World News

Water shortages limit hand washing | Weekly update

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Thursday, 02 April 2020


Editor's note

You're advised to wash your hands often and thoroughly to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, but more than two billion people live without reliable access to clean water. Experts worry the risk of infection could multiply in communities that lack sanitation and hand washing facilities, but even where these systems exist, the global pandemic could cause widespread shortages. In Jordan, hand washing is thought to have caused a 40% spike in water demand since the start of the nationwide curfew. Raya A. Al-Masri explains how COVID-19 could exacerbate water poverty, and outlines the kind of collective action that's urgently needed to solve both crises.  

Experts from around the world continue to explore different aspects of the COVID-19 across all our sites. Here's our weekly update containing just some of the articles touching on varying elements of this complex global outbreak.

Jack Marley

Commissioning Editor, Environment + Energy

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En Français

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En español

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