially the time you spent teaching at Georgetown [University], thinking about the things that nobody likes to think about — the strategy of nuclear war. What’s your sense of where we are right now?” and he answered: “Today, and for the foreseeable future, the United States and Russia will always be only one afternoon away from being destroyed in a nuclear war. We have no effective defenses, and it only takes the weapons of each country about half an hour to reach targets in the other country.” Like such ‘scientists’ usually do, he looked at this from ONLY the national-‘security’ standpoint of his own country, not at all from the far more authentic (actually existential) national-security standpoint of his country’s chosen (for conquest) ‘enemy’.

That is true because right now, according to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), there are at least “5 nations hosting U.S. nuclear weapons”, and they are: Turkey (50), Italy (40), Belgium (20), Germany (20), and Netherlands (20); and the ones nearest to Moscow are Germany, which is 999 miles or 1,608 km away from The Kremlin (Russia’s central command), Turkey, which is 1,091 miles or 1,796 km away, and Italy, which is 1,355 miles or 2,181 km away. However, other NATO members include the formerly Nazi-allied Finland, which was part of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa invasion against Russia during 1941-1944, and it is a new NATO member, and only 507 miles or 815 km away from The Kremlin. That would be about 7 minutes of missile-flying-time away from blitz-decapitating Russia’s Government; and, so, if Finland now will accept America’s nukes (and it already has done that, and so on 3 March 2024, I headlined “Finland’s New President — a CIA Asset — Invites U.S. Nuclear Missiles Into Finland 500 Miles From Moscow”), then The Kremlin would have only 7 minutes in which to confirm that the launch had occurred and to press the button to unleash its thousands of nukes against Finland and all other U.S. allies, to retaliate for America’s attempt to behead Russia’s central-command too fast for Russia to be able to protect against it. Obama had intended that America would ultimately place its missiles in Ukraine, whose border is only 300 miles, or five minutes, away from The Kremlin. The U.S. probably won’t win in that battleground, but, if Finland asks and America says yes to U.S. missiles there, that would probably start the nuclear phase of WW III. 

Russia has additionally a “dead hand” system to retaliate even if a U.S.-and-allied blitz nuclear attack to annihilate Russia’s central command succeeds, but the dead-hand system has never been tested in-toto; so, the U.S. attempt to achieve what Hitler had failed to achieve by his Operation Barbarossa could work, if the U.S. and its allies (its vassal-nations) turn out to be phenomenally lucky (though ruling then over only a virtually dead planet). For them, it’s a high-stakes game that they insist upon playing, and one they play 100% as win-lose, no win-win. So far, they’ve been ignoring that, in reality, the only alternative to playing it as win-lose would be to play it as win-win — an alternative that the U.S. and its ‘allies’ (colonies) have thus far provided no indication that they are even considering. And this is the reason why the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says that the world is closer now, than ever before, to nuclear war — closer than even during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

However, still, the question is unresolved as to WHEN the US. Government STARTED to become devoted to achieving a WW3 ‘victory’. It was when Ronald Reagan became America’s President in 1980, as will now be documented. This was when the evil U.S. Government that was started by Truman on 25 July 1945, became the post-MAD plain evil U.S. Government, that is willing to consider going all the way to WW3 in order to achieve its universal empire of evil.

There is much evidence for this, but perhaps the best of all is included in a very great 2002 historical documentary, which deals with the introduction and development of nuclear powered submarines in the U.S. and then in the Soviet Union. You can access this documentary here, and I also shall be including the transcript of the most relevant passage in it:

"The Cold War: Submarines in Enemy Depths”

52 minutes, 2002. Though produced by Europe’s ZDF Studios, it’s fully honest, not (as one might reasonably expect from an EU-based document) censored to favor the U.S. Government (which owns the EU) against Russia (against which the EU and America’s NATO are targeted).

It’s also at:

"The Deadly Submarine Battles Of The Cold War Submarines In Enemy Depths War Stories”

posted at youtube on 6 August 2024

starting at 32:00 in that, and at 21:00 from the end of this archived version it,,

where you also can see and hear the full 52-minute documentary.

Here is my transcription of that key passage in it:

When the Soviets’ power begins to dwindle, the whole concept [of “M.A.D.”] comes into question [on the U.S. side]. [John] Craven defends it against its critics, pleading against safeguarding America by an anti-ballistic-missile [ABM system that Reagan promoted as “Star Wars”] screen. “You have to be vulnerable yourself, and so that’s why the anti-ballistic-missile treaty was signed, in which both sides agreed that they would not put up an anti-ballistic-missile screen, which meant that both sides were vulnerable to missiles that would be launched against them.” But the new ideology [to actually win a nuclear WW3] is gaining more and more supporters as the Soviet Union grows weaker and weaker. The hawks in the U.S.A. [commonly called “neoconservatives” or advocates for America’s armaments-manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin] say it’s time to get tough [aim for a successful WW3, instead of for no WW3]. Then Ronald Reagan becomes President. He fundamentally changes the strategy of the U.S.A. He no longer relies upon the balance of terror, but invests in the ABM shield and miniature nuclear weapons like this nuclear mine, which can be carried by divers. The Americans no longer want to survive the Cold War, they want to win it [and they want to do it by means of force if necessary in order to ‘win’ it]. “As soon as Reagan came in, every single one of us who had fought against a tactical [nuclear] missile, [a ’small nuke’], okay, was dropped from every advisory committee that we served on. We were purged.”

