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Germany either will further decline, or else will ally with Russia.

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Date: Sunday, 29 December 2024

Germany either will further decline, or else will ally with Russia.

28 December 2024, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

Germany was a great manufacturing nation, and Russia is the world’s giant in natural resources; so, the result of these two marrying would be enormous benefit to both. However, America’s billionaires — who control the U.S. empire (of which Germany is a colony) — benefit hugely from preventing that alliance, and so the U.S. Government (which U.S. billionaires control) blew up the Nord Stream pipelines and imposed sanctions punishing any nation that trades with Russia, via not only these anti-Russia sanctions etc., but via these individuals’ control over the U.S. Government and media (to fool voters not only in the U.S. but in its colonies, so that Germans and the subjects in America’s other colonies would view Russia, instead of  view America’s billionaires, as being their enemies); so, there hasn’t been any such marriage between Germany and Russia; and, ever since 2022, there has instead been a U.S.-forced divorce (by sanctions etc.) termination of the economic ties that did exist between Germany and Russia.

Here are excerpts from a comprehensive (though, as is obvious, biased against Russia) article documenting Germany’s, and the EU’s, high dependency upon Russia for its fuel-needs prior to the post-24-February-2022 U.S.-and-colonial sanctions to replace these inexpensive Russian supplies to Europpe, by far costlier supplies mainly from the U.S.:

“Gazprom and Europe: Attached At The Hip?”

28 June 2022, By Advait Lath, Contributor to The London Financial

[Though] it may be a futile exercise to be able to pinpoint the origins of an impending global crisis, chances are, a clandestine Russian gas behemoth, Gazprom, may have something to do with it.

Russia’s Leviathan Role in the Energy Economy

Russia is the leader in global fossil fuel extraction, refining and production. The vast transcontinental landmass that makes up the country is endowed with surfeit natural resources. It is no surprise that it is one of the world’s top three crude producers, along with Saudi Arabia and the USA. According to the IEA, 45% of Russian federal revenues were based on oil and gas in 2021. While supplying 14% of global oil output (11.3 million BPD as of January 2022), Russia heavily exports a large proportion of its total oil produce (7.8 Million BPD) predominantly to China (20%) and Europe (60%). In comparison, US’ total oil production was 17.6 Million BPD and Saudi Arabia’s 12 Million BPD. Through its extensive crude pipeline capacity, exemplified by the protracted, 5,500 Kilometre long Druzhba pipeline network, Russia transports 0.75 Million BPD of crude to Eastern and Central European refineries. Following an Asia-centric energy policy pivot, Russia launched a 4,740 Kilometres, 1.6 Million BPD pipeline to China and Japan in 2012, as a measure to reduce dependency on European exports.

Behind only the US in terms of natural gas production, Russia is home to the world’s largest gas reserves and is the largest exporter of natural gas in the world (See Fig. 2). In 2021 the country produced 762 bcm of natural gas and exported approximately 210 bcm via pipeline. Around 67% (140 bcm) of that gas was imported by the EU in 2021, with an additional 15 bcm of LNG being imported by the EU from Russia. The aforementioned gas imports from Russia represented 45% of the EU’s gas imports. According to the EU’s energy market report (Q4 2020), Russian pipeline supplies covered 49% of extra-EU net gas imports – nearly double the Norwegian pipeline gas, which was the second most prominent source at 22%. Given the European dependency on Russian gas exports, war in Ukraine has complicated matters on the diplomatic and economic fronts. 

