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Trump/Witkoff: “We can’t accept any democracy in Gaza.”

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Date: Sunday, 23 March 2025

Trump/Witkoff: “We can’t accept any democracy in Gaza.”

22 March 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

On March 21st, Steve Witkoff, who is Trump’s only successful international negotiator — he arranged the ceasefire in Gaza, and the communications between Trump and Putin regarding Ukraine — was interviewed for 88 minutes by Tucker Carlson here

“Steve Witkoff’s Critical Role in Negotiating Global Peace”

and the crucial moment was at 10:50 here, where Witkoff reveals that he ‘negotiates’ with Hamas only by demanding their annihilation:



WITKOFF: What does Hamas want? I think they want to stay there till the end of time and they want to 


rule Gaza. Yes. And that's unacceptable. So we have to know that. We had to know what they wanted. 


What they want is unacceptable. What's acceptable to us is they need to demilitarize. [Israel doesn’t need to he says — though Gaza is legally Palestine’s territory, where Hamas was democratically elected into power, NOT Israel’s territory at all.] Then maybe they could stay there a 


little bit, right? Be involved politically, but they can't be involved. We can't have a terrorist organization [He’s saying that Hamas is “terrorist” but Israel isn’t.] running Gaza 


because that won't be acceptable to Israel. [So he’s saying that he represents Israel, AGAINST Hamas.] Then we'll just have the same exact experiences 


of every. Every five, 10, 15 years, we're gonna have an October 27th. October 7th, pardon me. 


So that's what Hamas wants. That's not possible. [He wants to negotiate wiith Hamas but insists upon their being defeated by Israel, though Israel has no legal authority over Gaza.] CARLSON: What do they like to deal with? 


WITKOFF: I've never really, I've never been in the same room as them, which is 


a little bit weird, wouldn't you say? Like a negotiation where you don't have the other party? Like you don't even know if 


the guy behind the wall is the Wizard of Oz or he's not the Wizard of Oz, right? CARLSON: So. So how do you keep, I mean, without, 


you know, giving away anything you can. I think — WITKOFF: We trust the Qataris [who  with the Sauds, U.S. and Turkey backed al-Qaeda’s take-over of Syria on January 29th]. If I didn't trust the Qataris, then 


that would be really problematic, not meeting with Hamas. And of course, you know, we read- CARLSON: So 


you can communicate with Hamas through the Qataris. WITKOFF: Right, and Sheik Mohammed [al-Thani], the Prime 


Minister [and owner] of Qatar, is a good man. CARLSON: He really is. WITKOFF: He certainly is a good man. He's a special guy. He really is, and he cares, and I’ve 


spent a lot of time with him, and broken bread with him, and he's just a good, decent human 


being who wants what's best for his people, but also like what you were alluding to before, 


he's able to put himself in the shoes of the Israelis, of the United States [but NOT of Hamas], and I think 


explain to the Qataris, excuse me, explain to Hamas, where they're gonna have to get to 


to make a deal. CARLSON: And do, I mean, from an American perspective, like 


it's just hard to even understand what Hamas is thinking, or do you, but it’s 


essential to understand. I mean, just as a procedural matter, we need to know. Correct? So is it hard for you to understand? 


Like, do you feel like you can effectively communicate with them, even through proxy, 


and understand what they want and what their, you know, what their red lines are or whatever? Can you negotiate with them? 


WITKOFF: Well, it's hard, you know, I'll give you an example of what makes it hard. I went to Gaza, 


and then I had this fabulous lunch with CENTCOM people, you know, military guys. 


I shook hands with everybody I met, because who doesn't want to shake the hand of these guys who are out in the field, you know, they 


protect our country. I'm talking about our military guys. And then they showed me, this is 


Southern Command of Israel, then showed me a film of what happened on October 7th. And the film is horrific. 


It is about mass rapes. [He’s saying that that event justifies the ethnic cleansing by expulsion if not extermination of the 2.3 million Gazans.] 



On 17 December 2023, I headlined “Polls Show Americans Wildly Deceived About Gaza War”, and reported that the corruptness and constant comproming by the U.S.-Government-backed Palestinian Authority (Fatah), the group that has nominally been ruling in the West Bank while the far less compromised Hamas that (despite huge U.S. financial backing to the campaign of the corrupt Palestinian Authority) was overwhelmingly elected in Gaza in 2006 and has ruled there ever since; has only INCREASED after Israel began its bombings and blockade of Gaza that started on 16 October 2023, and so now even in the West Bank, Hamas is more popular than the Palestinian Authority is. Witkoff/Trump’s demanding that Hamas be defeated by Israel (with U.S. weaponry and satellite intelligence) is demanding that the Gazans be entirely ethnically cleansed out of Gaza if not simply exterminated there — and he is ‘negotiating’ with the Gazans (Hamas) on that basis: demanding them to be eliminated.  When Witkoff was asked if “you know what their red lines are” and replied “Well, it's hard, you know, I'll give you an example of what makes it hard. I went to Gaza” and he simply ignored the asked question and expressed concern only about the 7 October 2023 event that the entire Zionist propaganda machine constantly trumpets as their reason for what they’re now doing to 2.3 million Gazans, that made clear Witkoff/Trump’s utter psychopathy. And they have the nerve to demand that Hamas must be prohibited from  “running Gaza because that won't be acceptable to Israel.” Moreover, he is using as his interlocutor with Hamas — which America is clearly treating as an enemy that must be defeated, and merely PRETENDS to be negotiatiing with — Sheik Mohammed [al-Thani], the Prime Minister of Qatar, whom Witkoff calls a “good man,” that “goodman” was a leader in the Saudi-Qatari-Turkish-U.S. coalition that installed Syria’s al-Qaeda on 29 January 2025 to run that country now and are ethnically cleansing, massacring, Syrians who are Alawites, Shiites, Druze, and Christians. Trump/Witkoff are culminating the Obama-Biden pro-al-Qaeda policy.

Trump considers Hamas “terrorists” but is actually accepting al-Qaeda — not by mouth but by decisions. Witkoff calls Sheik Mohammed al-Thani “a good man” but won’t even talk with Hamas or anyone who represents them — Hamas, the democratically elected and increasingly popular leaders of Gaza. And THIS is Witkoff’s way of ‘negotiation’.

Is the U.S. Government the very personification of evil in the world today? We can see the answer to this from Tucker Carlson’s March 21st interview of Steve Witkoff, but that’s just another piece of evidence, all of which displays the very same answer to it. When they condemn “empathy,” they really do mean it, and what it means is that they are psychopaths. They really do represent ONLY America’s billionaires. Of course, they PRETEND not to. But all of the evidence is that they DO. The conundrum for Democrats is that they even pretend to HAVE empathy; so, they add-in hypocrisy, to their psychopathy. The Democratic Party in the first half of the Twentieth Century really did have some empathy, but now that’s all been replaced by mere hypocrisy; and, so, the two American political Parties have become basically the same. Democrats only pretend to be decent.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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