So, that — the moment when Ronald Reagan came into power — was when the U.S. Government went totally off the rails of basic decency, into pure evil: its decision to go for a ’successful’ WW3 instead of (as had been the case ever since August 29, 1949) for NO WW3. Reagan was thus a real Trumanite — aiming, above all, for the U.S. Government to control all other nations. Like Barack Obama often said, “The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation” — all others are “dispensable.” This is the plain-evil U.S. Government.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

How News-media Hide (Not Report) the Most Important Issues

22 October 2024, by Eric Zuesse

According to physicists, the two existential (live-or-die) policy-issues are to prevent a World War Three (WW3) — a war between nuclear superpowers, which would kill-off more than half of the global population within two years after the explosions — and to prevent runaway heat-up of our climate. Both outcomes (WW3 and gobal burnout) have been becoming increasingly likely during the past few decades (and WW3 as an outcome of the war in Ukraine is higher than it ever was during the Soviet era, it’s reached criticality), but the mainstream news media in the U.S. and its colonies (‘allies’) don’t focus on either of them, because the U.S. Government itself (which all of these media adhere to, regardless of whether they are Republicans or Democrats) is leading the world toward both of these mega-destructive outcomes. Consequently, in a ‘democracy’ which controls its public by controlling what its media report and don’t report to their public, keeping the population ignorant or else misinformed about each of these two mega-dangers is a top priority to achieve — and it is being very effectively done. (This prevents even the possibility of having a real democracy in these countries.)

For example, on October 9th, the Gallup polling organization headlined “Economy Most Important Issue to 2024 Presidential Vote”, and asked Americans to rank the importance of 22 public issue-areas. The public’s importance-rankings of the offered 22 items were: 1. The economy; 2, Democracy in U.S.; 3. Terrorism and national security; 4. Types of Supreme Court justices candidates would pick; 5. Immigration; 6. Education; 7. Healthcare; 8. Gun policy; 9. Abortion; 10. Taxes; 11. Crime; 12. Distribution of income and wealth in the U.S.; 13. The federal budget deficit; 14. Foreign affairs; 15. Situation in Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians; 16. Energy policy; 17. Relations with Russia; 18. Race relations; 19. Relations with China; 20. Trade with other nations; 21. Climate change; 22. Transgender rights.

Avoiding a WW3 wasn’t listed among the offered options, though some of the 22 topics are related to it: 3. Terrorism and national security; 14. Foreign affairs; 17. Relations with Russia; 19. Relations with China. So, the top existential concern (WW3) wasn’t even listed, at all, and therefore wasn’t able to be ranked there. And the second-from-top (but perhaps in the long term even the #1) existential concern, “21. Climate change,” ranked second-to-last. 

This shows that the few people who control the U.S. don’t want the public to be thinking much about either WW3 or a heating planet. Whereas the billionaires — such as the Soros Network —  who fund the Democratic Party and control liberal newsmedia, want the public not to be thinking about the danger of WW3, and are perhaps invested mainly in ‘Defense’ stocks such as Lockheed Martin, which boom from all of this ‘defense’ spending; the billionaires — such as the Koch Network — who fund the Republican Party and control conservative newsmedia, want the public not to be thinking about the dangers of global warming, and are perhaps invested mainly in fossil-fuels stocks such as ExxonMobil, which suffer from all of this public concern about global-warming; so, those issues are not high-priority ones for America’s voters. The combined effect of both the Democratic and the Republican billionaires is to eliminate from being nominated, anyone who has no billionaire backing that candidate; and, so, only candidates who have at least some billionaires backing them, have a chance of being elected to federal office.

There was only one U.S. Presidential candidates’ debate, between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, on September 10th, and the key question wasn’t asked: “Might it be worth a preemptive blitz nuclear attack against Russia &/or China if that's what's needed in order for the U.S. to retain its position as the most powerful nation?” I had emailed it personally to the main moderator, David Muir, seven hours before the debate, while the questions-list was being drawn up; but this, the most important of all questions to be put to the two nominees, wasn’t asked nor at all touched upon; and, so, Americans will go to the polls ignorant of what the answers by Harris and Trump would have been to it. Maybe the electoral contest would have been significantly different if it had been asked. But the people who ultimately control the U.S. Government are clearly not interested in having that question be, at all, an issue in this political contest; so, it isn’t.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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