Sanctions on Russian gas and crude exports will lead to a systemic and skewed shock on the EU. Bruegel, a European think tank, estimates that a phased embargo on Russian crude oil and oil imports will quantify into a sanction of 30% of EU crude oil imports and 15% on oil product imports. This is neither desirable nor optimal. Russia is the EU’s fifth-largest trading partner for exports and third-largest for imports. Any unilateral move for sanctions on imports could mean a retaliation. Recent complete shut-offs for Poland, Finland and Bulgaria illustrate the need for a well-thought-out plan. The REPowerEU aims to make the EU independent of Russian fossil fuels “well before” 2030. The plan includes a diversification from Russian gas imports, tackling rising energy prices and focusing on enhancing EU gas storage in the near term. This also includes a plan to cut dependency on Russian gas imports by two-thirds by the end of the year, which may be costly for Europe given the heavy and rigid pipeline infrastructure already set up with Russia in mind. …

Even before the 2022 imposition of the ‘anti-Russia’ sanctions, economic analyses of what the impact upon Europe — and particularly upon Germany — would be if Russia were cut off as being a fuel-supplier, all showed that this would approximately double those European fuel-costs. The main reason for this is that pipelined oil and (especially) gas is far cheaper than trucked or shipped (or especially than LNG compressed, canned, and shipped, gas). Germany’s manufacturers have especially been relying upon Russia’s pipelined gas, and so their fuel-costs, now using LNG (mostly from America), are in some cases as much as four times higher than before the anti-Russia sanctions were imposed.

Prior to Obama’s slapping sanctions against Russia starting in 2012 (the Magnitsky Act sanctions based upon lies) and then the many subsequent rounds of anti-Russia sanctions (all based on lies), Germany had cooperated with Russia by co-ownership of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines, and by Russia’s being Germany’s by-far-lowest-cost energy source for its factories and consumers, so as to keep German manufactured goods cost-competitive with other nations, and keeping down German inflation. But all of that disappeared in 2022, and Germany’s economic plunge since then started and has continued ever since, largely as a consequence of the U.S.-and-allied anti-Russia sanctions, which ended up hurting European economiesespecially Germany’s — far more than hurting Russia’s. Ever since 2022, there has been a rush of German and other manufacturing jobs into the U.S., which — like Russia — has low-cost gas and oil, and which, in addition, has far lower taxes on corporate owners than Europe does, and which, furthermore, has far less regulation of corporations, and lower standards, than Europe does. Though Europe’s living standards are higher than in America, America is better for billionaires than Europe is; and, now, with America siphoning off so much of what’s good for the European public, Europe’s living standards are declining too, and will long continue to decline, especially because desperate European countries are needing to sign long-term contracts with American producers of condensed canned cross-Atlantic-shipped gas that is over three times the price that formerly was supplied to Europe by Russia’s natural gas (and oil) pipelines. In order to stay in the U.S. Empire, European countries must comply with America’s sanctions against Russia — sanctions which are strangling European economies and forcing up the cost of living, while driving down Europe’s living-standards.

An article was posted on 28 December 2024 titled “Freedom Declaration Of The Sovereign And Oppressed Nations Across The World” but (as-of this writing) provides no means by which readers may sign it. Not only should people in the countries that the U.S. Government imposes sanctions against (such as Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, etc. — the targets of America’s regime-change campaigns) be signing it, but ALSO Europeans, Japanese, and other U.S. colonials should sign it, because the U.S. regime is YOUR enemy too. But the document provides no opportunity to sign it. That is obviously an amateurish effort, and much better than that will be needed, and it must include public campaigns against NATO, as being what it is and always has been: the U.S. Government’s imperial military organization to conquer ultimately Russia and any nation that isn’t hostile toward Russia. The U.S. Government is not only behind the current genocide against the Gazans but also against peoples everywhere who resist joining the U.S. empire; and, as such, NATO must be stopped, because the U.S. regime endangers the entire world. It must be promptly ended. All of America’s ‘allies’ (colonies) must abandon it, because they abandoned their own people by continuing to participate in it after 1991. Do you know that 65% of the entire world’s miilitary spending is being done by the U.S. Government alone? Only 35% of it comes from the world’s other 200 countries — and the U.S. Government wants the non-U.S. NATO member-nations to increase THEIR military spending. Guess whose pockets the profits from those increased military sales would be going into. It would be mainly the billionaires who control corporations such as Lockheed Martin.

The reality is more gruesome than anyone talks about. Maybe that’s because the media are likewise controlled by the biggest beneficiaries of the existing situation. So, I encourage you to click onto any linked term or phrase here, if you want to see what my ultimates sources are, regarding any assertion here.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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