World News

Malawi’s new leader | Racism in US health system

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Wednesday, 01 July 2020


The consensus is that Malawi has pulled off a major democratic success with a presidential election rerun that saw Lazarus Chakwera emerge the winner. Adem K Abebe argues that the entire process has indeed been remarkable. But, he warns, the success of the country’s democratic dispensation will be measured on the extent to which it delivers public goods - opportunities, development and accountability - for the people.

Meanwhile, in the US, experts often cite factors like poverty, poor diet and stress for the disproportionately high rates at which Black Americans are dying from COVID-19. But as IUPUI scholars, Tamika Zapolski and Ukamaka Oruche explain, the US health care system itself shares the blame as African Americans face bias from providers. They experience longer wait times for appointments than white people and tend to lack clinics in their own neighbourhoods.

Thabo Leshilo

Politics + Society

Lazarus Chakwera, the new president of Malawi. Amos Gumulira/AFP via Getty Images

Chakwera has his work cut out restoring democratic rule that delivers for Malawians

Adem K Abebe, University of Pretoria

The success of Malawi’s democratic dispensation will be measured on the extent to which it delivers public goods – opportunities, development, accountability – for the people.

Mortality rates for COVID-19 are two to three times higher for African Americans than whites. Getty Images/EyeEm/Robin Gentry

How racism in US health system hinders care and costs lives of African Americans

Tamika C.B. Zapolski, IUPUI; Ukamaka M. Oruche, IUPUI

COVID-19 has again demonstrated the health inequities that exist between African Americans and whites.

Health + Medicine

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Shukri F. Mohamed, African Population and Health Research Center

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Environment + Energy

New research shows the South Pole is warming faster than the rest of the world

Kyle Clem, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington

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Laura Revell, University of Canterbury

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Coronavirus and cancer hijack the same parts in human cells to spread – and our team identified existing cancer drugs that could fight COVID-19

Nevan Krogan, University of California, San Francisco

Kinases are cellular control switches. When they malfunction, they can cause cancer. The coronavirus hijacks these kinases to replicate, and cancer drugs that target them could fight COVID-19.

A few superspreaders transmit the majority of coronavirus cases

Elizabeth McGraw, Pennsylvania State University

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En Français

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Claude Patriat, Auteurs fondateurs The Conversation France

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En español

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