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How to Identify When the U.S. Empire Is Lying

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Date: Thursday, 20 February 2025

How to Identify When the U.S. Empire Is Lying

19 February 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

A good and typical example of how the U.S. empire does it is this ‘news’-report on February 19th from Politico damning the end of the 1945-2025 Cold War by the U.S. Government to conquer Russia, and trying to extend the latest phase of that War (the Ukraine-war phase), which the U.S. Government started in 2014. Politico headlined about it as-if the aggression was by Russia against America, instead of being aggression by the U.S. against Russia (which it is): “Trump’s America is Putin’s ally now: Europe and Ukraine are learning how little the U.S. cares, as the new president aligns himself with their greatest enemy.” How is Russia an enemy of Europe? Russia is Europe’s largest and most-populous nation, and ever since Russia ended its side of the Cold War in 1991, it has presented zero threat to any European nation until the U.S. took over Ukraine in 2014 and turned it rabidly against Russia.

Another good example of how the U.S. empire is lying — and a more sophisticated one — is a February 17th U.S. Associated Press (AP) explanatory ‘news’-report headlined “Germany’s economy is in the dumps. Here are 5 reasons why”. It opened:

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Germany hasn’t seen significant economic growth in five years. It’s a stunning turnaround for Europe’s biggest economy, which for much of this century had expanded exports and dominated world trade in engineered products like industrial machinery and luxury cars.

So what happened?

Here are five reasons for Germany’s ongoing economic slump:

[#1] Energy shock from Russia

Moscow’s decision to cut off natural gas supplies to Germany in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dealt a severe blow. For years, Germany’s business model was based on cheap energy fueling production of industrial goods for export.

But this WASN’T an “Energy shock from Russia”; as I had documented back on 28 September 2022 under the heading “How America Is Crushing Europe”

America creates, imposes, and enforces the sanctions against Russia, which are forcing up energy-prices in Europe, and are thereby driving Europe’s corporations to move to America, where taxes, safety-and-environmental regulations, and the rights of labor, are far lower, and so profits will be far higher for the investors.

Furthermore, America can supply its own energy.

Therefore, supply-chains are less dicey in the U.S. than in Europe. There is less and less reason now for a firm to be doing anything in Europe except selling to Europeans, who are becoming increasingly desperate to get whatever they can afford to buy, now that Russia, which had been providing the lowest-cost energy and other commodities, is being strangled out of European markets, by the sanctions. Money can move even when its owner can’t.

The European public will now be left farther and farther behind as Europe’s wealth flees — mainly to America (whose Government had created this capital-flight of Europe’s wealth).

Europe’s leaders have cooperated with America’s leaders, to cause this European decline (by joining, instead of rejecting, America’s sanctions against Russia), but Germany’s companies can also enjoy significant benefits from relocating or expanding in America. Germany’s business daily newspaper, Handlelsblatt, reported, on September 25th, “More and more German companies are expanding their locations in North America: Washington attracts German companies with cheap energy and low taxes. This applies above all to the southern states. Berlin is alarmed – and wants to take countermeasures.”

(Original: “Immer mehr deutsche Unternehmen bauen ihre Standorte in Nordamerika aus: Washington lockt deutsche Firmen mit billiger Energie und niedrigen Steuern. Das gilt vor allem für die Südstaaten. Berlin ist alarmiert – und will gegensteuern.”)

It says that:

“Numerous German companies are planning to set up or expand their U.S. locations. … U.S. states such as Virginia, Georgia, and Oklahoma, show increasing interest” in offering special inducements for these firms to relocate, or to at least expand, their production in the U.S. For example, Pat Wilson, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, tells German companies that,

“Our energy costs are low, and the networks are stable. … Companies coming to Georgia [from Germany] are reducing their carbon footprint.” …

This report reported described the initial indications that America’s anti-Russian sanctions and blowing up of the Nord Stream energy pipelines from Russia were forcing German firms to relocate their manufacturing to America — and that Biden had instituted special inducements for them to relocate here. 

Then on 24 June 2023, I headlined “Now the Pay-off Comes from Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipeline” and reported that the massive 20-year commitment of Germany to buy LNG (liquefied natural gas) compressed, canned and cross-Atlantic shipped, from the U.S. to Germany, to replace Russia’s prior super-cheap pipelined-in natural gas to Germany, will doom the German economy.

Then, on 6 January 2025, I headlined “The Hidden Lies Behind America’s Destruction of Europe”, and opened:

As the following will document, the European masses are victims of a professionally run operation to deceive and thus control them, which makes a mockery of democracy. It’s financed by U.S.-and-allied billionaires, who profit immensely by doing this, while destroying their own country. Like all empires throughout history, it entails cooperation between the super-rich (the aristocracy) in the imperial country (here the U.S.) and in their victim-countries (their colonies — euphemistically called ‘allies’ in order further to fool the masses to support their exploiters). Although this documentation pertains only to the U.S. empire today, it also exemplifies what has been the normal human reality for the past thousands of years.

And it closed with:

I already had headlined on January 1st “UK, Germany, Italy, France, Japan — Likeliest for Economic Crash This Year” and documented that Germany was second only to UK in paying the most exorbitantly high prices for gas — the fuel that’s used the most by manufacturers — and that therefore Germany was now second only to UK in its likelihood of having an economic crash soon. In other words: U.S.-and-allied billionaires are especially bleeding those two nations’ publics by means of fooling them to endorse or at least tolerate this racket that the U.S. Government has been running in Ukraine ever since the U.S. Government grabbed Ukraine in February 2014.

As regards a solution to this problem, I addressed that in my 16 March 2023 “The Transformative Present Moment in History”.

So: the actual source of Germany’s plunging economy isn’t an “Energy shock from Russia”; it is an energy-shock from Germany’s being the biggest colony of the U.S. regime — the U.S. empire — which has 917 foreign military bases (it formerly was 900 foreign military bases, in addition to the 779 inside the U.S.), of which number Germany has the most, 112 (it used-to be 228; so, this number has come way down), followed by Japan, with 97 (it formerly was 79; the plan now is to conquer China, which is why some of those closed bases in Germany are going to Japan). All of the propaganda by it against Russia has been lies. (Now, the lies will be mainly against China.) 

Furthermore, since there are 300 leading ‘news’-people on my distribution-list and each of the mainstream media U.S.-and-‘allied’ (colonial) ‘news’-organizations is on that list, they all have known this fact though they persistently say that Germany’s decline is due mainly to an energy-shock “from Russia.” They lie because this is what their owners (who were behind their regime’s having grabbed control over Ukraine in 2014) require them to do if those ‘news’ people are to keep their jobs.

This is modern imperialistic racist fascism; the modernized version of nazism. The ‘news’-media are an essential part of it, because the ‘democratic’ version requires a deeply deceived public, in order to control the voters. Unlike Hitler’s regime (which made no pretense to democracy), Trumanite America does. And, so, it does an even better (and far more sophisticated) job of deceiving its masses than Hitler’s did.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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